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Everything posted by David

  1. ? It's one of the three main methods of combat. Saying that's it's meant for "utility" is just proving how totally under-powered it is. A huge percentage of players base their entire damage capability on it every TES game. Peter Hines tweeted that it was just a trademark renewal for their existing game from years ago. Probably BS, but they do have a story to cover that, which proves they're serious that nothing else is coming.
  2. Laughing my ass off right now. First guess for the win. Might have unknowingly cheated, though, since I've seen your Twitter profile. Not sure if you've ever had a real life picture there or not. You were definitely the star of that video.
  3. Really bummed that I'm never going to have custom spells; magic will be perpetually under-powered. People are surprised since there were hints of additional DLC. Must have been a fairly recent decision.
  4. Bethesda Game Studios shocked fans on Monday, April 15th after the following announcement titled "Moving to our next adventure" was posted on their official blog. Although the announcement makes room for the possibility of minor game updates, it's clear that they no longer plan to fully support the game with additional content. Pete Hines, Vice President of Bethesda Softworks, later tweeted to reiterate this point. Many fans were disappointed by the announcement, feeling that they'd been misled by earlier statements thought to be hinting at future DLC. Some took to twitter to remind Hines about the registered "Redguard" trademark. Another common complaint was the promise of "additional content in 2013." Hines responded that this was intended to mean the 1.9 update and the DLC releases on the PS3. With Skyrim now behind them, Bethesda is moving on to their next major project. Rumors point to Fallout 4.Click here to view the article
  5. Bethesda Game Studios shocked fans on Monday, April 15th after the following announcement titled "Moving to our next adventure" was posted on their official blog. Although the announcement makes room for the possibility of minor game updates, it's clear that they no longer plan to fully support the game with additional content. Pete Hines, Vice President of Bethesda Softworks, later tweeted to reiterate this point. Many fans were disappointed by the announcement, feeling that they'd been misled by earlier statements thought to be hinting at future DLC. Some took to twitter to remind Hines about the registered "Redguard" trademark. Another common complaint was the promise of "additional content in 2013." Hines responded that this was intended to mean the 1.9 update and the DLC releases on the PS3. With Skyrim now behind them, Bethesda is moving on to their next major project. Rumors point to Fallout 4.
  6. I'm sort of considering a rework of what's front-page / article material when it comes to guides. Honestly, there's really no rhyme or reason to anything when you look at the featured Skyrim guides section. If you go to a well-known site with a knowledge-base you don't expect to see 15 guides on completely random topics with varying degrees of general appeal. Most of the guides/articles we have now would fall into some niche/miscellaneous category, or maybe even remain as forum topics. I know for a fact I would like a more logical help-site esque layout with more rigid content sections. For example, the Skyrim Guides page should instead be more of a "home page index" linking to specific categories. For example, one category would need to be based on skill guides. There would be 1 page for each skill. Instead of having individual people write guides, it would have to be a community project to keep the pages updated. This would actually be fairly easy with an "everyone can edit" wiki-style approach. Information from the existing wiki's can actually be used to populate this legally (I'm not suggesting copying), so it's not like everything's being written from scratch. The main issue with large wiki-style pages (and why our current guides are successful), is that you lose a lot of search potential by stuffing tons of information on one page. For this reason, user guides wouldn't necessarily be removed, but they wouldn't really "front-page" either. I'm not suggesting this just for Skyrim content, since that ship has largely sailed. Coming up with some type of new approach is needed for ESO and future games, though.
  7. It depends when you chose to become a Vampire Lord. You actually have two opportunities to become a Vampire Lord: once during the "Bloodline" quest, and once well into the questline in "Chasing Echoes." "Bloodline" is when you escort Serana to Castle Volkihar and speak with Lord Harkon. If you did it then your only option is to reload a save prior to that quest. If you did it in "Chasing Echoes" to enter the Soul Cairn, returning to Fort Dawnguard should start a quest where you can cure yourself.
  8. I've noticed a decent chunk of people have been searching with "Power-Leveling after Patch 1.9" and similar queries. I'd change your title to something like that to maximize the hits. You could also just link to the article with all of the patch changes; having that long list at the top might discourage some readers. Good work. PS: Chuckled at Brodo Swaggins reference.
  9. I don't know if any of you know what WOT (Web of Trust) is, but basically it's a Chrome/FF add-on that lets you rate websites based on trustworthiness and what-not. It's actually really useful to protect you against harmful sites since all Google links have a rating added next to them. It also stops you from viewing sites known to be harmful. Anyways, someone gave one of the sites hosted with this one a bad rating. I don't know if it was just a random site on the same server or one of the sites associated with my hosting account (like hemansings.com), but it has affected all of them. So now I am requesting that those of you who do not have WOT installed do so and give this site a good rating. Or a bad rating. I wouldn't want to influence you.
  10. So is anyone going to contribute other than Huygens and I? Eric gets half points for sharing an old factoid.
  11. This occasion deserves its own thread. Maybe an entire week's worth of extravagant celebration. The Water Freezing Thread has now been the sole crutch of this site for over an entire year. In that span, it has amassed nearly 10 pages of replies (131 posts), 52,000 views, and this site's only claim to fame. I can drink to that.
  12. Realized all of the subscription expiration dates were wrong, so I manually recalculated them and discovered that I owe Blue Speed almost 10 years of Premium at the new price.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nathan


      lol. That reminds me why am I still a Moderator and do I have any time left as a premium member? I tried to find out myself somehow but couldnt.

    3. David


      Oh, yeah. I edited your account back. Yours ends on 1/1/14; I think you can check by going to Client Area -> Purchases under profile.

    4. Nathan


      Cool, I knew it was around somewhere. Thanks for that.

  13. I've actually been somewhat disappointed that the more debate-able articles haven't had much controversy. It's always good for a debate, or a laugh, if nothing else. In the last year or so I can only recall one person completely losing their shit in the comments. I do appreciate the input, even if it's not in agreement with what I've said.
  14. I'm assuming you're stuck at the puzzle door, correct? To exit, you need to use the Bloodskal Blade's ranged strike power. Stand away from the door so that you're roughly at the edge of the level stone floor. Center your cross-hairs directly on one of the bright horizontal red cracks at either side of the door. You should be aiming roughly at eye-level. Swing the blade while keeping the cross-hair directly on the bright red line. The lines will either be horizontal or vertical.For the horizontal lines, move left or right while executing the power attack by holding down your attack button.For vertical lines, simply stand still and perform a power attack directed at the line. This power attack sends a wide beam of energy surging from the blade. If the ranged attack hits the red lines on the door correctly, the blocks rotate, moving the red lines closer to the top of the door. You must activate the lines on both sides of the door - three moves on each side. After completing the horizontal and vertical power attacks to move the blocks into place, execute a final vertical power attack on the seam in the center of the door. Hope this helped. Let me know how it turns out.
  15. Over 30,000 in one day. mfw.
  16. Disappointed no one flipped about this. It was a joke; all others are true. Which one do you want pics of?
  17. Use the following coupon codes to bring the cost down to $33.99 (from its usual $40.00). Also comes with free shipping if you use the "saver" coupon with it. Coupon: 15free Coupon: SAVER (free shipping)
  18. Item: Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Price: $33.99 Use the following coupon codes to bring the cost down to $33.99 (from its usual $40.00). Also comes with free shipping if you use the "saver" coupon with it. Coupon: 15free Coupon: SAVER (free shipping) System: PS3 Retailer: GameStop Deal Link: http://www.gamestop.com/ps3/games/ni-no-kuni-wrath-of-the-white-witch/99086 Click here to view the deal
  19. Item: MineCraft: Xbox 360 Edition Price: $16.99 This is the physical copy that releases on June 4th. As usual, Newegg offers free shipping. The deal ends the 15th. System: 360 Retailer: Newegg Deal Link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=74-103-326&Tpk=N82E16874103326 Click here to view the deal
  20. This is the physical copy that releases on June 4th. As usual, Newegg offers free shipping. The deal ends the 15th.
  21. Available from ToysRUs. You also get free in-store pick-up.
  22. Item: God of War: Ascension Price: $39.99 Available from ToysRUs. You also get free in-store pick-up. System: PS3 Retailer: ToysRus Deal Link: http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=19350706 Click here to view the deal
  23. Post facts about yourself that are either surprising or interesting. Anyways, here are my first few... [*]I am not actually an alpaca, Jack Sparrow, or Zaboomafoo. [*]Attended two proms. Our school's homecoming queen was my date to the first. For the second, I convinced two girls to be my date on the same night. Took weeks of cunning to play it right so they'd both agree to it (obviously neither girl liked the idea at all). They both hate me now, but it was totally worth it. Proudest moment of my sad life. [*]I run a 4:35 mile and 16:45 5k. [*]I'm actually fairly retarded but mask it with good grammar. mfw people ask me questions about anything. [*]I make almost $15k a year off of this site and still ask you for donations. yfw.
  24. Realized where I am after finishing the topic title. Locking thread.
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