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Posts posted by NoRegrets

  1. northwatch keep.   elven guards, and thalmor guards.   glass swords, maces, battle axes.  when you finish the mission to set free the prisoner search every guard.  take everything you can that would sell for alot.  seems simple now comes the fun part.  take everything you have to the arcane enchanter and make sure you have alot of black soul gems and grand soul gems.   just sit there and enchant everything you have.  its a simple task and increases enchanting quite a bit.  i increase 17 levels in about an hour.  then sold everything i had enchanted and made nearly 40k.

  2. from my friends to videos on youtube, waterfalls almost always have a hidden soom behind them, or a chest near them under water.  and on the topic of water i cannot express enough that skyrim is a map that is completely open, meaning nothing should be left to chance.  water, ice, stone, air, and fire, all of them elements have chest in them,  use flames on ice and sometimes youll find a chest in melting ice, stone: blast objects out of your way and find paths and rooms, air: more than once ive found chests floating, fire: inside campfires around giant lairs or hunter camps you can find chests in them or near them.  



    are there places youve noticed chests are usually placed?

  3. candlelight or magelight.   in the dark recesses of dungeons and caves this will open up new pathways that are covered in darkness and show you the unseen.  along with that magelight will stick wherever you cast it, meaning you can see further down the path without actually going down it.  in my companions quest ;last night the enemies went after the light asking if there was someone there.  making it easier for me to pick them off with a bow in sneak position. any ideas on other uses for magic that aren't what they are ment for?

  4. many of you have found out or have witnessed as i did last night.  after marriage sometimes the newly wed leaves the temple of mara and is not seen again for a bit. no need to fear here are some ideas on what to do if your wife or husband leaves.


    • [*]wait  5 in game days and check back where you met them.  (aela the huntress should be back at jaar in whiterun after 5 days.) [*]go back to where you proposed at. [*]check their home. [*]check your home. [*]go to the temple of mara after a day or two and they could be waiting to discuss living arrangements. 

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