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Everything posted by David

  1. When I first saw that Daedric was better than DP - at least at the basic armor rating - I was slightly surprised. Then I reasoned that after you take Daedra hearts into account, it is quite a bit harder to get materials for smithing Daedric. Alas, it is not so anyways.So when is that alch/enchanting/smithing boosting guide coming out? I keep answering Yahoo questions and it comes up CONSTANTLY.
  2. Last night I played a quest based in Morthal; don't remember the name, but it was the one that involved investigating the guy who allegedly burned down his house and killed his wife and daughter. It was interesting. Not saying it was the best one, but yeah. My cool story bro.
  3. So apparently after you upgrade Dragon Plate to Legendary it surpasses Daedric in armor rating. I hadn't realized this, but I still don't know if I'll switch over. I'm not a huge fan of the looks, personally, even though I'm usually a stat junky pver a fashionista. Thoughts?
  4. Hey man, welcome to Elder Souls! Let me know if you ever need anything or have suggestions. :0

  5. Hey man, welcome to the site! Let me know if you ever need anything or have suggestions.

  6. Hey man, welcome to the site! Let me know if you ever need anything or have suggestions.

  7. Well yeah, but wouldn't it just be easier to rubber band your stick down so you're walking against a wall in an NPC's bedroom? That's the traditional method I know. I don't know how much more experience you get with attacking, so I don't know if the speed increase offsets the hands-off approach of the other method.
  8. Meh. Leave it open until MotY 2012.
  9. Eventually we're going to have premium/exclusive member groups for those who either purchase a subscription or donate a bit for our hosting costs. What benefits would you like to see? I've listed a few that will be implemented below. Note: Subscriptions or donations will never be required. Benefits [*]New forum rank and icon (see legend on board index, it's already there as "Premium Member"). [*]Access to private/exclusive forums. [*]5 display name changes every 30 days (opposed to 2). [*]Ability to open, close, and delete own topics; also able to delete own posts. [*]Ability to store 200 personal messages (opposed to 50) and to include attachments. [*]Ability to give up to 5 negative reputation points per day (opposed to 1), and 15 positive reputation points (opposed to 10). (this is dependent on whether or not we keep the "Like" system or revert to positive/negative rep) [*]Ability to see who gave forum reputation. [*]The satisfaction of helping out. Obviously I'd like to add more. I've thought of adding the ability to add background images to user profiles, maybe skinning options for blogs. Download/Upload limits will definitely be higher when those systems are implemented. Abyways, Let me know if you have ideas.
  10. In my opinion, it really depends on the game and whether or not there is a good modding community behind. Games like Skyrim and Oblivion are definitely made much better on the PS3 with modifications. Otherwise, I'd just as soon have the game on a console where I know compatibility won't be an issue.
  11. All PS3's have a blu-ray player. The 360 doesn't, although I think you can buy some sort external player for it.
  12. What quest(s) do you think have the best stories in Skyrim? You shouldn't necessarily just say "The Main Quest" - what others have great stories?
  13. Hm, interesting. Is the attacking is necessary though? As long as you're moving/walking in sneak mode, won't you gain experience?And you can edit your title by clicking edit, and then clicking the "Use Full Editor" button.
  14. To buy houses, you must approach the Jarl's of the city you want to purchase a house in and complete quests for them. After completing a certain number of quests (it's different for each Jarl), they will make you a Thane of the city, and allow you to purchase a house. After that, you just need to speak to the Steward of he'll sell you the house and furniture (sold separately).Here's a guide on marriage in Skyrim. If you have any specific questions after reading, we'll help with them. ______You should consider creating an account here. It comes with several benefits, and also makes it much easier for you to post questions and answers. It's completely free!
  15. Probably not, just venture outside a bit and I imagine a courier will find you relatively quickly.
  16. Monkey Madness was only annoying to me because I started it and then finished it like over a year later, so I essentially had to go through every step again before I found where I was. This was before there were really detailed in-game steps.Underground Pass and One Small Favour are easily the worst.Underground Pass - SUPER low agility requirement compared to the difficulty of obstacles you have to pass. I LITERALLY spent like 4 hours just trying to pass the obstacles. If you're unfamiliar, there's a series of jumps you have to make in a row to get to the center of some mini-course. If you fall, you're in this giant room that takes like 10mins to run out of. It was the most horrible experience I've ever had gaming.One Small Favour - Super redundant.
  17. A courier should deliver you a letter that says something like, "We know." After that, THEN you sleep in a bed. Sometimes you can get away with just sleeping without receiving the letter, but this is generally how it works I believe.
  18. The keep in Whiterun that you're referencing is most likely Dragonsreach; to find it, you just need to run to the northern part of the city. After climbing a series of stairs, you will come upon the palace - Dragonsreach. If that's not what you were referencing, you can reply to this topic using the field below. We'll work with you to figure it out. ______You should consider creating an account here. It comes with several benefits, and also makes it much easier for you to post questions and answers. It's completely free!
  19. Hm, so Delphine didn't tell you to go to the Rataways in Riften? You're supposed to find Brynjolf in the Ragged Flagon right after speaking to Delphine. You should have found a note in the previous quest that mentions Esbern, I think that's where the dialogue option about him comes from - do you have that?______You should consider creating an account here. It comes with several benefits, and also makes it much easier for you to post questions and answers. It's completely free!
  20. Interesting. I've yet to officially finish the Thieves guild actually, and had no idea I had so much ahead of me still. I'm at the stage where I'm supposed to be bringing the Skeleton Key back, but I've decided to hold on to it to level lockpicking. Figured that was pretty much my last task.
  21. You're probably looking for the fighter's guild, which is known as the "Companions" in Skyrim. You can find them in Whiterun, specifically in the tavern Jorrvaskr.You can also join the Thieves Guild (Riften), Dark Brotherhood, and Mages Guild (College of Winterhold). Let us know if you have any more questions!______You should consider creating an account here. It comes with several benefits, and also makes it much easier for you to post questions and answers. It's completely free!
  22. Yep, as ThatsWhat said, you are unable to get married again after marrying once - you can only get married ONE time in the game. This stands even if your wife dies.If you're interested, you might want to read our marriage guide for more information.______You should consider creating an account here. It comes with several benefits, and also makes it much easier for you to post questions and answers. It's completely free!
  23. Yes, you can buy up to 5 houses in Skyrim. Click this link for more information on the specific houses.______You should consider creating an account here. It comes with several benefits, and also makes it much easier for you to post questions and answers. It's completely free!
  24. Hello. :)Try holding the switch view button in, and then move your mouse or left stick forward or backwards to adjust the zoom level.______You should consider creating an account here. It comes with several benefits, and also makes it much easier for you to post questions and answers. It's completely free!
  25. Unfortunately, no, you can't stay at stage three for very long, and stage 4 is what it is because NPC's are hostile. You could potentially mitigate the hostility by using "Calm" spells, although this wouldn't be practical in areas with many NPC's. Stage 3 lasts 24 hours; after that, you progress to stage 4.I'm not sure if you've read our guide on Vampirism or not, so I'll link it just in case my answer doesn't cover all of your questions. You should consider creating an account here. It comes with several benefits, and also makes it much easier for you to post questions and answers. It's completely free!
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