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Posts posted by NoRegrets

  1. so many of you have seen the post of the saddest moment in life.   but now im back and got the new flatscreen,    bought the xbox yesterday and redownloaded the profile from xbox live.   redownloaded the glorious skyrim game.........   i have no data and the game wont launch.  why does this happen??????    i get the message "xbox stores cant launch skyrim"  

  2. many of you read the "saddest moment in life"  blog,  update on the situation.  i decided to let karma do its work as its never let me down before.   and boy did it.   i will be getting a new star wars xbox or the elite on the 15th, i have the new tv at the house already.  and she..... well she is a wreck right now.  her new bf has supposedly dumped her, her dog has ripped and shredded her entire house apart,  my dog that she took has shit and pissed everywhere and barks all night long and she wants me to take him back, and to top it all off i do believe that her parents (devout christians) have found out that their angel has slept with 20+ men and have almost disowned her. i would normally feel sorry for her but.......no i feel nothing at all.

    • Upvote 2
  3. Who was the worst boss you ever had and why.  where did you work.


    my current boss,  codname: dickhead

    chrysler jeep dodge dealership

    insensitive asshole



    so heres a recap of why he is one.  

    my grandparents are like many, old.  grandma is weak and brittle and cannot do many things that younger women can.  grandpa is a 30+ year marine corps vet who taught for twelve year and has went through prostate,kidney,and test cancer.  thus he cannot do things that he would like and its mentally frustrating.  today they put down their dog who theyve had for 2 years (bought to try to make things easier for them mentally, feeling like they can still take care of something created a fulfillment in their life that only a few can understand)    many familys burn their animals or bury them in a place of meaning.  my grandparents bury theirs.   but because of the previous reasons they cannot bury the dog and have asked me to do so for them.  the conversations is as follows


    me: hey im going to bounce out early today i have to bury my grandparents dog in the backyard and then help them with some persian rugs being thrown out.


    dickhead: if were busy your going to stay


    me: i understand but if were not slammed then im going to try to get out just a bit early, the dog is in a box just sitting in their house and its just not right for them to have to sit their and look at him all day.


    dickhead: its not like hes going anywhere and your grandpa probably has seen death before so whats the problem.


    me:  right a man who was in the breakout of k'san certainly needs to revisit death by watching the box with his dead dog in it that makes alot of sense phillip.


    dickhead:   whatever just bury the mutt and get it over with.


    end of discussion.

    • Upvote 1
  4. oh lydia that bitch had 10k of my gold and epic armor but alas i never saw her again.  so every time i get a follower that is a woman i take them to the throat of the world and launch them off of it to punish the women for her treachery

    • Upvote 1
  5. back in the day when we were kids and loved every new system out, what was the best game in your opinion and why and for what system?


    case in point  

    gamecube- metroid prime echoes.   the game play and constant open map plus finding treasures was a always fun time killer,  the story line was easy to follow and enemies were challenging and fun for the age group i was in at the time.

  6. in america we have always been told that the australian gun regulation started after the massacre of tourists nearly twenty years ago but thats all they teach us in school. but in regards to that your regulations are something that america should adopt if what i was told is right. when i said that in the modern world guns are a norm i was referring to the fact that any country with modern technology ie computers, tvs, xbox, ps3 etc  see guns in nearly everything from games to movies.  thus not making it a taboo object to talk about. but yes traag good job lol

  7. NO NO NO only a few % are in gangs and we do not consider them to be much of a citizen anyway.  but you cant stereotype americans as the only country with gang violence.  turn back the history pages and look at africa, germany, mexico, belgium undrground, china, ukraine, the former USSR, dublin in itself, iraq, etc.    if you look at the modern world brought up in watfare guns are a norm and nothing will change that.  the human condition calls for violence, its part of us.  if you want to get   technical then think back to when you were a kid and you had your group of friends, no matter what happened or who messed with you they had your back, is that not in itself a gang?  maybe not to the extreme of what your talking about but i hate to say it but with that last statement being said everyone on earth is by your definition a faggot.  no offense man but this has nothing to do with faggots or gangs, it has to do with the restrictions of freedom based on a charter written years ago that was based from that time.  not in todays statistics.  how can we try to mold something that was very broad to find what fits us now and days?  what america is facing is nothing more than 2 things,  big government believing that what they think is right not what the people want. and out of proportion over the top media coverage of the sandy hook tragedy.  yes children died and yes it hurts but that does not change the fact that it happens everywhere all over the world.  people die, and if you take away the ability to defend yourself (whether it be arms, or knowledge) then how can we protect those that matter most.   case in point, you take away normal peoples weapons, pistols, AR's, shot guns any means necessary to protect yourself and then make them illegal   now only criminals have them, what do we have to defend against the criminals now?  or if martial law was implemented,  military has ground to shoot on site any threat they see fit, i for one will not sit idly by and die because some PTS nutjob comes home from over a decade of war and cant distinguish the difference between a noncombatant and a insurgent.   your statement is neither political or justifiable, what it is is a bases on how the world views the american government, not the american people.    

  8. WE HAVE AN 18+ SECTION????????? oh dear...

     lol new tv, $700      

      xbox $200+ (in the works)      

    skyrim $60

    look on her face when she stopped by to get her clothes and i was railing catie from hooters.... priceless  




    whos david

    • Upvote 1
  9. lol ill upload the info in a bit.  the xbox was a gift given to me by her so that was her reasoning behind it. she said she bought it so it was hers but in my other posts ive stated that i had the downloadable game not the disk so now 394 hours of my life in the past 6 months is gone.  along with the game.  now i have to buy another tv, xbox, and skyrim, cod mw3, and 20 plus games. im basically fucked but whatever money comes and goes. but ive already had the locks changed and the cops here dont give a fuck, they said she had a key so they cant verify the property was mine or hers. funny how that works. 

    • Upvote 1
  10. hahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha...............no

  11. new years resolution,  try not to get aggravated with peoples stupidity.  realize that not everyone can be as smart as i would like and then let it go when i find myself wanted to dropkick a young ethiopian because of the level of incoherent bullshit coming out of their mouth.

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