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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Yeah getting shot with an arrow or ice spike usually always clears that issue up. When I was a werewolf, I would just change into a werewolf then just change back to human. That would also remove the arrow or ice spike.On a side note, I had this issue while being a Khajiit. He made the funniest face when he got hit with the ice spike and his face was stuck like that until I got it removed.
  2. There are a couple of sure places to get a flawless ruby. [*]Inside the Emperor's bed room onboard The Katariah (Dark Brotherhood quest) [*]Throne room in South Shriekwind Bastion For the most part though, you'll find them while exploring dungeons, looting chest and urns, and killing giants.
  3. For Xbox 360, just hold A when you are moused over the item. You can then let go of A and move the item around for decorating your house or whatever else you want to do with it. Just press A to drop the item.For PS3, I'm going to guess the same rule applies, but with a different button, probably the X button.
  4. I guess I would like to see some DLC related things about the Thieves' Guild members. What is Sapphire's real name? Where did Rune come from? Things like that.
  5. I was gonna ask if the Cyrodil would be present day or not, but then I realized I'm asking you about DLC that probably isn't even real.
  6. Yeah this isn't an episode of Big Love. One wife for life.
  7. No idea, but how would the Morrowing and Cyrodil thing work? And if the rumors were true would that work on console versions?
  8. Oh yeah I was gonna add that to the tips. And yeah, maybe we can add condensed versions of the exploits into a big article then link them for more info or to just comment on the guide individually.
  9. No they aren't. I assumed you did that cause you thought it'd look good.
  10. Unlimited and Free Arrow Exploit I used to use steel arrows like you, then I took a daedric arrow to the knee. (I'm sorry) By: Blexun Introduction Skyrim was originally going to let you fletch your own arrows. It was cut from the final game, for whatever reason. If you are like me, you may have trouble finding decent arrows. If you are a budding archer that wants to get in plenty of practice, or an experienced archer that just wants easy kills, you may enjoy this little exploit that can duplicate any arrow as long as you have one of it. Getting Started Requirements [*]One arrow of your choosing that you wish to duplicate. Ideally a glass, ebony, or daedric arrow [*]Slighty decent pickpocket level and/or gear [*]Access to an area where NPCs practice shooting arrows [*]A bit of patience Advance Requirements [*]High Pickpocketing level with perks invested in Light Fingers as well as either Night Thief or Misdirection [*]Pickpocketing gear and/or potions to increase your odds [*]Access to the Thieve's Guild will make things a lot easier and safer Duplicating Those Precious Arrows Take your arrow of choice and find a place where a guard or another character shoots arrows at a target for practice. A good place for all players is outside of Castle Dour in Solitude. If you have access to the Thieves' Guild, this is recommended (more information in Tips and Tricks). Approach the character that is shooting arrows, attempt to pickpocket him, and instead of stealing something from him, give him the arrow you wish to duplicate. If you have the Misdirection Perk, which allows you to steal equipped items, steal the default arrows he is shooting now. If you don't have that perk, you'll have to do a little more work. Wait until the person you planted the arrow on goes asleep. For guards, this is usually around 9pm. If you did this in the Thieves' Guild, you'll have to wait a bit later, something like 12 AM. Find the person you gave the arrow too, and steal the arrows he usually shoots. Afterward, wait until morning and go to where the chosen NPC shoots arrows. Instead of shooting the arrow he normally does, he'll be shooting the arrow you gave him, never running out even though he only has the one. Just stand near the target and collect them as he shoots them. Tips and Tricks [*]Save before your pickpocket attempts, especially if you attempt to do this with a guard [*]The Thieves' Guild is the ideal place for this. Not only do the thieves not retaliate when being pickpocketed, they also sleep in a more accessible area and they shoot faster than guards [*]Try going to the Fletcher in Solitude to get a starter arrow. You can also try to find and kill a Dwarven Centurion, which usually always has some high leveled arrows [*]Once you do this trick once, the guard or thief will always carry your arrow, allowing you to collect more when needed without having to go through the whole process again [*]I successfully stole steel arrows off a sleeping thief with 27 pickpocket and the basic Thieves' Guild boots [*]If you get bored of just standing there and grabbing arrows, try to grab them before they hit the target or try to run in front of one. Neither are that much fun, but beats just standing there [*]Occasionally when doing this trick in the Thieves' Guild, another thief will stand too close to the archer and stop him from shooting. To counter this, repeatedly sprint at the thief not shooting the arrows and talk to him/her as well [*]On a side note, giving one arrow of any type to a follower will give him/her an unlimited type of that arrow Conclusion Join Elder Souls for More Content! Did you enjoy this guide? If you're interested, you should sign for our community! It only takes a matter of seconds, and members are privy to all sorts of benefits. Have other questions concerning Skyrim? Want the ability to comment, rate, and create your own articles and guides? Feel like discussing gaming with other knowledgeable gamers? Just follow the link below to register! Create an Elder Souls Account Additional Questions If you have any further questions, please feel free to take advantage of our free Skyrim support forum by clicking the link below. You'll be taken to a page where you can type in your question - whatever it may be - and receive a fast, professional answer. This is a free service offered through our forum and is supported by other players; no registration, personal details, or payment is required. We have tons of experienced members who visit our site only to help and advise others! We'd love to have you post your questions. Or you could join and help us answer those asked by other players! Ask a Question! Copyright This guide is the property of its creator, and may not be reposted or reproduced without his (or her) consent. Click here to view the article Click here to view the article
  11. Yeah you need to have the money on hand to do this. Otherwise the "I'll take it" option isn't up there.
  12. I guess I should do the description."One of Skyrim's most sought after collectibles are the Dragon Priest Masks. With this guide, you can find out where they are, what they do, and some tips and tricks for obtaining them."Also I made some corrections to the posted version, but they didn't carry over to the one on the front page.
  13. Getting 100 enchanting and alchemy is taking longer than expected. I'm such a slacker. On an unrelated note, I might make a Words of Power guide :o

  14. I started playing DC Universe with Nuggeh. We are having fun with it for now. I would recommend it if you are kind of into super heroes. It is also sort of kind of like WoW.
  15. All trolls, especially Ice Trolls, are weak to fire. If you really want to fight one, I recommend using any fire spells you have available to you. If you are primarily shield and sword, then hitting him with the shield while slashing when he's staggering can also work. If you use usually use archery, then find a spot where the trolls can't reach you and shoot at them. Hop off to make them chase you again and repeat.Without spoiling too much, Labyrintha, or whatever it's called, is pretty much a College of Winterhold (pretty much a Mage Guild) quest related place. That being said, if you can't kill the 3 or so Ice trolls at level 6, there isn't much you can actually do there anyway. If I were you, I probably would just run and come back when you actually have to be there.
  16. M'aiq the Liar is definitely up there. Cicero is obviously a close second. Ultimately though, I'd have to say Nazir. He pretty much stopped making me thing of Redguards as black, and instead think of them as Arab.
  17. Sky Haven is accessible during the quest Aludin's Wall, which is part of the main quest line. I'm not sure if you can actually go there before that quest. If you've already been there and are having trouble finding it on your map, it is just east of Markarth, on a little island. Just mouse over all the icons immediately east of Markarth and you should find it.
  18. Dogs don't count as human followers though. I've always been able to have a dog and another follower, like Lydia or a mercenary, to follow me at the same time.
  19. *youtubes who Farengar is*Oh you mean the Whiterun wizard guy. Never really had a problem with his voice. It's always nice to have unique voice actors. I'm very glad you made that comment about Esbern cause I thought the same thing.On a side note, my favorite voice actor is the guy who did Festus Krex, the mage in The Dark Brotherhood. His voice actor also did the Patriarch in Mass Effect 2, Pete in Kingdom Hearts games and the Micky Mouse show, did the voices for Tigger and Pooh in several Winnie the Pooh shows/movies, Ed in The Lion King, that snake in The Jungle Book, and many other roles.
  20. The opening cinematic.First execution on a dragon and a regular person.The walk from Helgen to Riverwood, where my partner pointed out Bleak Falls Barrow up on the mountain.First time I used a Blizzard scroll. I was inside a building, so it looked a lot cooler.First time I was randomly attacked by a dragon.First visit to Markarth, where everything was built up. Then the Forsworn killed that girl. D:This time where I was looking at a dragon nest from a dragon I already killed weeks ago and another dragon swooped down right next to me. Pretty sure it was scripted, but I thought it was awesome.And finally, seeing M'aiq the Liar. 200 years and the family is still around.
  21. I'm going to assume you want to know where is the last word for Unrelenting Force, which translates as "Push".All words for Unrelenting Force are obtained through the main quest line. You can get the final word by obtaining the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, which you are sent to get by the Greybeards. After giving them the horn, they will teach you the final word to Unrelenting Force.Thanks for the question! If you want full access to the site, don't forget to register.
  22. Daggerfall, the second game in the series took place in both Hammerfell and High Rock, making that 5 different areas that were game based: Skyrim, Cyrodil, Morrowind, High Rock, and Hammerfell. The very first game allowed you to explore every single place, but they were no where near as detailed as they are nowadays. As for the next place, I think, and really really hope, it's Elsweyr. The only reason I think this is you can ask some people in Skyrim to describe Elsweyr. Not substantial evidence, but better than nothing at this point. Also, I'd rather take a stroll through desert and sparkling blue waters after spending hours upon hours in snow. Besides, I love my Khajiits. As for when the next one will come out, who really knows? Hopefully I won't be too old.
  23. I just find it hilarious because every guard in Skyrim used to be an adventure, but then they took the arrow to the knee.
  24. Yeah I always choose Heavy for every Elder Scrolls game I've ever played, just trying for a change of pace. Heavy armor it is then. Thanks.
  25. Need some Skyrim help? You've come to the right place! This is a free service supported by other players; no registration, personal details, or payment is required. Just follow the instructions below to post your question and get a fast, professional answer from a fellow gamer! Instructions 1. Enter your preferred nickname that will appear with this message ("Enter Your Name"), and fill out the captcha (used to prevent bots) in the designated areas above. 2. Enter the subject of your question when prompted for the topic title. Note: the "Topic Title" should only be 2-4 words summarizing the topic of your question; your actual question goes where these instructions are! 3. Write your entire question and other details here, in the body of the large text area. You should delete this default instructional message by overwriting it with your question. This is easily done by selecting all of this text and hitting delete or backspace. 4. Click the "Post New Topic" button below. 5. Await an answer; we'll be with you shortly! Refresh your page to check for replies, or browse other questions while you wait! Remember to bookmark the page with your question so you know where to find it! Joking. But seriously, I have a question that's been bugging me. I'm a Khajiit, specializing in Light Armor. I've been smithing a lot and got to wondering, should I take the Light Armor side of the tree or the Heavy? At first I was considering the left, so I can make the armor that I will soon specialize in. Then it occured to me Daedric weapons are slightly better than glass, so I'd have to take the right side of the tree to get to them. If I do that though, I'll have to depend on finding the armor that I want to use, which I probably could, but I'll be making the high level armor long before I start finding it in dungeons. Either way I get access to Dragon Armor, so that's not a big deal. So to sum it up, should I take the Light Armor tree, and make the armor that I want while settling for the slight weaker weapons (which is a big deal once I get into enchanting and improving), or should I take the right side and depend on finding the armor I need while being able to craft Daedric weapons?
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