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Everything posted by David

  1. Are you talking about what I mentioned a day or so ago? Don't think I said anything about article tools in here. What I was talking about before was a CKE editor update that will come out with the next version of IPB. I've played with it a bit and it's waaay less buggy / annoying to work with. There aren't a ton of new features, but the current version has a lot of issues with automatically changing things when you're messing with line-breaks and alignment. As far as your images request, they already render automatically if you use the image button. Dragging them around in the text editor live is possible, but it's something that IPB themselves will have to implement - it's out of my hands. People always beg for it but they don't seem to listen.
  2. It's been awhile since I've worked on the site, so after having finished up the first round of midterm exams last week I figured I could donate a decent amount of time to it this weekend. Fortunately I've gotten a few things done! Home Page UpdatesMost of you probably haven't noticed the new, less-cluttered look for categories and article blocks. I wasn't sure if I liked it at first, but the look grew on me after I looked at the redundancy of the old double-boxed in style we used to have. The old on the left, and the new on the right. I finally got around to fixing the gallery feed that was on the home page as well. Those of you who are keen observers (or, you know, actually visit the home page occasionally) probably noticed that the feed kind of died and stopped working for a few weeks. I managed to fix it and still wasn't happy with it - what's the point of having a gallery feed that just lists the user who uploaded the last file? It was pretty pointless. I ended up re-doing it completely; the final product was an automatic/manual image rotater that will display the last 10 or so images that have been added by our members. Hopefully this is a little more useful/interesting. Y u no get on me for not fixing this sooner?! Probably the most obvious change is the new status feed that lays on the right hand side of the article slider. I'm not really happy with how it looks right now, so it will probably change soon, but for now this is what it looks like... Because all guests want to know stranger's status updates. Yeah, I'm not really sure about it from a guest perspective (why would they care?), but eh. I mainly wanted to shrink the slider down a bit so the images filled it up more and had nothing else to put there. After having filled the "nothing else to put here" space up with the status feed, I still had more "nothing to put here" space and re-added the old social media buttons. Those will probably stay in some format even if I move them around or change the buttons; after all, since adding them we received a new facebook like in like 30 minutes! But yeah, if you guys have any better ideas just leave them in the comments. There were also a few other miscellaneous updates, mostly bug fixes and spacing consistency changes. "View New Content" now points directly to active forum topics instead of your current application (which would have been recent articles). If any of you want to log out and view the home page / article pages as a guest I could use some feedback on that perspective. Or really even if you're just a normal member as I have a different page layout as an Admin. I have also removed Disqus as a commenting system because guests never used it even though it was pretty much amazing. I figured we may as well just use our old normal system if guests aren't going to comment either way. At least now it's not going to be confusing with two different systems. That pretty much wraps up what I've accomplished today. I do have a few more things I'd like to change around (forum reorganization, article category structure, etc) in the next day or so; if I get to it, I'll probably post a new blog then. In the mean time, leave your thoughts below!
  3. I would like to welcome you into our clan. Congratulations on being accepted into The RuneScape Rebelz! ____________ I. What's Required of You ____________ 1. Forum Activity As a member of TRR, it is your responsibility to periodically check up on the clan forums. This is important for many reasons, the least of which is so you can stay updated on clan news and important announcements. Many members choose to bookmark the forums - Forum Index - and simply check up on them quickly before or after logging into RuneScape. Posting on the forums is a necessary part of becoming involved with our clans community, and promotions are often based on how active clan members are on the forums. ____________ 2. In-Game Communication It might seem silly, I know; but you would be amazed at how many people join and then complain that they didn't ever know when an event was taking place. To prevent that and to get to know other members of the clan, staying active in our in-game friends AND clan chat is a must. Our clan chat is 'The Rebelz', and members are expected to be in it whenever they're on RuneScape. You are allowed to leave the chat in certain situations (e.g. checking up on a merchant chat, moving chats for an event, etc), but generally you should be in the clan chat while on RuneScape. ____________ 3. Other Tips Other great communication tools that can help your chances at a promotion greatly include IRC and Ventrilo. For information on clan channels, please click the 'Communication' drop-down menu in the news header. You can learn more about using IRC specifically in our guide. ____________ Quick Information Clan Chat: The Rebelz IRC Channel: #Rebelz It's great to see you in TRR. We all look forward to getting to know you! If you want, you can introduce yourself to other members by posting an introduction.
  4. Welcome. :smile:Feel free to PM me if you ever need anything or have suggestions.
  5. Congratulations to Squishy on being ES's September MotM! Figured I should hurry up an announce this since October MotM is in like 2 weeks.
  6. Trip Hawkins. A man famous for founding Electronic Arts, one of today's largest and most industry-defining companies in the world of gaming. IGN recently caught up to him for an interview, and some of his comments concerning console gaming in particular struck us as odd. In the context of the interview, Hawkins was comparing console gamers to the ever-growing number of "casual" users who interpret gaming as something one would do to pass time on Facebook; Farmville, for example. But console gamers - hardcore? A group that enjoys "innovation" while using the same hardware for 5+ years? Don't tell the PC gamers, I'm sure they'd be quite offended.Hawkins goes on to explain his reasoning with an odd analogy. An analogy in which he compares the console phenomenon to... Uh, airplanes? Uh-huh. So... People don't want to play games because they like to be a "passenger" and do nothing... So they want to watch movies? No, no... Wait. I'll get this. Console gamers, because we like gaming as a hobby, wish to build and own our own console. So we should build a PC and become PC gamers. No! Console gamers want to take programming classes and learn to create their own games so they don't have to play Farmville. Maybe? Damn it, I don't know.Hawkins then goes on to contradict his original statement about console gaming become niche with this gem... Oh, oh, no... I get it now. PC's, tablets, and mobile phones will slowly replace consoles because they're too "hardcore." Growth into a mass-market, billion-dollar industry solely due to consoles means that the audience of the largest facet (consoles) of said industry will shrink. Why, Trip? Why?! Because fuck you, that's why.Click here to view the article
  7. Agreed, I completely lost it at the Bane segment. It was so unexpected and well-done. I just wish they had featured that angle more prominently; it's like they could have done an entire episode on that 20 second segment.
  8. Trip Hawkins. A man famous for founding Electronic Arts, one of today's largest and most industry-defining companies in the world of gaming. IGN recently caught up to him for an interview, and some of his comments concerning console gaming in particular struck us as odd. In the context of the interview, Hawkins was comparing console gamers to the ever-growing number of "casual" users who interpret gaming as something one would do to pass time on Facebook; Farmville, for example. But console gamers - hardcore? A group that enjoys "innovation" while using the same hardware for 5+ years? Don't tell the PC gamers, I'm sure they'd be quite offended. Hawkins goes on to explain his reasoning with an odd analogy. An analogy in which he compares the console phenomenon to... Uh, airplanes? Uh-huh. So... People don't want to play games because they like to be a "passenger" and do nothing... So they want to watch movies? No, no... Wait. I'll get this. Console gamers, because we like gaming as a hobby, wish to build and own our own console. So we should build a PC and become PC gamers. No! Console gamers want to take programming classes and learn to create their own games so they don't have to play Farmville. Maybe? Damn it, I don't know. Hawkins then goes on to contradict his original statement about console gaming become niche with this gem... Oh, oh, no... I get it now. PC's, tablets, and mobile phones will slowly replace consoles because they're too "hardcore." Growth into a mass-market, billion-dollar industry solely due to consoles means that the audience of the largest facet (consoles) of said industry will shrink. Why, Trip? Why?! Because fuck you, that's why.
  9. Well, we've decided to merge TRR's MotM competition into the whole of ES. For those unfamiliar, you just send me a PM with your vote for who should be our Member of the Month. Winners will recieve a place on our list of all-time MotM's as well as a free month of Premium Membership. Let the voting begin! Please send me a PM with the name of the member you're voting for in the title. Example - "MotM: Traaginen" (but don't vote for me as I'm ineligible; see below. Rules [*]You may not vote for yourself. [*]Each member is eligible to win once per year. After having won, they're not eligible until the voting starts over the next year in January. Here are the previous months winners (who are currently ineligible). [*]Traaginen - January MOTM [*]Huygens - February MOTM [*]Jamie – March MOTM [*]Anarchy - April MOTM [*]Tcee - May MOTM [*]TRR Daniel - June MOTM [*]Deathirst - July MOTM [*]Labush - August MOTM
  10. <p>In Skyrim, your race really matters a lot less than it does in Obllivion/Morrowind where it was actually pretty important to pick something that had bonuses in line with your playstyle. Really, you can just go with what you want. I'll just ignore the initial skill bonuses since they don't matter at all. Altmer [*]+50 Magicka [*]Regenerate magicka 25x faster for 60 seconds, once per day Nord [*]Resist Frost 50% [*]Battlecry - Targets flee for 30 seconds, once per day Khajiit [*]Claw attacks do 15 damage. [*]Night Eye - Improved night vision for 60 seconds multiple times per day. As you can see, they're all pretty useless in the grand scheme of things. The Altmer +50 magicka bonus is really the only one that makes an impact, and sadly that's because magic is weak as hell in the game comparatively. Even with the +50 bonus you'll ru out of magicka in 2 seconds until you enchant armor to get unlimited. So... Yeah. Go with who you want, because you really won't be at a significant advantage/disadvantage regardless of what your combat style is with any of them. There is some slightly different racist dialogue you get since Skyrim's Nords are assholes. Well, maybe not if you're a Nord. Never tried.
  11. Hm, weird. I have no idea how they could get a number like that, nor how it could possibly be that many.
  12. Probably. Per the wiki: The dialogue timing is bugged. I've never heard about this before this post, so I can't offer any advice through personal experience. There's no information out there on how to solve it, so your only option will probably be console commands, unfortunately. Wish I could say more.
  13. So did you ever actually see The Dark Knight Rises?

  14. Have you guys seen it yet? I think it's the best one they've done in fucking ages. MUCH better than the sarcastaball episode. It's available on southparkstudios.com.
  15. Great map, thanks for the tip. Might make our own version for the guide.
  16. Wait, what? 50,000 games aren't coming out in one day. Link?
  17. 50,000 can't be right. What was the source on that?
  18. David

    Wtf o.0

    Can't read it.
  19. That's because it takes longer than that to load. [/ps3usersunite]
  20. David

    Skyrim Logic

    I've actually yet to kill a chicken in Skyrim. My grandparents had them when I was a kid, and I literally grew up (to the extent of their lifespan) with a couple of them. I would go there every day for hours (up until like the 1st grade or whenever full days of school started) and carry around my favorite chicken. I had this one that was the runt of the flock; four year old me named it "the little chicken." I was super creative and original back then, but it really was tiny compared to the others, even when it was full-grown. Anyways, this thing was tamer than my golden retriever. Eventually my visiting cousins or something brought a dog to my grandparents and it attacked the chicken coop, killing the little chicken (and no others, even though there was like 20...) in the process. tl;dr, there's no reason to kill helpless Skyrim chickens because you just know that there's some young Skyrim boy that has trained it and become overly attached.
  21. Apparently this is what you're supposed to avoid... Chocolate is the only thing that would really be a bother to me. It's unfortunate, though. Hope things go well with the medication.
  22. 900 members!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. David


      Depends what you consider active. Is logging in at least weekly active? Posting? Visiting the site regularly but not logging in? It's really impossible to say.

    3. Jake


      I was thinking that there would be quite a few people who stumble upon here, create an account, post a few things, and never visit again. Is there any way to know which accounts are like that, and if so, how many are not?

    4. Labush


      I think 20 max are active atm. And 20 is a big number..

  23. Just thought I'd ask if any of you knew a technique I could use to replicate some sort of tear/crash/debris effect. It's pretty simple. Here it is... Notice the hand. It is both torn and then has debris added above it. Here is the final product when it's floated over something else... Thoughts on replicating the effect? I'm not sure what the guy used specifically. It's pretty simple so I'm sure it can be done with vanilla photoshop easily, but since I'm unfamiliar thought I'd ask for advice before spending 4 hours finding the right thing by myself.
  24. I'll only buy if it's $10 or lower, and maybe not even then. It's both out of spite, and... I more or less don't care anymore, Skyrim is nearly a year old. They can't pull things like this when interest is waning as is. I would have bought it for $20.00 without even thinking about it had it been released in July like the 360, or even the month later.
  25. David

    Day 1

    It's a good place to start. I'll enjoy reading your future entries.
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