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Everything posted by David

  1. GMG has LA Noire for 75% off, which brings the standard $20 price down to $5. With an additional promotional code (below), the final price becomes $3.75. Code: GMG25-J4B0D-FLH8M
  2. Item: LA Noire Price: $3.75 GMG has LA Noire for 75% off, which brings the standard $20 price down to $5. With an additional promotional code (below), the final price becomes $3.75. Code: GMG25-J4B0D-FLH8M System: PC Retailer: GMG Deal Link: http://www.greenmangaming.com/s/us/en/pc/games/adventure/la-noire/ Click here to view the deal
  3. Item: Dark Soul: Prepare To Die Edition Price: $7.49 Great deal from Steam. It's down from the usual price of $30.00. Probably one of my all time favorite games along with Skyrim. System: PC Retailer: Steam Deal Link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/211420/ Click here to view the deal
  4. Great deal from Steam. It's down from the usual price of $30.00. Probably one of my all time favorite games along with Skyrim.
  5. This was high risk, high reward thread. If you had gotten a free Dawnguard you might think differently. So apparently the people that installed it still have it in their game files despite Steam removing it from their library, so there is that.
  6. So reddit has been going on about how Skyrim received a 700mb update today, and everyone who owns the game now has the Dawnguard DLC added to their library. Apparently people are getting the DLC without even having the base game. I just checked and I don't have it. People claim to be able to add it to their cart, which then claims "You already own this DLC," but no go for me there either. Can anyone confirm this happening for them? EDIT: Appears to be patched now. Oh well.
  7. A very interesting concept. I'm interested to know how it will work alongside the fixed-price economy.
  8. David


    It was worse than you can possibly imagine. She banned me after I made a single post with my Jack Sparrow avatar because I was going to "commandeer her clan" or some other great pirate pun. She started stealing things from this site and passing it off as her own work, and asking her to remove it in IRC led to a face-desk inducing "debate" that could only have occurred with Destiny. Following that she banned Fergal and probably every other legitimate TRR member. Then about 2 days later it died in hilarious fashion because the people she banned were the only ones saving her from herself. I'm sure someone has the logs should there ever be a revival of the Lol Squad. *with Destiny Fergal is my bro.
  9. Item: BioShock Infinite Price: $10.78 GameFly has BioShock Infinite on sale for $13.59 - 20% (promotional codes below) = $10.78. The standard price is $40.00. Code: GFDSEP20 Code: GFDSEP20UK Alternatively, GMG has B:I for $14.99 if used with the code GMG25-J4B0D-FLH8M. System: PC Retailer: Other Deal Link: http://digital.gamefly.com/#!/download-bioshock-infinite/5004857 Click here to view the deal
  10. GameFly has BioShock Infinite on sale for $13.59 - 20% (promotional codes below) = $10.78. The standard price is $40.00. Code: GFDSEP20 Code: GFDSEP20UK Alternatively, GMG has B:I for $14.99 if used with the code GMG25-J4B0D-FLH8M.
  11. It's no secret I'm not a fan of the current look, so of course as my first round of exams loom early next week I decide to procrastinate by planning a redesign of ElderSouls.com. There are several points I want to address. [*]No defined borders or bevels. A more modern, flat, "Windows 8" look that's the current web design fad. [*]A more fluid layout. I don't know if I want to increase the maximum width to take up the majority of the browser, but do want to have most of the content area fluid with a fixed side-bar. [*]No background image. [*]Completely throw out the current home page. It is terrible. Sadly I don't really have a vision on how to fix it other than continue my lame trend of iPad buttons that are taking up the bottom half right now. [*]Possibly a white look. [*]Elements that integrate with your scrolling. Think Yahoo.com divided by about a million. Of course there's also a 70% chance that this will get buried among my other plans, so take it with a grain of salt. I'm just bouncing ideas off the wall because it's 3am and I can't sleep.
  12. No, what's listed in the directions won't delete the DLC installs. Even if you did do that on accident, though, you could just reinstall the DLC and continue as you left off.
  13. They've also said that there will be cross-faction guilds, though it's yet to be seen how much interaction that will allow between factions for things like PvE. TES fans such as yourself that are knowledgeable on the traditional strengths of each race are probably right in saying that on the surface they don't really seem that balanced. We'll see what the racial bonuses are, though. Zenimax doesn't necessarily have to follow the single-player games in that regard.
  14. It was mass PM'd to everyone that was formerly in TRR. Why weren't you formerly in TRR?
  15. You can just cast spells on Shadowmere; if you go that route you can turn the difficulty up so the horse has more health. If you'd like to level it on normal enemies, your best bet will just be to turn the difficulty down a bit.
  16. Nemesis checking in. Were you in that Jeremy-is-now-in-jail-reveal PM or was that joke just a coincidence? I choose to believe that you saw him on CNN.
  17. I think the Star Wars movies are classics, and I do like them, but if we're going to go on how "advanced" or "cutting edge" the movies are, the new ones are going to disappoint regardless of who's directing them. They'll never replicate the first three because they were so different than everything else that was out there at the time - CGI is common now. In any case, I feel there is a lot of room for improvement after the three newest episodes. They were mostly <7/10 on IMBD the last time I looked, so Disney could definitely improve on George Lucas if they do a good job. It's not like Disney only makes animations. They've done all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, Tron, Prince of Persia, Remember the Titans, Narnia, National Treasure, etc. JJ Abrams is directing it, so if you want to see an example of what it's likely going to look like, look at the Star Trek movies. The biggest problem Disney will have is moving past the whole Darth Vader meta-plot, which is synonymous with "Star Wars" now even though his story has ended.
  18. Ewoks didn't ruin it, but the large role they took was terrible. Destroying futuristic mechanized weaponry with sticks and small rocks? Kthnx. They made the storm troopers look even more pathetic than their usual just "miss everything you shoot at." Took away any sense of suspense or danger. I know the Ewoks were in Episode 6. I omitted the oxford comma to try to clarify that the new additions and Jar Jar Binks were their own separate thing, but it was still poorly written. I am a Star Wars fan and thought that Eps 1-3 were enjoyable, but the main gripe most fans have with the series is the "It's actually for kids" mentality that Lucas tried to force in the Ewoks/Binks. Disney, if anything, will do that aspect better.
  19. I thought that Star Wars was already ruined by Ewoks, Jar Jar Binks and some of the other Ep. 1-3 movie additions. Disney can't possibly make it more stereotypically "Disney" than having a Jar Jar Binks character.
  20. Battlefront 3 was announced in June. http://eldersouls.com/topic/4204-star-wars-battlefront-iii-announced/ The whole Disney/Lucas Arts deal happened (or at least was announced) a year ago, and I haven't noticed anything different.
  21. I just saw this under "Most Liked Content" and wanted to reiterate that I believe this is the greatest piece of literature ever produced.
  22. I was seconds from deleting this thread, thinking it was another Russian bot posting porn spam... Then some sort of perverted curiosity caused me to look inside and I realized I almost made a huge mistake. I am glad to see hand-to-hand combat getting some love, though I never really use it myself unless there's some sort of twisted role-playing going on with Lydia.
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