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Everything posted by David

  1. Welcome to the site! :)

  2. Annnd Asia is gone again. Threw in Russia for good measure.

  3. It's pretty open. Honestly, just make the best set of armor possible as early on as you can. I power-leveled my smithing to 100 almost right off of the bat to get Daedric, which otherwise doesn't even start to appear as loot until like level 50+.
  4. Make sure the Dawnguard add-on (and all others that were purchased) is actually installed. Ask your friend if he bought DLC or something without you knowing. You should be able to resume from where you left off when all the DLC associated with that save file is working. Loading a save file that previously had DLC in it, that doesn't now, and saving over it is going to cause issues. I would advise against it. At best you'll lose all of your DLC stuff, and it's likely to lead to other bugs in the main game.
  5. If anyone is interested, you should really watch Vice's "Inside North Korea" documentary (available on Youtube). It shows how screwed up they really are. They are no threat to the United States at all. The reason people worry is that they could start a larger conflict involving other countries such as China or Iran.
  6. Asia... stahp. STAHP

    1. Blake


      Keeps me on my toes. I've never been this busy ever, and I have two test tomorrow.

    2. David


      I've deleted 4 spam posts on existing threads and 4 individual topics just since yesterday. I was so incensed about it I clicked one of the links and spammed the site's "Contact Us" with my american imperialist rantings.

  7. I have an extremely dry, sarcastic sense of humor that people rarely understand. Half the time I'm just cracking myself up with some vague reference and people just look at me like I'm on crack. It's the worst with girls. They inherently seem to not get anything that's "dry" (said with no emotion that obviously conveys a joke). My other kick is lying. Whenever I say something sarcastic and people question if I'm being serious, I habitually begin to make up a fake back-ground story explaining whatever my response was. This happens a lot. It gets pretty bad sometimes. Just last weekend I didn't go to dinner with people I met in a class because of it. "Hey! I have a great idea. I'm officially inviting you to dinner with me, xxxx, and xxxx on Friday!" "Thanks but I don't think I can make it." "Oh, what?! Come on!" "My fiancee is insisting I stay home and watch the 5th season of Three's Company with her this Friday." I said that with the full expectation that they'd be all like, "Ha, yeah right. We're leaving at 6." Instead the girl I was talking to just got this blank stare and then started badgering me about who my fake girlfriend was. Long story short I ended up sitting on ElderSouls.com on Friday night because I weaved this hilariously complex background story that I don't want to / can't go back on without looking like even more of a dick. Did Three's Company even last 5 seasons? Idiots.
  8. Am I the only one who can't view articles?

    1. David


      I've made a temp fix, so disregard.

    2. Jake


      No, I refuse to disregard.

  9. As of Tuesday, February 26th, Dawnguard is available to PS3 users in North America. Just like the first two DLCs - Dragonborn and Hearthfire - Dawnguard is on sale for 50% off ($9.99) during it's first week of availability. There's not going to be a better time to buy if you're planning on it! The following have also been released today... [*]French versions of Dragonborn, Hearthfire, and Dawnguard released in Canada [*]Spanish versions of Dragonborn, Hearthfire, and Dawnguard released in Latin American markets. Tomorrow afternoon, the French, Italian, German, and Spanish markets will get all of the DLC (available in all supported languages). Click here to view the article
  10. As of Tuesday, February 26th, Dawnguard is available to PS3 users in North America. Just like the first two DLCs - Dragonborn and Hearthfire - Dawnguard is on sale for 50% off ($9.99) during it's first week of availability. There's not going to be a better time to buy if you're planning on it! The following have also been released today... French versions of Dragonborn, Hearthfire, and Dawnguard released in Canada Spanish versions of Dragonborn, Hearthfire, and Dawnguard released in Latin American markets. Tomorrow afternoon, the French, Italian, German, and Spanish markets will get all of the DLC (available in all supported languages).
  11. You'd have to go through all the quest rewards to compile an actual list, but a few off the top of my head of note... [*]Shadowmere, the best horse in the game. [*]Blade of Woe [*]Tons of things you loot off of people you assassinate, including some prestigious robes that I won't spoil for you. The direct rewards for most of the quests are large leveled amounts of gold. You also have to account for what you're losing by looting both the people you encounter and places you can't otherwise go, though.
  12. You'll miss out on a fair amount of cash/items from skipping all of their quests. You'll also lose the possibility of achieving the renovated Dawnstar Sanctuary, which could be considered a player house/residence.
  13. It is appreciated! Ah, yes. I know of them. Did you find us through their link directory? tesof is one site that has skyrocketed because Zenimax has repeatedly advertised them on the official Twitter/Facebook for some reason. I can only contain my jealousy by assuming someone sold their daughter/sister/girlfriend to the Zenimax Twitter manager. That's probably the best thing you can do to get inspiration for your own design. I'm not really a fan of this layout compared to other TES sites out there, but content is always king anyways. Welcome to the site, by the way. It's always good to see new users.
  14. Those are main quest items though. I don't think any of Vex's stuff is displayed anywhere. It's not like it would hurt to look, just don't get your hopes up.
  15. Available on eBay by Newegg; comes with free shipping. This is going for $300 on Amazon right now. Includes 500GB PlayStation 3 Console Assassin's Creed III Game DualShock 3 Wireless Controller One Month Free of PS Plus
  16. Item: 500GB PS3 Assassin's Creed Bundle Price: $229.99 Available on eBay by Newegg; comes with free shipping. This is going for $300 on Amazon right now. Includes [*]500GB PlayStation 3 Console [*]Assassin's Creed III Game [*]DualShock 3 Wireless Controller [*]One Month Free of PS Plus System: ,PS3, Retailer: eBay Deal Link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/SONY-PS3-500GB-Assassins-Creed-3-System-Bundle-Retail-/300867244989 Click here to view the record
  17. There are little tricks like what you mentioned earlier, but nothing that's going to work 100% of the time. Some things won't ever stay in place in all likelihood. If reloading the area by loading/re-entering doesn't work I don't know what else would. If Vex gives you mini-quests to retrieve various items, you won't be able to remove them from your inventory other than when giving it to her. Hope this has helped. Sorry about the wait.
  18. Did my usual Facebook like check today and saw 36. mfw.

    1. Fergal


      LOL. Advertise somewhere bro.

    2. Synfidie
    3. Synfidie


      Maybe go spam your site on the main elder srolls fb page...all the cool kids are doing it. lol

  19. Did my usual Facebook like check today and saw 36. mfw.

  20. Did my usual Facebook like check today and saw 36.

  21. Did my usual Facebook like check today and saw 36.

  22. Don't see deals for physical copies on the PC often. If you prefer physical, this is a great deal.
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