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Everything posted by David

  1. More of a fancy "Why you should join" with a link to the instructions than anything. Of course AotW would be easy too.
  2. I mentioned it in the OP. I'd turn that area into either 1) a permanent pitch for joining with step instructions or 2) just move achievements of the week to that side and actually keep up with it.
  3. Remember that you all have the ability to add your own images to the gallery. Annnnd you can create blogs. I need more to read. :(

  4. Hey, it's good to see you finally made it to the forums. They're not all bad, after all. I think a KQ event is a good idea, although I won't be able to participate due to real life time constraints and my F2P-ness.
  5. Great job on the Event Reflections, it's been far too long since anyone did at all, much less correctly. The screenies are a nice touch. Keep it up through these lower turnouts, and more people will take notice and attend.
  6. Is it me, or are all of the major quest lines much shorter in Skyrim? It may just be because it's been a few years since I've gone through all of the different Oblivion quests, but I've had that feeling during every quest tree so far. [*]The main quest line is clearly much, much shorter in Skyrim. [*]The Mages guild is much shorter, though in Oblivion it was quite redundant with all of the chapters. [*]Thieves Guild is a push since I don't remember it in Oblivion besides the epic final heist where you steal the Elder Scroll. [*]Dark Brotherhood is probably slightly shorter. You could say that the stories and general quality in Skyrim is much better. But when just looking at how long it took you to complete them, what were your results?
  7. That's a very good way to look at it Ratone, thank you for posting. Welcome to the site by the way. :)It will be interesting to see how powerful the Dark Brotherhood is in the next TES installement after the return of the Night Mother and the old ways. I imagine they'll be at least as widespread as they were in Oblivion.
  8. I've re-added the calendar after a few people requested it. I initially thought that it was a useless application that no one ever used, and since space on the nav bar is at a premium I just turned it off. Anyways, it's back now that I've discovered that it's extremely simple to just turn the "Hide from Nav Bar" option on. You guys are making a fantastic effort at increasing activity and event turnouts, so I'm confident you'll put it to good use. This calendar is a bit more advanced than others we've used in the past. You should have the ability to... [*]RSVP to events. [*]Comment on calendar events (this should not replace the normal threads) [*]Rate events. Since the link is no longer on the nav bar, you can view it by visiting it here or by clicking on the sub-forum in Community Events (it also displays on the index). There's also a hook on the side-bar of the index that will provide a feed of Upcoming Events, similar to the "Recent Topics" area. This probably renders the manually-updated Calendar area of the header more trouble than it's worth. Fergal, you should probably turn it into a few quick bullets on why/how to join.
  9. I've never killed Paarthurnax either, so I haven't had to make the decision. If I had to make a choice, I would probably go with Squishyman's suggestions except for J'zargo, just because I can't see mages as Blades as easily as warriors/archers.
  10. We also have two other threads on the Cornered Rat quest issues here and here. They may help, but there's likely no fix as the quest is known to be broken by certain bugs. If you have other bugs in different quests that you'd like to ask questions about, you can start a new thread and we'll discuss them there. :)I don't know what you mean by not being able to create another profile. It is possible to create multiple characters, if that's what you mean.
  11. I know at least in the case of Dragon Plate vs. Daedric, the Dragon armor has higher stats after upgrading to legendary when compared to Daedric. Ebony/Orcish may have the same situation going on; I'm not sure.Some people also claim that Ebony doesn't get the Matching Set bonus because of a bug - so if you have all of the pieces of that set equipped, it won't increase (opposed to Orcish, which will still get the bonus). You can test this by looking at the armor rating of each piece individually and comparing them to the orcish pieces. If the ebony stats are all high individually, but still lower when they're all equipped, that's the problem.
  12. Just don't do it for F2P. Make it a P2P only event, but invite other clans to participate. Make the official tracking thread on our forums (and don't post it on the others) so we'll get more site exposure and traffic and it will help our name get out more.You can then track individually and as different clans. The rewards would be bragging rights, or you could have an entrance fee.Of course Subsistence did this less than a month ago, so meh.
  13. This part, of course. As far as the actual medieval time period goes, it was often quite barbaric and lawless; not really what it's often made out to be in many stories. Of course, I certainly wouldn't complain if we could live in the place (as it's made out to be) either.
  14. I would like to welcome you into our clan; congratulations on being accepted into the RuneScape Rebelz! ____________ I. What's Required of You ____________ 1. Forum Activity As a member of TRR, it is your responsibility to periodically check up on the clan forums. This is important for many reasons, the least of which is so you can stay updated on clan news and important announcements. Many members choose to bookmark the forums - Forum Index - and simply check up on them quickly before or after logging into RuneScape. Posting on the forums is a necessary part of becoming involved with our clans community, and promotions are often based on how active clan members are on the forums. ____________ 2. In-Game Communication It might seem silly, I know; but you would be amazed at how many people join and then complain that they didn't ever know when an event was taking place. To prevent that and to get to know other members of the clan, staying active in our in-game friends AND clan chat is a must. Our clan chat is 'The Rebelz', and members are expected to be in it whenever they're on RuneScape. You are allowed to leave the chat in certain situations (e.g. checking up on a merchant chat, moving chats for an event, etc), but generally you should be in the clan chat while on RuneScape. ____________ 3. Other Tips Other great communication tools that can help your chances at a promotion greatly include IRC and Ventrilo. For information on clan channels, please click the 'Communication' drop-down menu in the news header. You can learn more about using IRC specifically in our guide. ____________ Quick Information Clan Chat: The Rebelz IRC Channel: #Rebelz It's great to see you in TRR, we all look forward to getting to know you!
  15. That makes sense, but it doesn't explain how they knew the kid summoned you via the black sacrament (and was therefore their turf). From what the guards say, for all they would know it was just another murder/death. Then again, there might have been something mentioned about it that I just don't remember.
  16. David

    Hey, welcome to the site! Feel free to get right into the discussion, we're a pretty open place. Let me know if you ever have any suggestions. :)

  17. That's one thing I didn't really understand during the quest. The game has you believe that the DB is still receiving contracts via the black sacrament, even though they have no communication with the Night Mother (which is necessary). Many people assume that they're just talking contracts by word of mouth like the Thieves Guild, and thus skip the communication via the Night Mother. However, how does that explain Astrid's knowledge of the sacrament performed by the boy in the first quest? How does she know that you accept the quest in their place?
  18. You have a point, but I think either way the DB is on the way to its prestigious old ways with or without Cicero. The DB name becomes legend once again after you kill the Emperor, and since you become the listener everyone is able to communicate with the Night Mother again.You're right that it is probably the better thing to let him live according to lore, but I think the DB is on the way up without him too.
  19. Hello, welcome to the site! Let me know if you ever need anything or have suggestions. :)

  20. Hey, welcome to the site! I saw some of your posts and just thought I'd officially welcome you. Feel free to contact me if you ever have any suggestions! :)

  21. I've heard Jzargo is great, except he often prefers to go hand-to-hand instead of using his level 100 destruction. Is that true?Hm, I've never used Erik the Slayer. Maybe I'll have to look into him.
  22. Haha, yeah, I forgot to mention that. I'm sure that most people go on the rampages quite often. I have to Dremora Marykaz thralls with warhammers that one-hit most NPC's... The hilarity of them running around and shouting their lines while pounding things amuses me to no end.
  23. A Night to Remember probably had the most amusing concept. House of Terrors was interesting but the reward is quite bad.The Black/Azuras Star is probably the most useful item.
  24. Is there really any legitimate reason? I've spent the last weekend training alchemy from level 35 to 100, and I can't even tell you how many hours I've spent staring at a loading screen just because I have to leave a shop before I can fast travel to the next city. And really, why? Is there some type of unfair exploit to be had by fast traveling from within buildings? It it anymore realistic to instantly traveling hundreds of miles when you're standing an extra 5ft out of the door from your current location inside?
  25. Hey, welcome to the community! Feel free to dive right into whatever discussion you want, we're a pretty easy-going bunch of people. Let me know if you ever need anything or have suggestions! ;)

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