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Everything posted by David

  1. It is funny how quickly it changes. When the leaked beta videos were a big deal, this site had something like 250 account-holding members online within an hour window (and many, many more lurkers). Now that there's no new news, 6-7 members at best and maybe 120 guests for the same time frame.
  2. It does have to be a good / funny / interesting / relevant poll, no freebies here.
  3. This made me chuckle. After all, until ESO is released I'm nothing more than the desperate owner of what essentially boils down to a gossip site. But hey, I am proud that people still have some remaining faith in a guy running around with an alpaca avatar. That just screams maturity and discretion.
  4. I'd prefer it if people start making their own polls actually - new content is always great! I generally leave each one on the home page for 2 days or so before changing them; if you create one on the 18th I'll promote it to the home page.
  5. Welcome to the site! I'm planning on playing as an Altmer as well, so good choice.
  6. You just "unlink" the YouTube video URL. If you post a hyperlink to the video it links to it, but if it's just normal text, such as www.youtube.com, it automatically embeds.
  7. I usually make a bit of eye contact and just stare forward. It's not so bad if you're outside and there are lots of places to look, but I've also walked down 800 meters of straight hallway with just me and the other person. That's just bad.
  8. Maybe, but the only serious answer is also the only one without votes. I don't know what that says I should think about the voters here.
  9. Nah, I was just having a bit of a chuckle with the whole generic "medieval-noun medieval-noun" names of the Dragon Knight and Nightblade, so I added an option for the first two things that came into my head. In hindsight it was 4am and not particularly amusing when not stoned on sleep deprivation. While we're on this topic, though, has anyone heard about the rumored "Warden" class that will come after launch? Also, I plan to have new polls like this on the front-page every couple days, so if anyone has ideas feel free to PM me. They're not really that useful since only members -- and not normal visitors -- can vote (and only like a third of daily people who can vote do so), but they're something to do at the very least.
  10. Sorcerer here. Then again that's my usual shtick; might be a Templar just to change it up.
  11. Just look for something that says "Downloads." It might be under "Network."
  12. I didn't know that. That's definitely interesting, but it's also not really my thing. I have a backlog of too many classic / acclaimed books to start reading books based in the TES lore. The games are the only thing that fix my, er, fix.
  13. You first have to download it from the store, then you will have the downloaded file appear at the bottom of the "Game" menu where you normally launch into games. You need to click it and install the DLC. After that, it will appear in your game.
  14. Eh, video game movies are usually terrible and I can't really think of any exceptions off of the top of my head. I'm definitely struggling to make it to release, though. I need my TES fix. At least we have ESO instead of the usual 5+ years between the main installments of TES.
  15. That would make sense. Orcs are usually the lowest by quite a bit in every popularity poll I've seen, and this game is going to depend on balance a lot. They seem to be quite clearly the best option for tanks. Although the Dunmer race has rather mediocre appearing skills at face value, that fire resistance might be great with all of the Dragon Knights destined to be running around.
  16. Amazon currently has Crysis 3 for 75% off. That's $14.99, down from the MSRP of $60. You buy it and can access it instantly via Origin download.
  17. Item: Crysis 3 Price: $14.99 Amazon currently has Crysis 3 for 75% off. That's $14.99, down from the MSRP of $60. You buy it and can access it instantly via Origin download. System: PC Retailer: Amazon Deal Link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CRN8WUI/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00CRN8WUI&linkCode=as2&tag=therebecomm-20 Click here to view the deal
  18. The front page polls have returned. Have you voted today?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. David


      It's a bit off-topic for the front page, but you can share the link in a status update.

    3. Blake


      I choose not to vote because the ElderSouls Electoral College chooses who it wants anyway. We have no say.

    4. Eric the Bard
  19. Poll above. Racial skills below. Aldmeri Dominion Daggerfall Covenant Ebonheart Pact Altmer, Dunmer, and Orc all seem pretty good.
  20. That's actually a cool gift, I would want a Skyrim-esque tankard... I mean look at it. It can hold so much beer mead. A quick scan of Amazon doesn't have much though. Side note - I've never heard of the Michigan Renaissance Festival even though it's apparently in my back yard. Thinking about buying one of those Draugr suits and going.
  21. We had something like that on another forum I ran. It was very popular for the first week or so and then people stopped using all of the features other than the normal +1 / Like we have now. It's an interesting idea, and I'd consider it if people came up with enough uses for it. The caveat being that it has to be something that can't be done with the current system. If people would like to have +1 AND -1 votes, that is actually just a flip of a switch for me to implement. In the past, people have said they enjoy the current "Facebook" system more because there is only positive reinforcement (no "dislikes") and it leads to more people getting involved. +1/-1 systems tend to have 3-4 people form a clique to neg everyone they don't agree with, so everyone becomes scared to contribute.
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