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Everything posted by David

  1. Great deal if you haven't played these two games yet. Contains DA:O Ultimate Edition (includes all DLC, which costs a ton alone) and Dragon Age 2. This is a PC Download. Note that this is a bundle, and you're getting both together for the price of $9.99. Deal Link
  2. I couldn't provide steps since it was ages ago, but the PSD of the whole thing is in the Downloads section since you said you wanted it for the TRR version. You could just copy and paste the layer if you want to use it.
  3. It's great that you fixed it! I'm sure that will help a lot of people who have the same problem.Fixing it by getting suspended and going through the Rejoining process was a fantastic idea.
  4. I'm not a fan at all. I've posted numerous rants on the subject in the past but I'll just sum it up with five words:Underground PassOne Small Favour
  5. Good job taking over in the absense of the EC, we need more people to take initiative like you.
  6. David


    Don't worry, you're not in trouble for posting this and it's refreshing to see someone come here for answers as opposed to flipping out over a misunderstanding later.Before getting into anything else, I'll just say that Blexun has a very laid-back and carefree attitude. More often than not he's going to be joking about whatever he says. Sometimes people don't see the sarcasm or understand that he's just kidding, but I've rarely - if ever - seen him say or do something that wasn't intended as good-natured fun. I hope your recovery goes well . I myself will be getting my wisdom teeth out in a few days and am not looking forward to it. Although it's a minor ordeal I don't appreciate having to change my routine for anything. This is probably because clan members were told to drop the whole Sir Tai Qwan situation after it was dealt with by the leaders. After it happened it was a rather hot issue in the CC and people were getting tired hearing about it.If you must know, Sir was involved in what many believed to be an ill-natured verbal altercation with an Event Coordinator after an event. It pretty much just involved him repeatedly insulting the EC without any provocation. http://i.imgur.com/FKUlu.png As I said, the event incident wasn't the best note and I think it's normal that people are interested in finding out the next saga of that drama. I myself have heard that you were friends with Sir or something, and as such probably new about what he was doing (he never officially even posted a leaving topic, adding to confusion). Let me just say that the 9 11 situation was poor for everyone involved and hopefully has been dealt with with appropriate punishment and warning. I do regret that you were just told to "put him on ignore," but unfortunately Jagex has made it IMPOSSIBLE to temporarily kick clan members from the clan chat (only guests) without permanently banning them for a week+. The leadership felt that the situation didn't warrant a complete ban as 9 11 had previously never had any issues. I've never seen anyone praise Blexun like this, so it wasn't a regular occurrence. It was probably just a couple of people kidding around; Blexun isn't THAT well-known or high-ranking as it is.Regarding the forum, it's fine if you don't wish to post often or participate in it. It's not required. It will help expose you to members who are more active on the forum than on RuneScape, however, although whether or not that is beneficial to you is your call. People will eventually come to know you regardless so long as you are active in-game.Anyways, I hope this has helped.
  7. The "Elder Souls" one in the header.
  8. Isn't there a pull chain to the right of the door that leads to the puzzle one? Someone on a different forum seemed to have success triggering that, which reset Mercer and allowed him to open the door.The core problem is just reseting Mercer's AI. If you don't have the PC, the general way of going about that is doing things like waiting (using "Select" on the PS3) for a few in-game hours and then loading the autosave it makes automatically. It's not a sure-fire fix though, so I'm not surprised if it didn't work in your case. Some people have had success doing that and restarting their console, but again, there's no way to be sure.If you do have a PC you can just open the console when next to the door and type in "unlock".
  9. Hm. Is it possible that the dialogue is occuring as far as the game is concerned, but you do not hear it? If Arcano comes in even if "nothing" is happening that's suspicious and would make it appear as such. I know some quests have bugged audio dialogue but still continue anyway. Try going along with it for a bit and see if the quest naturally progresses anyway (though it sounds like you've already waited quite awhile).You can try talking to Tolfdir and going through his different dialogue options again to see if that fixes the problem. Make sure you're not far away from him, either, as distance might be an issue.If none of the above work, you're probably going to have to reload a previous save from before you got the "Listen" objective.
  10. I haven't personally encountered that bug, and I believe you're the first to post it here. I have a few ideas at any rate. EDIT: Beaten to the punch by Blexun. Here are a few things you can try... [*]Saving and reloading the game, as Blexun said. [*]Try waiting in-game for a couple of hours. It should reset Mercer and he'll hopefully begin the animation as you approach the door. [*]If all else fails, you will have to revert to a previous save; likely one before that area in the dungeon.
  11. Needs more content on how we took 2-3 people in the CC 2 weeks after Allan nerfed the forums into a revived juggernaut within a week.Good additions, though. Too bad Kaiden isn't around to comment on any of it.
  12. The skyscraper dimensions are 160x600, and the leaderboard is mentioned in the original post. They'll both need a #393939 1px border and the bg color should be #121212. Other than that, the text and what-not can be the same colors as before, or you can mimic the silver gradient that the logo has to mix it up. You shouldn't use exactly the same text phrases as the ones on the rectangles as they will be on the same pages occasionally, though the gist of it will be the same. To clarify you should still have "Create an Account" or whatever, but using ALL of the same phrases at once would be best avoided.
  13. Hey, welcome to the site! Let me know if you ever have any suggestions. :)

  14. 2,000 posts? Try to catch me. B)

    1. Jake


      There has been a change in the numerical system. 146 is now more than 2000.

  15. Dragon fights should be difficult, though. By the time your level 20 they'll be easier and a cake-walk by 30.All I can say is, that as originally a pure-mage character, the early levels were horribly difficult. I simply didn't have enough mana or spells powerful enough to do any damage whatsoever so I had to do hit-and-run tactics that made every cave last hours. As soon as I converted my character into using spells as support while using enchanted weapons for damage, the game got much easier. Magic seems to just be weaker in the game compared to melee. Haven't tried archery much.
  16. All of that should be happening regardless of whether or not it's on the forum.
  17. I'm closing and unpinning this since we already have one here in the Team Planning forum, which is an entire forum created just for this. Unfortunately it wasn't used because I had the permissions messed up and didn't realize it until now, but it has been fixed.
  18. It's fine for now. Could you upload the .PSD to Downloads so I can quickly make small edits if needed, though ((I'll edit it to private)? All of my graphic artists always leave and then I have to have completely new stuff made. It's up to you, though.Oh, and are you going to work on the leaderboard/skyscraper version as well? If so, there's no rush at all so take your time if you're busy. I'm just wondering.
  19. Hey, welcome to the site! Let me know if you ever have any suggestions. :)

  20. The enemies in the game level with you until level 50, so the difficulty is pretty constant (difficult) early on in my opinion.
  21. It doesn't really bother me, but I see what you mean. Is there anything else that would be more inviting that could replace it?
  22. Hey, welcome to the site! Let me know if you ever have any suggestions. :)

  23. Those really look fantastic Anarchy. Great job. I've updated the articles with them."Guide" should be "Guides" though, minor typo.Oh, and can you remove the border on the transparent one? The border on the other two looks great, but the transparent one will be best used in places that already have borders. I know that's not what I told you earlier, so I apologize. :(EDIT: Rep pos-bang for this.
  24. Yeah, this thread has actually been getting a decent number of hits from Google so they're probably all used now.
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