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Everything posted by David

  1. Here's one more thing to try. Open the console and select Serena as usual.addfac 19809 1Setrelationshiprank <RefID> 4 Player.setrelationshiprank <RefID> 4DisableEnableSince Serena isn't supposed to be married and is heavily scripted with Dawnguard there's a chance you simply can't marry her, even with console commands.
  2. Rustleif is part of a radiant quest, Rare Gifts. You can only have one of the rare gift quests active at once (there are several, see page). You must already have one active. You can help these people for the quest.
  3. Yes. NPC stands for non-playable character. Did you wait 24 hours? 1. No, I think I just gave you the wrong faction codes. 2. You shouldn't have to. Try this instead. Click on intended spouse after opening the console. Enter the following.setrelationshiprank player 4addfac 19809 1You may have to save and reload following that, I don't remember. Might want to do it as a new save file just in case it doesn't work. If the above doesn't work, change out the first console code with the following. setrelationshiprank <RefID> 4Replace <RefID> with the ID the console spits out when you select Serena.
  4. Are you opening the console and THEN selecting the NPC? Also, make sure you're inputting the codes in one at a time.
  5. It probably won't matter. At one point during a specific Dawnguard quest, she has dialogue where she'll politely decline a marriage offer if you ask. This obviously won't make sense if you're married, but nothing more will come of it other than you scratching your head. Other than that, there shouldn't be any issues, but it's hard to predict these things sometimes. 24 hours in-game. You can sleep/wait/do whatever. It's part of the Bonds of Matrimony quest.
  6. This is what I don't really understand. The United States and Canada didn't have any representation or say in the government, which is why they left. Scotland is an equal partner. I'm not even from the UK and I can name-drop Tony Blair (the PM) as coming from Scotland right off the top of my head. So it seems to me it's more of a "my political party didn't win" tantrum. Sort of like how when someone's favored presidential candidate loses in the states, a lot of people will claim they're "moving to Canada" as a passive-aggressive joke. Except Scotland's not joking. Note that I obviously have no idea what I'm talking about. These observations are made in complete ignorance of the situation.
  7. Serena would be way more interesting conversationally because she'll frequently comment on things. Muiri will just have the generic housewife dialogue, if any. I think I married Muiri in my first game, but I wasn't looking for another follower so her only task was to sit in the manor and look pretty. I'd go for Serena if she's going to be a frequent companion because she'll be much better combat-wise.
  8. So in a matter of hours we're going to see Scotland vote to end (or continue) a union that began in the early 1700's. Maybe those of you on the front-lines can give us some perspective, because I personally don't get it.
  9. Check this table. Just make sure "Follower" is "Yes" and you'll be all set with whoever you choose. You can't (normally) marry Serana (Dawnguard chick), but she is a potential follower. You can use the following console commands to marry anyone, though... Marrying NPC 1. Select spouse. 2. Enter the following console commands: removefac 51596player.removefac C6472resetquest 74793resetquest 21382setstage 74793 10 3. Wait for 24 hours. 4. Marry as normal. Setting NPC as Follower Of course, if you're going the console command route you may as well just make your current non-follower wife a follower instead. 1. Select target NPC. 2. Enter the following console commands: addfac 5C84D 1Setrelationshiprank 4Player.sertrelationshiprank 4​3. Rejoice!
  10. There are two radiant quests -- Dragon Seekers and Dragon Hunting -- that reliably (always) spawn a dragon. They have requirements though... Dragon Seekers: complete the Companions questline and Dragon RisingDragon Hunting:omplete Rebuilding the Blades and be on friendly terms with them.Fast traveling to Winterhold / The College of Winterhold also frequently spawns dragon attacks.
  11. 1. Again, neither character has an achievement tied to them. It's tied to you as the player. You can only unlock these Steam achievements once, regardless of what character you use. Of course, there's nothing stopping you from attempting them still -- you just won't get the "Achievement Unlocked!" pop-up. In the case of the Barenziah stones, that's an actual quest in the game, so you'll still get the in-game quest reward and the "Prowler's Profit" effect. 2. I've never heard of that, but I've never played the game on PC with a controller. Don't think I can be of much help. Just note that in some menus, such as the map, buttons have different functions tied to them by design. For example, your in-game sprint button won't do the same thing on the map overlay (you knew this, just illustrating what I'm saying).
  12. 1. Achievements are attached to your Steam account, not Skyrim characters. If you unlock a Steam achievement on one character, it's unlocked for good -- the whole system is through Steam itself. If you REALLY wanted to go through the thrill of unlocking achievements again, you'd have to create a new STEAM account, re-buy Skyrim, and start from there. 2. Go to the system menu in Skyrim and look for something along the lines of "Controls" or "Controller Layout." Once there you'll be able to map whatever you want to the desired key/button.
  13. It could be done if you used mods to allow two followers, and then told Meeko to "wait here" in your home. Here are a few follower mods. Ultimate Follower OverhaulExtensible Follower FrameworkI know that's probably not what you want to hear since you've stated you don't like installing mods. These two mods have a pretty involved installation process.
  14. First, here are a few non-console/cheating options. The novice hood is found in Helgen Keep during Unbound and raises your magicka by 30 points. So even if you're level 1, you'll have 130 magicka.Visit the Temple of the Divines in Solitude and activate the shrine of Julianos to obtain +25 magicka from the Blessing of Julianos.If you have the Dragonborn DLC, you may choose the power Secret of Arcana from the black book Filament and Filigree. Spells will cost no magicka for 30 seconds.Wear Fortify Magicka apparel.Drink Fortify Magicka potions.The very last option is probably your best bet since fortify magicka potions are everywhere even at early levels. If you'd rather just cheat, the following console commands will work. player.setav magicka 150The shortest possible command would be the following... tgm... Which toggles "God Mode." Spells won't cost magicka. You'll probably want to turn it off right after (by entering it again), though, as it removes all challenge/fun from the game.
  15. HTTPS/SSL site-wide for those of you who like seeing green locks in the address bar.

    1. DovahkiinDemon


      And there was much rejoicing

  16. Need more information on your what your play/combat-style is. Why use heavy armor with archery, as opposed to light?
  17. Galathil, a bosmer in the Ragged Flagon (Riften), will change your appearance for 1,000 gold.
  18. You just need to start The Path of Knowledge to enter Nchardak, which is the quest that comes before The Gardener of Men. So no, you don't. I believe you only need 4/5 resonance gems for the bow anyway.
  19. What?! Don't leave us alone! This site is far too slow without you. The traditional way of remodeling (aka removing) your houses is pretty messy. Disable the DLC Load the game Save the game Reenable the DLCNote that you should lose all of your Hearthfire houses along things that are associated with them, like building supplies. The alternative way is probably better. It utilizes console commands and you can allegedly delete things by room, but I've never personally attempted it.
  20. Shadowmere There are two ways to find a Shadowmere that is merely missing and not dead. Fast travel to a location (excluding places a horse can't follow you) and see if he appears with you. If the above doesn't work, he has stopped following you. Check the black pool near the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary where you originally received him.You said you already did those two things. I'm just reiterating for other people who may find this thread looking for help. Now, if Shadowmere has died (which is possible in Skyrim, unlike Oblivion), he will respawn at the black pool near the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary after 10 in-game days. It sounds like this may be you. Caveat -- there is a known bug where this does not happen. If that's the case, your only option is reloading a previous save. For this reason, it's probably wise for you to simply use the in-game wait function for 10 consecutive days to see if Shadowmere does indeed appear. Otherwise you run the risk of wasting several hours of playtime only to run into a save-negating bug (unless you decide to continue sans-Shadowmere). Followers Try the suggestions in this thread. The one marked "best answer" is not the only one that works -- many of Blake's are good. As a last resort you can make them join the Blades, as he suggested.
  21. According to the wiki, the Blackguard's Armor is what the Gray Fox is wearing on the Bust of the Gray Fox... ... Which most people probably know as "that loading screen statue." The statue is located in Mercer Frey's home -- Riftweald Manor -- in Riften. I'm not sure what exactly the "Blackguard" were, or if they were even an actual group; the name may just be referring to the Gray Fox (who is interesting enough alone). There's also the possibility that the name is just another meaningless derivative of the infamous color--medieval-noun naming scheme that's so prevalent in fantasy games.
  22. There's no need to fear, Elder Souls is here! Console commands to dismiss the steward of Lakeview Manor in Falkreath Hold: SetConsoleScopeQuest BYOHHouseBuilding EmptyRefAlias House1Steward SetPapyrusQuestVar BYOHHouseFalkreath bHaveSteward FalseConsole commands to dismiss the steward of Windstad Manor in Hjaalmarch: SetConsoleScopeQuest BYOHHouseBuilding EmptyRefAlias House2Steward SetPapyrusQuestVar BYOHHouseHjaalmarch bHaveSteward FalseConsole commands to dismiss the steward of Heljarchen Hall in the Pale: SetConsoleScopeQuest BYOHHouseBuilding EmptyRefAlias House3Steward SetPapyrusQuestVar BYOHHousePale bHaveSteward False
  23. The quest the amulet(s) are used in is Return to Grace, so double check the quest's status since that will influence how you can solve the issue. You can also use the following console command, assuming you have 4 amulets. player.drop 000CC846 4Note that this will drop the actual essential quest item separately from the ones that are not needed, i.e. there will probably be two stacks of dropped amulets -- one of 1 and one of 3. I would keep the independent one (if this happens) so you're not screwed if you ever need it for the quest.
  24. No, you can do them all at once. Each jarl has some requirements for you to fulfill, just like when you purchase a house in their town. You can check the wiki for specific details on each jarl.
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