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Everything posted by David

  1. That's a known bug that players have reported generally as "Belethor has disappeared from my game." Unfortunately you'll need to provide more information - such as which quest this occurred during - if you want to receive more specific advice on what to do / if it's possible to fix.______You should consider creating an account here. It comes with several benefits, and also makes it much easier for you to post questions and answers. It's completely free!
  2. And the first guide to 1,000 views isssss.... Conjuration and Enchanting power leveling! Odd since it's the worst one.

    1. Fergal


      Probably just because people are looking for power-leveling guides to something. :P

    2. Blake


      Meh I like it well enough

  3. You can't do all of the radiant quests anyway, they're just randomly generated every time you ask for one. Since it's a random quest I don't really think anyone can help you. It might be something they fix in a patch, it might not.
  4. I always think of Argonians going the assassin/mercenary/thief route personally.
  5. There is a rare bug where Belethor disappears from the game. He may also be dead - to check, visit the "Hall of the Dead" in Whiterun and look for him. If he's not there, he's not dead.Either way, Belethor isn't the best source of Ebony Ingots - Warmaidens and the female blacksmith right by the city gate are more likely to have them. You can also visit Gloombound mine and get 45-50 ebony ore every 30 in-game days or so. These smelt into 1 bar for every 2 ore, so you'll come away with ~24 ingots.______You should consider creating an account here. It comes with several benefits, and also makes it much easier for you to post questions and answers. It's completely free!
  6. It's not supposed to be a best-worst list (although you can do that), it's just what I'm most likely to play as. [*]Altmer (magicka bonus usually makes this race the best for mages when Bethesda makes the build over-powered as usual.) [*]Dunmer (tbh I just want to see how the Thalmor react to this in Skyrim, would probably be lower usually) [*]Redguard [*]Bosmer [*]Breton / Imperial / Nord (who gives a shit they all look the same; exception being Skyrim where I might play as a Nord often for the sake of lore) [*]Orc (meh) [*]Argonian (can't relate to the character) [*]Khajiit (for Blexun)
  7. Hm, I've never heard of that problem happening before. Is the option literally non-existant, or just greyed out? Perhaps you just don't have the proper supplies - daedra hearts, ebony ingots, and leather strips. I don't have much more of an idea what the issue could be if you've already unlocked the perk; yet all of the other smithing options there?You could try unlocking the dragon perk and seeing if that appears and causes the Daedric to appear to. It probably won't, but it's something to try - if it doesn't just reload your save and you won't be any worse off. Oh, and do you have any saves existing from before you purchased the daedric perk? Reloading those might be your last resort if you can't get it to come up.
  8. We have a live chat application similar to IRC. You can access it by clicking on it's tab on the nav bar - it's right inbetween guides and blogs
  9. Just a quick update so you're all aware... [*]The "Chat" application has been fixed, so you're all free to chat with eachother live once again. [*]Several primary forums (Graphics and Media, Strategy, etc) have been removed. [*]All sub-forums have been removed since there's just no point currently. [*]We've entered a link-sharing agreement with "Skyrim Perk Calculator," which is linked at the top right of the site. [*]This is old, but "Active Topics" and "Unread Topics" buttons have been added - open to suggestions for more quicklinks for content. [*]Store updates resulted in new subscription options (which no one has given any suggestions on). I'm debating adding a shoutbox. It's a cool thing to have, but I don't want to have that hurt status updates or new topic creation, which is what generally happens. Perhaps it could be a staff + premium member only option. Anyways, cheers.
  10. Oh noes, teh backgruond!

    1. Blake


      I'm not too fond of you to be honest

  11. Yeah, that's a known bug and we've had people ask questions about it before. Unfortunately looking over these bug notes there doesn't appear to be a known 100% fix for your situation. I'll post the quote below where I think you are: You should read over the rest of those notes in case you're at a different spot in the mission. You could also try some of the fixes mentioned there for other parts of the quest - they may work, they may not.Let us know if you have more details or information to add. Or if you figure it out, tell us so we can help others. We're open to try more things if you reply back.
  12. What's the name of the vampire in the Morthal quest that engineers the house burning? Too bad you can't marry her, she always made comments trying to seduce you and wasn't half bad either.
  13. I use the one handed power attacks occasionally, mainly just to switch things up a bit and not because they're any good. As a magic user I don't use a shield - I generally retreat and let my thralls tank while I spam spells.
  14. Great idea for a thread. Welcome to the site by the way, mind if I asked how you found us? :DI use a High Elf. Master level Conjuration, Destruction, Smithing, and Enchanting. Normally I'm either dual-casting spells or using an enchant sword in one hand and a spell in the other.
  15. Ha, yeah, I did the same thing. High Elf in Oblivion and followed it into Skyrim. As I level up I find myself using my one-handed enchanted sword more and more - magic just doesn't have the damage output that melee does in this game. It's a shame since magic was so dominant in oblivion, but I guess it's more balanced this way.
  16. Sigh. Exams. Cutting into Skyrim-time.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blake


      Oh btw, figured out if you have the follower glitch where people say you have a follower and you don't, you can go to Esbern and tell him you brought a person to join the Blades. This requires you to kill Paarthurnax and it can only be done 3 times of course

    3. David


      Great find. Assuming that will glitch the Blades so where you're down one total Blade member?

    4. Blake


      Never had the follower problem. Not sure if the supposed NPC will automatically join The Blades or you'll just be a 1-3 men down.

  17. Welcome to the site!Before I get into answering your questions, just be aware that to get emails for replies to your threads, you should edit your notification options in your profile. Just check the "Email" box under the "Notification method to use for replies to followed topics" option.1) Dragonborn can talk, there's just no voice actor selected for your character in the game. This is largely due to people preferring to imagine there characters voices as opposed to having to settle for a voice actor they may not even like.2) There are many glitches because the game has so many options and different paths you can choose for, well, everything. It's very difficult to account for all of this from a programming standpoint.3) You can download patches if you already own the game; it just requires an internet connection. You should automatically get the patch if you run Skyrim while signed into your PSN/Xbox/Steam account.4) The game isn't short, it's very long. You've probably only finished the main quest. There are literally hundreds of other quests and quest lines in the game. The main quest only exists to explain the source of dragons.5) They'll fix many of the glitches, but due to time constaints they won't be able to fix all of them.6) You can only get married one time in Skyrim, even if your spouse dies.7) It's just a single-player based game, that's what TES games have always been. People fear multiplayer would ruin many of the immersive aspects of playing.Checking your answers here should be just as easy as your email, if not more so. If that's necessary though, you can edit the options in your profile I mentioned above to recieve emails on updates to this thread.
  18. Personally, my favorite thing to do in Skyrim/Oblivion was always power-leveling and trying to find the most efficient methods to increase my skills.
  19. We've released our new subscription option! A subscription allows you to become a Premium Member, which is associated with the following benefits... Subscription Benefits [*]New forum rank and icon (see store or board index for image). [*]Ability to customize profile background. [*]Increased upload and download limits. [*]Access to private and exclusive forums. (coming soon) [*]5 display name changes every 30 days (opposed to 2). [*]Ability to open, close, and delete your own topics; also able to delete your own posts. [*]Ability to store 200 personal messages (opposed to 50) and to include attachments with them. [*]Ability to give up to 5 negative reputation points per day (opposed to 1), and 15 positive reputation points (opposed to 10). [*]Ability to see who gave forum reputation. [*]The satisfaction of helping keep us operational! The length of subscriptions are divided into the following groups: [*]1 Month - $2.49 ($2.49 per Month) [*]3 Months - $5.99 ($1.99 per Month) [*]6 Months - $8.99 ($1.49 per Month) [*]1 Year - $14.99 ($1.25 perMonth) You can view and purchase subscriptions by visiting our store. Please note that purchasing a subscription is completely optional, and all funds go towards helping to pay for our hosting. You can also donate if you wish to help out! PS: I'm completely open to changing the pricing tiers - this is just what has been used in the past.
  20. The OLD Final Fantasy games had good stories. 7 is obviously legendary. I loved 10 as a kid, but looking back it was probably just because I was younger.Assassins Creed is definitely up there as far as scope is concerned.I'll come up with way more I'm sure, but I have to think on it.
  21. This thread was going to happen sooner or later. Hroki, who is for some reason unmarriable as the game considers her a child. Muiri?
  22. I haven't really messed around with being a Werewolf yet, but from my understanding Werewolfs are very powerful at lower levels. I know they get weaker as your level increases, though, so at higher levels I'd probably go with Vampirism. It's also nice being able to control being a Vampire - the werewolf thing is more or less one time and you can't get it back after you cure it.Wasn't aware that Vampires had night vision, is it actually useful?
  23. Oblivion: Failed in their only task - protect the Emperor's life - and did so spectacularly. Following that, they left you - the peasant - to run around closing all of the Oblivion Gates essentially by yourself.Skyrim: Tell you to kill Paarthurnax, who is the only reason you are even successful in your quest since he gives you so much help. If you refuse, they throw a hissy fit and refuse to even talk to you until you do it. Not to mention the fact that they treat you like their bitch throughout the entire story even though you're the only reason they're even back on the map. Meanwhile, all the Blades do is barge in on the Greybeards meeting, insult them in their palace, and then whine about how "they have as much right" to be there, blahblahblah.
  24. The best way to find items to with the proper enchantments, in my opinion, is to go to a store that sells the items that would theoretically carry the enchantment. I just sit in them, check the stock for what I need, wait 24 hours, check again, wait 24 hours, etc. until I can buy my item. You can get the enchanted items through loot or drops, but that could take ages.I've personally never noticed a Paralyze enchantment either. Then again, I've certainly never looked for it.______You should consider creating an account here. It comes with several benefits, and also makes it much easier for you to post questions and answers. It's completely free!
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