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Posts posted by NoRegrets

  1. i understand and its based off where you are from to what background you have.  my grandfather  was 30 year marine corps.  then when to teaching.  with that background he always had a firearm on him.  he was requested by the administrators to carry.  along with the 7 other teachers in his wing of the high-school. no kid ever knew they had them,  but out of the 10 to 12 incidents he delt with he always had one on him, and 4 of those incidents the student had a weapon.  

  2. tighter gun laws?  really?  how many guns are already out there.  how hard is it to get a gun off the streets.  tightening regulations will not solve the problem, arming more will.  i'm not saying every person should have a gun but the best defense is a good offense.  if the teachers had been trained or at least had prior weapons training this COULD HAVE (not for sure) been prevented. have a lock box in the principals office. dont arm everyone but the key people in the upper management.  have the ability to defend yourself.  all places of business should be armed.  you want to preserve the future of this country by shielding children to the horrors of the world. no one will make it under that reformation.  america was built on violence and acts of horror.  and in todays society of "who has the latest ipod or phone"  have you stopped to think that the less fortunate or greedy will become spiteful to the rich and those with more.  children are precious and innocent. why would you not want to protect them in the fiercest way possible making any person with bad intentions think twice before harming the innocent.  ask any parent of the children who died what they think and listen to the responses.  now ask what they would do to that make mentally handicapped or not if he was still alive and they could get away with it.  we all have violence in our system, its in our blood. and we have suppressed it to where only in times of need does it actually come out.  at the  very least we should continuously protect  whats dearest to us.

  3. in beast form i find myself very very entertained slaughtering all the would be idiots trying to kill me.  but the problem i find is there are random people that just beat the piss out of me.  is there a list of who i need to watch out for while in beast mode? along with that is there extra power attacks or ways to attack besides left trigger right trigger?

  4. WEIRDEST MOMENT?  the dog encounter when you have to take him back to his master or kill him.  scenario?   me just walking along minding my own business when all of a sudden music plays and i here  "your just what i was looking for"  so what does any self respecting  self proclaimed ninja of skyrim do?  draw my weapon and run around slashing at the air trying find who dare speak to me out of turn.  (all this time being chase by this ungodly mutt.)  then with a giant slash i hit him and and he proceeds to talk to me.  i cannot express this enough.  dogs dont talk. so weird 

  5. the chest is in dawnstar.   when you speak to Ah'kar (cat like lady who is a traveling merchant) you can sell all the items you want and take the money she has to offer or you can just look through her inventory and find what she has.   she is southwest of  dawnstar off the main road into the city and is accompanied by on of the expert/master trainers.  turn around and head due east past a couple buildings.  there is a giant stone on your right with a guard that has a torch usually. JUST PAST HIM are two small evergreen looking trees with three small rocks in a triangle shape.   in the center of that small rock formation look down and move your cursor or controller around till it says search chest.  you will not see the chest because its invisible. inside is  Ah'kars money and all the items she had on her when you looked.  these items all now all yours.  i would suggest showing up with nothing on and nothing in the inventory.  by the time your done taking everything you should be loaded down and if you have all your regular things on you, you wont be able to run or fast travel to sell the items or store them.  this chest is just like a normal merchant.  after two in game days you can hit it again, and again, and again.  have fun and join the theives guild

  6. alot of these people on here have the right idea in regards to leveling up.   but i have yet to see on of the simplest ideas on here.  so here's the easiest way i got up to level 52 archery in about 2 hours.  (this is a somewhat boring segment so if you hate taking time to do things then this isn't for you)  


    1: get all the arrows you can.

    2: head to whiterun. 

    3: go due east or west whichever and find the mammoths. (they will be accompanied by giants kill them first)

    4: fire an arrow at a mammoth.  

    5: run to the nearest rock ledges and get to the highest point the mammoth will follow you and stand under you most of the time.

    6: fire until the animal dies. 

    7: fast travel to nearest city buy arrows.

    8: repeat


    most of the mammoths are accompanied by 1 or two giants and the mammoths travel in pacts of 2-5.  

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