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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Well me and a friend are moving into a two bedroom apartment in the city next year, and he has a PS3 so I might actually buy one of these based on online experience. I usually prefer teamwork type stuff rather than soloing it, so maybe I'll get BF3.
  2. Blake

    I swear to Akatosh...

    I'm offended. Not sure. Maybe they are just so easy to make, all the ones I see use the same jokes, use unnecessary pictures, or just make me cringe from general un-funniness.
  3. Also stacking Elemental Fury and power attacks makes dual wielding pretty fun.
  4. Blake

    I swear to Akatosh...

    I wonder how many times I'll have to openly show my hate for these rage builder comics before you stop adding them.
  5. I've been thinking about maybe getting one of these. Then again, I don't have live, so I probably won't.
  6. Oh. That's actually really cool. Let's hope it doesn't just go to shit.
  7. I skipped the first and picked up 2 for like 20 dollars. Mainly I'm just interested in the story telling decisions that carry over from game to game, but Mass Effect is pretty much fun overall.
  8. Wow. How the hell did I miss the boner at the end?
  9. Well it's Latin for Lady in the Lake, so maybe it can be a thing.
  10. Ah. Well there is 200 years between the two games. Does the game say when the Mages' Guild was disbanded? Maybe our successor's successor was an incompetent leader. Or maybe the whole us being Daedric Prince/ss of Madness theory is correct.To be honest though, if we were to blame for the disbanding of the guild, I won't be surprised. I mean, what kind of leading did we ever do? All we did was act as the muscle of the operation.
  11. I'm planning on that Elder Scroll quest guide and I may write a Words of Power one.I want to see more tip guides, but we could always use more general knowledge, like the Dragon Mask one.
  12. I kind of want to buy this on Steam now, but I can't bring myself to be that stupid with money D:
  13. Well I'll be damned. Here is how it went.I married the Dark Elf student from the college, so I told her to go back to her place, which is the Hall of Attainment. I met her there and tried to sleep in her bed, which I knew it was her's because she was sleeping in it at the time, but it said it was owned by her so I couldn't use it. I then told her to move back to Honeyside. After telling her to move back, I decided to try sleeping in my bed and when I woke up I got the 15% bonus. It was a single bed so I at least got to second base. After this I met her back in Riften and we had another go at it, and I kept getting the 15% bonus.So lesson learned. If you want the bonus, try sleeping at his/her place first, then moving officially to wherever you want. I also think that the game registers that you are living with him/her as long he/she is still in the building, as I told the Dark Elf we are moving back to Riften before sleeping in my College of Winterhold bed. This also sheds some light on marrying people who live in the College of Winterhold, and maybe similar establishments.CASE CLOSED.
  14. Duke beat UNC. I think I jizzed a little bit.

    1. Blake


      Also, guide on Elder Knowledge. Yay or nay? I know quest guides aren't our thing, but one picking a part getting to Blackreach, transcribing the lexicon, and bugs will handle a lot of the questions.

    2. David


      That would probably be a good one. The bit about the whole contraption mini-puzzle always gets asked a lot.

  15. "Blexun: Runescape's most honorable hero. He has slayed Elvarg, stopped the madman Nomad, ended Lucien's path to god hood, connected Zaros back to Gelinor, and most importantly, helped this guy bake a cake once"
  16. Give me a quick summary of how the guild actually got broken up. Not too educated on TES lore.
  17. I don't even fully understand the Psyjiic Order, other than the Empire doesn't particularly like them very much, they can see the future, and gets other people to do shit for them because they have to or something. Oh and I totally made up the phrase era in lacus.
  18. Blah even I got to like 80 before damning it to hell.
  19. Blake

    Hide your penis.

    God this one is hilarious
  20. Finding the Elder Scroll is the main point of the quest Elder Knowledge, which is part of the main quest. I'm going to assume you are at this part of the quest, which is after you meet Paarthurnax for the first time. Is the game showing you that you are on the quest? If you activate the quest in your journal, the game should point you towards the tower. Sorry I can't be more help, I"m just unsure what is your problem. You can add to your question to clarify what is your problem.
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