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Everything posted by David

  1. Switched our article commenting system to Disqus.

  2. It has been an exciting week for Grand Theft Auto enthusiasts eagerly awaiting news and information pertaining to GTA:V. Prior to today, Rockstar had released six images in two groups of three titled "Leisure" and "Transport." The latest image leak contains four images, simply titled "Business" on the official Rockstar site. The first image features a bi-plane in flight over some picturesque scenery. Following that is what appears to be a street chase involving the usual police officers and... A semi? With a grappling fugitive navigating the trailer? I don't exactly know or understand the scenario that brought us here, but there sure must be an exciting explanation. What could be better than that, eh? Well, probably a street chase involving a helicopter practically driving down the road housing a sniper. Oh, and it's pursuing a lambo. Fun times indeed! Last but not least is your standard baddie shooting down a police helicopter with an AK-47. Because why not, dammit? I was personally surprised they posted that last one; the light makes the image looked washed-out and the scenery in the background appears rather PS2-like.Well, what are you thoughts? Share them in the comments below! Click here to view the article
  3. It has been an exciting week for Grand Theft Auto enthusiasts eagerly awaiting news and information pertaining to GTA:V. Prior to today, Rockstar had released six images in two groups of three titled "Leisure" and "Transport." The latest image leak contains four images, simply titled "Business" on the official Rockstar site. The first image features a bi-plane in flight over some picturesque scenery. Following that is what appears to be a street chase involving the usual police officers and... A semi? With a grappling fugitive navigating the trailer? I don't exactly know or understand the scenario that brought us here, but there sure must be an exciting explanation. What could be better than that, eh? Well, probably a street chase involving a helicopter practically driving down the road housing a sniper. Oh, and it's pursuing a lambo. Fun times indeed! Last but not least is your standard baddie shooting down a police helicopter with an AK-47. Because why not, dammit? I was personally surprised they posted that last one; the light makes the image looked washed-out and the scenery in the background appears rather PS2-like. Well, what are you thoughts? Share them in the comments below!
  4. David


    That is the most hilarious/epic thing I've seen in a long time, well done. The Skyrim alpaca really did come out great.
  5. David

    New Home Page

    For the third question I meant we'd get rid of the header here (with the Skyrim dude) and replace it with the static menu that follows you. I should also mention that with the new layout it's also now mobile compatible. I've also re-done the navigation to make it slightly more obvious/easier to navigate since posting this, though I think it's mostly unfamiliarity. After all, all of the navigation links are the same, just in a different place. I guess the Page->Category->Article stuff is gone, but I doubt most of you ever read the articles from there anyway.
  6. David

    New Home Page

    Those of you who navigate to ElderSouls.com instead of having the forums bookmarked have probably noticed that we have a new home page installed at http://eldersouls.com/. I am MUCH happier with this new layout (although it is a ways from being finished), primarily because the width is fixed. Fixed width layouts allow every user to see the same design regardless of what screen size or resolution they're using; this makes designing something that looks halfway decent much better. It's also easily viewed by most mobile phones now. I've also installed Disqus as a replacement commenting system for Guests (currently on articles and the content system only). This might be temporary depending on what I get for feedback, which I would really appreciate - especially suggestions for improvements. There's still a few issues and bugs, but those should be dealt with soon enough. Thanks for your time, and remember to feel free to leave comments!
  7. I'll have a different write up on the home page later, but I'm aware of the messenger/notification issue. Testing quotes now. EDIT: No idea what you're talking about. Try clearing your cache.
  8. The fan was outraged.* But in all seriousness which Megaman? Bad graphics rarely add charm ever imo, although some "vintage" games lose their feel with updates, and the only people that play them do so out of nostalgia. Graphical updates would obviously ruin that.
  9. Those who have been paying attention to Bethesda's trademarking history are aware that one of the newest names to come up is Hearthfire, prompting new DLC rumors to begin circulating on message boards.Reddit user derptemp6698, who correctly leaked the Mass Effect 3 DLC, allegedly had this to say... That seems to make sense, as the word "hearth" generally refers to either the area in front of a fireplace or home. It certainly conjures up home-esque images, at any rate.Despite all of the rumors and excitement surrounding the potential new DLC, expectations should be held in check as PS3 users have yet to even get their hands on the first Dawnguard DLC. In fact, PS3 players in Europe have yet to get either the 1.6 or 1.7 patch updates necessary for preparing Skyrim for Dawnguard; these same patches were released in early July for the 360 and PC.Whatever the new DLC contains, Microsoft still has a 30 day exclusivity contract in place with Bethesda that will withhold the DLC from other platforms for at least that long, and likely (if Dawnguard is any indication) longer. The deal covers the first two Skyrim DLC's, so perhaps after "Hearthfire" (if it exists), the other platforms will see same-day releases for the following DLC (if there is any).Click here to view the article
  10. Those who have been paying attention to Bethesda's trademarking history are aware that one of the newest names to come up is Hearthfire, prompting new DLC rumors to begin circulating on message boards. Reddit user derptemp6698, who correctly leaked the Mass Effect 3 DLC, allegedly had this to say... That seems to make sense, as the word "hearth" generally refers to either the area in front of a fireplace or home. It certainly conjures up home-esque images, at any rate. Despite all of the rumors and excitement surrounding the potential new DLC, expectations should be held in check as PS3 users have yet to even get their hands on the first Dawnguard DLC. In fact, PS3 players in Europe have yet to get either the 1.6 or 1.7 patch updates necessary for preparing Skyrim for Dawnguard; these same patches were released in early July for the 360 and PC. Whatever the new DLC contains, Microsoft still has a 30 day exclusivity contract in place with Bethesda that will withhold the DLC from other platforms for at least that long, and likely (if Dawnguard is any indication) longer. The deal covers the first two Skyrim DLC's, so perhaps after "Hearthfire" (if it exists), the other platforms will see same-day releases for the following DLC (if there is any).
  11. To be fair, 1080i and 1080p are exactly the same resolution, the only difference is how the content is scanned. "p" stands for progressive and "i" stands for interlaced; the only time you might/should notice a difference are in very fast scenes were there could be bluring.A better comparison is turning your monitor to 1024x768 and then trying 1920x1080 right after. You could also think of it like this: current 1080p resolutions contain 2,073,600 pixels. The 4k resolution in this article will probably be 4096x2304 (2304p), which would mean 9,437,184 pixels.
  12. I don't get where this meme of "gameplay OR graphics" comes from. There's no reason you can't have both, and there's no reason people shouldn't want both. No one has much fun playing Snake on the Atari for several hours straight, because no one wants to play 16 pixel games when there's modern stuff out there. Graphics greatly add to the experience; just try playing Oblivion or Morrowind after an hour of Skyrim.
  13. According to an article from BGR, Sony is planning to support a resolution of over 4,000 pixels on the upcoming PlayStation 4. This increase in resolution would be twice that of the PlayStation 3's current maximum resolution of 1080p (1912 x 1080). This rumor goes in line with Sony's alleged new line of 80in LED TV's due out for the holidays which support the resolution. The combination of a new LED TV line, along with the PlayStation 4, could highlight a new Sony marketing strategy to push out 4k technology onto consumers; similar to recent efforts with 3D.It is worth noting that the source of these rumors also estimates the price of the new 4k-supporting LED's around $30,000, so it may be a few (or several) years before the technology becomes practical enough for mainstream use. In fact, a large percentage of today's games and television programs don't even support 1080p, instead opting for older 720p or lower formats.Click here to view the article
  14. According to an article from BGR, Sony is planning to support a resolution of over 4,000 pixels on the upcoming PlayStation 4. This increase in resolution would be twice that of the PlayStation 3's current maximum resolution of 1080p (1912 x 1080). This rumor goes in line with Sony's alleged new line of 80in LED TV's due out for the holidays which support the resolution. The combination of a new LED TV line, along with the PlayStation 4, could highlight a new Sony marketing strategy to push out 4k technology onto consumers; similar to recent efforts with 3D. It is worth noting that the source of these rumors also estimates the price of the new 4k-supporting LED's around $30,000, so it may be a few (or several) years before the technology becomes practical enough for mainstream use. In fact, a large percentage of today's games and television programs don't even support 1080p, instead opting for older 720p or lower formats.
  15. Nintendo Power began as a magazine published by Nintendo all the way back in 1988, a time before many current gamers were even born. That all comes to a close at the end of this year, as a Nintendo representative has confirmed that December 2012 will be the magazine's final issue. The magazine has been published by Future Publishing through a contract with Nintendo since 2007. A source recently told Ars Technica that Nintendo had no deside to renew their contract with Future Publishing nor did they intend to takeover publication of the magazine. The source went on to call Nintendo "difficult to work with," and said that employees of Nintendo Power will be moved to other Future Publishing magazines, which include many notable names... [*]@Gamer [*]Edge [*]Official Xbox Magazine [*]PlayStation: The Official Magazine [*]PC Gamer Over the years, Nintendo Power as become a mainstay of gaming print-media, and we're sorry to see it end. We can only wonder what will happen to other gaming-focused magazines as the industry continues to focus on online-based media. Click here to view the article
  16. Nintendo Power began as a magazine published by Nintendo all the way back in 1988, a time before many current gamers were even born. That all comes to a close at the end of this year, as a Nintendo representative has confirmed that December 2012 will be the magazine's final issue. The magazine has been published by Future Publishing through a contract with Nintendo since 2007. A source recently told Ars Technica that Nintendo had no deside to renew their contract with Future Publishing nor did they intend to takeover publication of the magazine. The source went on to call Nintendo "difficult to work with," and said that employees of Nintendo Power will be moved to other Future Publishing magazines, which include many notable names... @Gamer Edge Official Xbox Magazine PlayStation: The Official Magazine PC Gamer Over the years, Nintendo Power as become a mainstay of gaming print-media, and we're sorry to see it end. We can only wonder what will happen to other gaming-focused magazines as the industry continues to focus on online-based media.
  17. Rockstar has continued to release images from its upcoming signature title GTA: V, this time following the theme of "leisure". The first image features what appears to be a dirt bike race... Next up is a competitive tennis match next to what we can only hope is a player-owned house... Last but not least, you're going to have to have some sort of escape plan when flying fighter jets, right? How about parachutes! The previously released images can be viewed here. It appears as though Rockstar intends to release three images a day, possibly for the rest of the week. We'll keep you posted!Click here to view the article
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