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Everything posted by David

  1. Really? I couldn't live without it for navigation, especially the new content / active topics link. It does get in the way occasionally. As for the bugs, does anyone feel it's unusable or too unpolished as of now? May just call it a day and go back to inputting the skill effects and what-not.
  2. Breton Race Page I guess this means we can stop arguing about whether the wiki or our leaks have the info right.
  3. This thread is for troubleshooting / developing the skill database; please just make a new thread for all specific skill questions / builds / etc. I've cleared out this thread (which was most of it) and moved the skill questions here.
  4. Should be finished now. The button is in the top-left cell of every table. The only bug that I found happens if you toggle individual cells, and then toggle the entire table - the table cell button markers don't show the correct status until after you hit the table button again. EDIT: And it requires two clicks to open a second table consecutively. Damn it.
  5. I had a (mostly) working expand / collapse all last night, I'm just trying to think of a way to implement it well without restructuring everything.
  6. Alright, I think I've implemented what you had in mind. You can check and let me know -- toggle buttons are in the right corner of section titles. The only caveat is that it's all unminimized by default at the moment, since at this stage in development I want to see changes easily.
  7. That's almost certainly beyond my poverty-level ability with JavaScript, but do you have an example of anything that comes close to what you're envisioning? It would be cool to work on some sort of character builder far off in the future. Also, I like your categories as they're much more even between the sections. Hopefully I'll have the shells of the skills completely done in the next few days; then it will be easier to see where things fit nicely. It wouldn't be too hard to have all of the sections minimized by default, with a corner option to expand one-by-one. I could also have a static bar to "Collapse / Expand All" that follows the screen as you scroll. Then again that's the type of thing that has conflicts with existing features, like that annoying black fade-out bar at the top of every page.
  8. That (and Musclemagic's minimized section suggestion) are good suggestions that could be implemented. I guess the important question I should be asking is this -- how will this be used? That will impact how the information is displayed by default. For example, those of you constantly coming up with builds -- do you always have that skill document open comparing skills side by side? If not, what is the most useful implementation of this information? Alternatively, it may end up just as something people check out haphazardly once (if that) to see a few descriptions that confused them. Who knows.
  9. No, they can't use weapons because they don't have opposable thumbs.
  10. Werewolf Nord with no weapon. Claws, guys... Claws. Vampire Dunmer with well, their teeth obviously. Magic as well I suppose, so maybe a staff. The Emperor Imperials. The Emperor never has a weapon, he just dies defenseless in every game.
  11. That information can be added eventually, but unless I'm mistaken it hasn't been leaked or released yet.
  12. I've started to work on skill tables, such as the ones seen here. As of now, only the first one is full; click the "+" to view all the descriptive information. They're eventually going to be added to every related informational page (e.g. the racial tables inserted into the race pages), so before I get too far ahead of myself I'm enlisting your help in a few things. [*]Check the accuracy of the information as it's added. [*]Check to make sure the functionality is working. [*]Suggest improvements. Known bugs: [*][ Fixed ] Table columns aren't the same width, which leads to... [*][ Fixed ] Text in tables not word wrapping correctly. [*][ Fixed ] Table Toggle: it requires two clicks to open a second table consecutively. [*][ Fixed ] Table Toggle: no animation. [*][ Fixed ] Table Toggle: toggle individual cells, and then toggle the entire table - the table cell button markers don't show the correct status until after you hit the table button again. [*]Minimizing sections has animation lag/jumps due to margins on the CSS class. Completed Pathways: [*]Racial [*]Armor [*]Dragon Knight [*]Nightblade There are a few other new things that will hopefully roll out soon-ish, but I suppose I can bump this thread when we get to that point. Oh, and if anyone knows basic HTML and isn't bothered by mind-numbing data entry... You can help with the tables if you so wish.
  13. May as well leave the link, I'm sure there are still quite a few that haven't seen it yet.
  14. Yeah, unless I'm mistaken that was one of the videos posted awhile back from PAX (along with 3 others).
  15. ElderSouls.com - one of the top 50,000 sites in Canada.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. David


      The background that's up now is about as perfect as you can get for an Elder Scrolls site, but I personally think background images are tacky in general. When the site goes through its next major update (within the next few months hopefully), I'm planning on a new theme anyway.

    3. Musclemagic


      This background's too perfect. When I'm looking at it in public people say SKYRIM!! and conversation immediately begins. Please don't fudgeroni it.

    4. Fergal


      A feature to switch between backgrounds would be awesome if that can be implemented, leaving this as default. Just would be nice to see a fresh image now and then. (Although yes, I agree that they are tacky - probably draws attention though, so yeah)

  16. Looks like my 2-month old computer (well, the 760 anyway) is already obsolete. Lmao at a GTX 780 as the recommended card. Unless they're completely remaking the game from what's on the PS4 / One there's no way that can be accurate; it must be a "buy this overpriced card!" marketing gimmick. I mean come on, that card is like one step down from the Titan and costs ~60% more than an entire next-gen console. Meh, have no interest in CoD anyways.
  17. There's quite a few beta videos out now, but they get taken down pretty quickly on all reputable sites. Other than that, the only real news is that we now have most of the assumed skill lines from the beta. They're all summarized here - http://eldersouls.com/topic/4580-comprehensive-document-w-all-known-skill-lines/ Welcome back, by the way.
  18. Item: Logitech G602 Price: $54.99 I wasn't even in the market for a new mouse, but this looks sexy as hell and it's had great reviews. Strongly considering picking one up. It can supposedly get 1440 hours in "energy" mode, and despite it being wireless, I've read quite a few user-reviews that specifically state they don't notice any lag in FPS games. Update: It is now $60. Still ~$20 below MSRP. System: PC Retailer: Newegg Deal Link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826104914 Click here to view the deal
  19. I wasn't even in the market for a new mouse, but this looks sexy as hell and it's had great reviews. Strongly considering picking one up. It can supposedly get 1440 hours in "energy" mode, and despite it being wireless, I've read quite a few user-reviews that specifically state they don't notice any lag in FPS games. Update: It is now $60. Still ~$20 below MSRP.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCZ3SN65kIs Most famous battle scene / charge of all time, and I've watched it 100+ times. Happened across the YouTube video, and people are arguing about the battle cry at 2:28. It's apparently "DEATH" and not "YAAAAA" which I've been hearing since I was like 8.
  21. It can quickly turn into tons of short, spammy replies in a race for high post counts. That's not a problem now since we have a great group of regular users, but when there's a larger user base it will become more noticeable. Fits my description of the gray area.
  22. I thought I'd post this reminder since I'm starting to see virtually everyone do it -- one poster should not make multiple consecutive replies in a thread. This is generally known as "double posting" on forum communities and is usually against etiquette. I figured it would slow down or stop after people became familiar with the forum buttons, but it's definitely started to become standard procedure. I've noticed people generally do it for a few reasons, and I'm posting the following so people know how to properly use the functionality to avoid multiple posts. 1. Quoting and replying to multiple different posts. If you want to quote multiple different posts in a thread, simply click the "multiquote" button on each post you want to reply to. This will automatically add quotes when you go to reply. 2. Adding additional information to posts. If you want to add something to a post you've already submitted, you shouldn't immediately post again with the new information. Instead, hit the "Edit" button on the post you want to add (or remove information) to. 3. Replying to bump threads. I haven't noticed this at all, but I'll mention it for future reference. If you don't think a thread you created has had enough attention, please don't post in it just to bump it to the active topics list. There is, however, some gray area where bumping is acceptable. For example, if there's new news or other information to add to an already existing topic. For example, if Zenimax were to release new details that answered a previously asked (and previously unanswered) question. If you have any additional questions about the forum functionality or specific scenarios, feel free to ask below. Also, I want to make it a point to state that you shouldn't feel bad if this is something you know you've done; you're definitely not in trouble or anything. It's actually my fault since I haven't mentioned anything about it, nor have I been moderating the offending posts (Blake is also MIA for some reason). It's just one of those things that if left alone can get out of hand.
  23. It took me this hint and a good 3 minutes of staring to finally see the message.
  24. In previous MMOs, I generally found myself in some sort of semi-leadership / moderator role in groups of various sizes. My big task before such a fight wasn't to muster up some magnificent speech or battle cry. Nope, my efforts were spent begging those who were straggling to actually show up and trying to prevent those that were there from getting frustrated and leaving. Oh, and the pre-battle stress-flamming between group members... Can't forget that. On the rare instance things were going well I reminded people to have certain things in their inventory and what-not, so I chose the second-from-last option.
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