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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. My god, for the last time. XDan is Daniel, a man. xDRegistered under Danielle though, obviously not his real name.
  2. Hmm, just anything that has a bit of notice, a week? But stay clear of New Years, mayhe even after. Not sure, but preferred weekend. Any ideas?
  3. I think the war should be okay if the war date is a little further away. 28th is awful near.Kind of iffy about dung items on though. But how many are AL pulling atm?
  4. Eh yeah, serious stakes make A LOT of money. I remember back in LoL (Legacy of Legends), there was this 138, good friend of mine, who staked a lot. He'd spam the IRC with pics of his 500m wins, lol. Then he lost 10b staking, just goes to show it's all luck. Quit RS, haven't seen him much ever since.But yeah, staking is a really good way of income, wish I could stake, cba to get stats though. Lmao.
  5. You know I meant guthans, since I wrote a few paragraphs on it earlier in the guide. xD But thanks for pointing that out, just a typo.
  6. Oi! I'm a chav. (Well, "knacker" in Ireland!)This is actually kind of interesting in a way, wonder if he's up for it.
  7. Hmm, sounds like a decent game, is it good?
  8. If it's 10% done, why is it not edited in?
  9. Muscle, you don't need to be so dependant on ECs to make events all the time! Try hosting your own F2P events!
  10. Can we at least have this on the 29th+?
  11. Lol, this is actually pretty funny. xD Lol'd!
  12. Who says it isn't Zezima? But yeah, wondering why they are doing all these things for Google Chrome now, even though there is already a toolbar for FireFox.
  13. Fergal


    Well you said something about moving the forums that are not directly related to RS over here. Try that?
  14. Well obviously... you can blog anything. Lol.
  15. Fergal


    You've come as far as buying this board, which looks fucking amazing already; give it a shot at games.
  16. Ah yes, completely forgot about the blogs. Blogging an "adventure log"-like thing is also a good idea (as in what you're up to on RS, epic PKs, clue rewards etc)!I may set one up myself. =P
  17. I could have sworn Brad said he was saying no last night to be but I'm up for it.Would like to see a fun war since it has been ages since our last war, but that's not my decision, just an idea.
  18. Updated.However, you do not have 500 posts on THESE forums yet. I know you had on the older ones, but all forum/site related awards are for these only. Gave you 250.
  19. Nice. TV + Black Ops (again, BO > MW3!) and Skyrim here.
  20. PS3! Only saying that because I have a PS3, but yeah.
  21. Fergal

    Hi :)

    Wouldn't say most people at this stage... heard of you (and talked in IRC lately) though.So yeah, hey Jamie, what's up? =)
  22. If you are used of it, it's not hard. Just saying it requires a higher level of attention compared to other minigames such as Castle Wars.But yeah, defending is a bitch. Collector/Attacker role ftw!
  23. Oh wow, sorry. I hadn't realised. Hope you can get through it. :S
  24. Traggy. Fix the "Like" button for these. ;)

    1. FunnyPirate


      yup, we realy need them :D

  25. Great to see people motivated to help the clan. Seriously, this is what keeps TRR on its feet, good to here it Muscle.
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