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Everything posted by David

  1. Apparently earlier reports were incorrect. Or perhaps they changed their tune after complaints. http://www.destructoid.com/elder-scrolls-online-will-fully-support-first-person-play-248674.phtml
  2. Did you already do it and have no guards come, or is this a hypothetical question? I guess you could try running upstairs and seeing of Malborne is there.
  3. Hello, welcome to ES! Let me know if you ever have any questions or suggestions. :)

  4. You need to first "learn" about Esbern to trigger the quest to update, including Malborne's part. [*]Pretend to be an interrogator and order the prisoner to repeat what he told the Thalmor. [*]Release the prisoner and ask if he has any useful information. [*]Open the chest and read the documents inside. It sounds like the chest is the only option for you. Open it and find a book called "Thalmor Dossier: Esbern". Once you read that, the quest should update, and hopefully Malborne will be triggered. One of the guards that accompanies him has the key.
  5. Welcome! Let me know if you ever have any questions or suggestions. :)

  6. Why am I an unarmed brawling vampire?
  7. You also want to remember that if some citizen sees you transform, you instantly get a 1000 gold bounty, and any crimes you commit from that point on while in Beast form contribute to your bounty. Of course, if you are not seen, neither of those things happen. Bandits seeing you wouldn't be a problem. Being a Werewolf is really only good during lower levels. At higher levels, you're going to be able to dish out just as much (if not more) damage, and your armor rating will definitely be higher as a normal being. At high levels with leveled enemies, you will die really fast as a Werewolf.
  8. I said in the OP that this is meant to ignore lore. For example, why would the original designers who created the TES universe have done this in the first place? I realize why they don't change things like this in-between games now that it's been established; but why was it established as such originally? Like I said, people that have only played one TES game as a Nord character aren't going to think about the differences when they casually stroll by a lone elf. They're going to be like, "Hey, look, an elf." It's not that the differences are unrecognizable, I'm asking why have three "elf" groups at all. Argonians actually vary in appearance much more than most elves of different races, yet there is only one Argonian race.
  9. It has nothing to do with ABBA. Besides, we need more threads.
  10. What? Yeah, you can't pick anything up, so it's useless in the normal sense. It's basically just so you are no longer encumbered if you were originally. Your usual armor is also removed when in beast form, so without the 2000 increase you could otherwise become encumbered if your armor had carrying bonuses.
  11. Isn't that "No One Escapes Cidhna Mine"? It sounds like you were just put in jail for a regular bounty that wasn't related to the quest. If you were in prison for a quest-related purpose you wouldn't be able to just serve your time. Try paying off any bounties you may have and then try to pick up where you were in Forsworn Conspiracy / No One Escapes.
  12. Vampire Advantages [*]Frost Resistance (Current vamp lvl x25%, with Dawnguard it's 10% + current vamp lvl x10%) [*]Life drain destruction spell (stronger with each vamp lvl) [*]Stronger illusion spells (Current vamp lvl x25%) [*]Night vision (unlocked at stage 3) [*]Once a day zombie spell (stronger with each vamp lvl) [*]Once a day illusion spell (unlocked at stage 2) [*]Once a day invisibility spell (unlocked at stage 4) [*]100% disease resistance [*]100% poison resistance (passes cap, it's actually about 85%) [*]Harder to detect while sneaking (Current vamp lvl x25%) [*]Vampire Lord form (with Dawnguard) Disadvantages [*]Weakness to fire (Current vamp lvl x25%, with Dawnguard it's 10% + current vamp lvl x10%) [*]No regeneration in sunlight [*]Penalty to health, stamina, magicka while in sunlight (stronger with each vamp lvl) [*]NPCs attack you on sight at stage 4 (not with Dawnguard) Werewolf Advantages [*]Your health increases by 50 and stamina increases by 100 (with Dawnguard, health increases by 150 and stamina by 200). [*]Stamina regeneration increases from 5% of your total stamina per second to 20%. [*]Carrying capacity increases by 2000 points. [*]Ability to use shout-like howls: [*]Howl of Terror: enemies flee in fear for 60 seconds and nearby wolves come to your aid. [*]Totem of Brotherhood: summons two red pack members to aid you in combat for a limited time. [*]Totem of The Hunt: reveals nearby prey, similar to a Detect Life spell. [*]Totem of Fear: grants a higher-level fear shout. [*]Base unarmed damage increases to 20 points and reach to 150 points (most races have a base unarmed damage of 4 and a reach of 96). [*]"Werewolf Claws" constant effect, a Fortify Unarmed Damage effect that increases with your level (and gives you Resist Damage if Dawnguard is installed)—see table. [*]Health regeneration decreases by 100 pts. [*]First time you transform, you are cured of all diseases. Disadvantages [*]No resting bonuses. [*]Only 3rd person camera view. [*]Feeding is the only way to regenerate health. [*]Guards attack on sight. [*]Low armor rating compared to high-level armor. Transform when you most need the advantages listed above.
  14. Is it me, or are the different races of TES rather... Unbalanced, for lack of a better word. 3 elf races. [*]Altmer [*]Bosmer [*]Dunmer 4 human races, 3 of which look pretty much identical (in appearance). [*]Breton [*]Imperial [*]Nord [*]Redguard 3 randoms. [*]Orc [*]Argonian [*]Khajiit Why are there 3 elf and 4 human races? Race-specific powers and abilities have generally overlapped in TES games and made one specific race noticeably better at it's role than those of other race groups (i.e. Altmer master mage race in Oblivion, Breton = useless). Most casual players can't tell the difference between the three elves or the 4 human groups. Yeah, TES isn't made for casual players, but still. On one side you have three races (Orc, Argonian, Khajiit) that are so extremely different they almost look out of place in a fantasy game. Meanwhile, the other 7 are almost identical to others in their wider group. Oh, and WHERE ARE THE DWARVES? I'm not really complaining about the universe so much as questioning why things are the way they are. Yeah, it's all sacred, untouchable lore now, but when this was all being thought-up in the beginning... Why? This topic is only half serious, but yeah.
  15. It's also more or less what everyone is going to want to be. Skyrim being recent -> Nord overload. Altmer's are just the shit in general, plus they're going to have a contrarian fan club based on the Adlmeri's role in Skyrim. Medium tier races are generally niche races people choose when they have a specific style in mind. Then there's low tier. Races most people seem to avoid, generally. Then... Shit tier. This was only separated from low tier because I wanted to see how Blake responded.
  16. We're going to have a community bracket competition. Anyone know which site is the best for hosting these sorts of things?
  17. Welcome to ES! Let me know if you ever have any questions or suggestions.

  18. Welcome to ES! Let me know if you ever have any questions or suggestions.

  19. God Tier Nord Altmer Medium Tier Redguard Breton Dunmer Bosmer Low Tier Argonian Orc Shit Tier Khajiit
  20. It might be easier in the sense that accents are less noticeable (as you have to sing in tune to the music), but why would it be easier on those doing the singing/talking?
  21. If it's just a glitch with the boat not moving back to the starting location, perhaps the following console commands (assuming you have the PC version) will work. Open the console by hitting the ` (usually to the left of the number 1). The code you enter is... coc <ID>The ID is the location ID of where you want to go. I don't know any of the Dragonborn ID's off-hand, but you should be able to get them by typing... help location 0into the console, or perhaps by checking here. Then you just need to chose one in Solstheim or wherever you want to go. Please report back and let us know if that works.
  22. Seriously though, welcome back. Don't disappear for so long. TRR has closed, along with all but a couple of the larger old-school clans. There are still a few people here that play on occasion, but yeah, it's basically done. There are a few people that still use the CC, but there's no official clan business.
  23. Puns sighting.

    1. David


      + King Aram sighting.

      Something is happening.

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