I guess I'll completely ignore the fact that successfully luring is fun.Luring people obviously involves lying and deceiving others to get what they earned, or at least what isn't yours. Just by that fact alone, luring is wrong. Of course, that only makes sense if you think Runescape and real life are on the same moral grounds, which many people, including me, don't think so.What is probably the more popular opinion when it comes these situations is if they were stupid enough/came unprepared/etc, then they deserve it and it's fair game. When it comes to luring, I think it follows this idea, more or less. If you agree to meet somebody in the wildy to make a trade, if you are tricked into a tele other into the wildy, or any other stupid decision, then I think it is a wrong thing to do, but fair game and morally permissible. If you agree to go with somebody to kill revs, pk, or any other activity that would normally be done in the wilderness, and the person and/or his friends kill you, then I think that is just you being a dick and is wrong.tl;dr: Disregarding how funny it is, luring is always wrong, but it's okay if the trick you play on somebody is obvious to the average player, but your victim just so happens to be an idiot.