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Everything posted by David

  1. That's within a week of Iron's estimate. Where there's smoke, there's often fire. Here is a working link.
  2. I figured that I was safe to believe that no one would select that option on an ELDER SCROLLS WEBSITE. But I suppose you're right. I have fixed it and added an option.
  3. Welcome to the site! I'm always ecstatic to see lurker converts. I'm not sure how the quests will work in the land of other factions; I haven't read much about that, personally. I'd guess that we'll all be completing the same region-based quests that don't specifically tie in to the other factions. From a lore perspective, I suppose they could make unique "espionage" style quests that give you a reason for actually being there. NPCs inherent to that region probably won't act discernibly different -- it's always been one of the major issues with TES games. Even the single-player games always have the same interactions for end-game characters and those just starting, regardless of where the character stands as far as various accomplishments and choices are concerned.
  4. You're right, of course. Aren't there just placeholder pages up now, though? Perhaps February is when specific SKU details are set up.
  5. UPDATE 4/4/14 is now official. Original post below. So recently Irons provided us with an interesting bit of (currently unconfirmed) insider information detailing the potential release of ESO. I won't reveal his actual source unless he does, but the gist of it: That's actually a great point that no one mentioned when we were discussing this in the chat. That would make perfect sense - retailers start pre-orders in February (Q1), and then the game ships in Spring (Q2) as we've been told. My money is now on April. Anyways, I'm making this thread since we don't have a mega-thread for new news/predictions and I expect a lot more information will be coming out fairly soon.
  6. What is the all-time most catchy Christmas song? 1) The heat miser song from "The Year Without a Santa Claus." 2) That song from Blacklist. 3) Feliz Navidad, easily the most overplayed / annoying of the three.
  7. David

    Ask Me Anything

    Why do you hate them? Following your explanations above, I figured that situation would be right up your alley.
  8. David

    Ask Me Anything

    So you never tried anything, or are you friend-zoned?
  9. David

    Ask Me Anything

    You've stated that your roommate is a college-aged female that is not related to you, yet you have not had carnal relations. Explain.
  10. I remember you posting about how horrified you were with Oblivion's graphics when you first saw it, as if you couldn't believe anyone would have played it. How much did you actually play Oblivion / Morrowind? I know I put probably 3 times as many hours into Oblivion as Skyrim.
  11. You just have to edit the post and then click "Use Full Editor." Good concept for a thread by the way, I haven't seen much discussion on groups yet.
  12. As some of you have probably noticed, I'm made a slight update to the theme. It's probably the most noticeable in threads, where there were some fairly drastic changes. All in all I hope that the topic-view now has a much more consistent look will eventually expand to the rest of the site.
  13. Oblivion and Skyrim here. Planning on TESO too.
  14. I haven't played AC4, but from what I've heard it's primarily about Connor's background through his relative, right? This honestly worries me because it seems like they're building up to feature that monstrosity in another AC game... With the French Revolution in 1789 they could easily bring Connor back in his prime for AC:V. They even have a tie-in with Lafayette from AC:III. If it happens, I will cut myself. Ignoring the fact that Connor is literally the worst character I've ever had the displeasure of being forced to tolerate for more than 3 minutes... Well, I can just see it now... An autistic Apache (or whatever) IN FRANCE running through the front-lines swinging his tomahawk like some sort of hell-bent downy. Throw in his characteristic teenage angst and lack of any personality and we've got ourselves another Ubisoft blockbuster.
  15. Honestly, I personally feel as if the series has completely jumped the shark, moving away from what originally made it great. I'm a history buff. Assassin's Creed is, by definition to me, running around with pre-renaissance technology doing assassinations. I have next to 0 interested in the whole modern Desmond story lines (thank god that ended without going into spoilers). AC has been drifting farther and farther from that since AC2. I want them to go backwards. From your list, the French Revolution is the most appealing to me despite the fact it's more modern than I'd like. It's the most modern century I'd tolerate. I only chose it before the earlier options because their settings / locations don't interest me. Europe (or perhaps Roman Middle East / Africa) is where it's at. Then again since AC3 was so absolutely terrible I told myself I was done with the franchise, so who knows. Good thread though, good to see you again.
  16. It's a secret. You need premium to find out!
  17. That surprised me too. The skeptic in me speculates that this behavior is intentional for building some sort of mental / disability defense to plead down the felony or something. Then again that might be giving the lawyers too much credit.
  18. You are a gentleman and a scholar. This man deserves my measly +1. Side note: We did, at one point, actually have an "18+" premium-only forum. It was sort of a tongue-in-cheek joke until Brad hit it up.
  19. They're alright, but their prices with that deal were really great. I just avoid everything that's over-branded with logos. AE actually has a lot of stuff that's adult-oriented in that sense; Hollister isn't really a good comparison. Hollister is pretty irredeemable because everything they have is a giant logo / advertisement, but they're targeting a different / younger demographic so to each their own.
  20. I've seen a ton of requests for a dueling system with an arena, such as the one in Oblivion in the Imperial City. It sort of surprises me that it's requested so much, but it would be a cool feature. Out of everything that's on "wishlists," and given the usual caveats, I'd bet that it has a fair chance of making it in at some point.
  21. Welcome back man, good to see you again. I'll just leave this here... http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2013/11/27/missing-person-developmentally-disabled-simi-valley-man-22/
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