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Everything posted by David

  1. Hey man, first let me welcome you to the site. I see you've made an account; it's good to have you aboard! :)I'm not sure if you've read our guide on vampirism or not; if you haven't, it can be found by clicking that link. It may contain more information you will find beneficial.The best way to NEVER become infected with the disease that turns you into a vampire is to completely avoid all dungeons that contain vampires, as you contract it by coming into contact with them. Specifically, vampires cast "Vampire Drain" on you in combat, which leads to infection 10% of the time its casted on you. If you MUST fight a vampire, get up close and personal so it tries to melee you instead of using its spell.___________________________________If you want to leave additional comments or details you can add more replies to your question topic by using the "Post New Reply" text-input near the bottom of the page.If this has helped, you may enjoy creating an account here to take advantage of the other benefits as well, including having an easier time posting more questions and answering those by others.
  2. Hello, welcome to ES! :)

  3. David

    Hello, welcome to ES! :)

  4. You're going to have to be more specific, what part do you need help with? I'm assuming you're talking about the quest The Elder Knowledge. If you're talking about how to operate the machine that focuses light to give you the scroll (just my guess since I didn't know what to do either), you have to first put the blank lexicon on top of the lexicon receptacle (located to the right of the command buttons). After that, the two buttons to the right of the center console will start to glow. [*]Press the taller button on the right of the middle console until the button to the left of the center console starts to glow. This should take 3-4 attempts. [*]Press the tallest button on the left of the center console twice or until the button farthest left begins to glow. [*]Press the far left button. [*]The machine should open and you'll be able to take the elder scroll out of it.
  5. I've changed your settings to the new defaults, you can be the guinea pig.
  6. The "quickest way" is going to depend on your type of character and what you use for combat. A generally good strategy is to simply let the NPC's fight the dragon head-on, while you run around to it's flanks and attack the sides and back of the dragon. This way, you have no chance of being grabbed by its head and automatically killed or by taking it's breath attack head-on. If there are no NPC's for the fight, you should either summon something to distract it or just run around to its sides whenever it lands.If you want to leave additional comments or details you can add more replies to your question topic by using the "Post New Reply" text-input near the bottom of the page. :)If this has helped, you may enjoy creating an account here to take advantage of the other benefits as well, including having an easier time posting more questions and answering those by others.
  7. Ha, I actually couldn't even remember what they were called. Had to google high elf. [/fail]
  8. Blasphemy.And yeah, I just said "press the speech button" instead of 'X' due to the different controllers.
  9. I don't believe there is any key for the bookshelves. I know that the librarian's "bring me this book" quest/tasks are never-ending, and are just auto-generated tasks that end in no large reward after you've done all of them (which is impossible). Just adding this information since some people think completing those tasks are how you get the key.I believe this is a trick in which Bethesda can make the library appear to be larger than it really is without actually having to add thousands of books, which could result in issues in and of itself.Players using the PC can use console commands to unlock the shelves, and have reported that there are no unique books. They're all just the normal generic texts that you would find elsewhere. Apparently few (if any) of them are valued over 25 gold, so it's not really a loss.If you want to leave additional comments or details you can add more replies to your question topic by using the "Post New Reply" text-input near the bottom of the page. :)If this has helped, you may enjoy creating an account here to take advantage of the other benefits as well, including having an easier time posting more questions and answering those by others.
  10. Altmer. Best magic bonuses and I was going for a magic user.
  11. I'm assuming you're talking about the following: If you're playing as a male, I've read that there is never a face mask. Apparently it's a female-only feature. Whether or not this is a bug/glitch has not yet been answered by Bethesda. To summarize, in order to have the mask, you must satisfy the following: [*]Cannot be a Khajiit [*]Cannot be a Argonian [*]Must be female. Does that satisfy your question? You can add extra replies by scrolling down and entering messages in the "Reply to this Topic" field near the bottom of the page. If this has helped, you may enjoy creating an account here to take advantage of the other benefits as well, including having an easier time posting more questions and answering those by others.
  12. Anyone that's maintained activity, specifically on the forums/IRC, for 4+ months.
  13. David

    iPod touch

    I've never been able to get into the touch-screen gaming scene. Although things like words with friends work on it well.
  14. In that case you just have to manually go to your notification settings and adjust them so that you automatically follow all topics/posts. It's like the 2nd setting. First one before the giant table of them.
  15. There is literally no one from the old TRR. Illini and I even came after that.
  16. It's the only thing I bother to log into RS for, although that last war makes me question why.
  17. It comes out February 22nd. I noticed the launch-price is going to be $250-$300, and even more if you want to increase the memory by buying a new card. That seems insane for a handheld considering you can buy a PS3 bundled with a game right now for less. I don't get it - are the specs better than those of the PS3? I haven't really read anything on it.
  18. Anyone who has not owned an original Gameboy is dead to me.
  19. I was just wondering if everyone was getting the red notification alert (similar to facebook) when people reply to topics you've posted on. I'm trying to get that system involved more, but I'm not sure if it automatically comes on or if you have to go to your profile to turn on "Automatically follow..." for it to work. I know I had to do it.
  20. Hey, you're supposed to be writing content for us! Not giving that site free backlinks. xDWe have our own guide here, and unlike that one it has every skill. It also goes much more in-depth (e.g. not just "CRAFT IRON DAGGERS LUL")
  21. David

    google +1

    People don't realize how much power Google has on the internet. Depending how serious they are about overcoming Facebook, I think it's a matter of when - not if. Not to mention that every 3 years people look for the new "cool" thing. Does anyone even remember MySpace?
  22. David

    google +1

    Everyone will be using Google Plus in 2 years.
  23. Quality is better than quantity at the same time.
  24. Gangsta, you should make the ones for the TRR Clan Forum category so we can test them w/o Guests seeing it first. Plus the Guest Discussion one. ; )
  25. I have 100 posts and the next highest person has like 15. C'mon guys, I'm to the point of making second accounts to talk to myself. :PBtw, damn, IPB 3.2.3 even has emoticons that don't have the shitty white outline on dark skins. $300? Worth it.
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