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Everything posted by David

  1. The RuneScape clan, TRR, is what we'll close. ES and whatever isn't going anywhere, but at the same time it's not a clan. The site (with the current exception of TRR's part) is just a gaming discussion forum, which will grow to include a wide variety of different gamers (hopefully). I do think we should all try to get together on other common games we all have, though. CoD, Minecraft, etc. Pretty much this. That's all any forum is, after all. The RuneScape clan aspect of it all has been gone for quite awhile in my opinion. I do think it's salvageable and I'm positive that there is more than enough activity in RuneScape to return to whatever former glory we had... It's a matter of finding enough leadership willing to devote the time and resources necessary to get there again. That's the part I'm not seeing happen, hence this thread.
  2. Apparently it's actually impossible to say "What's on your mind?" here. Tried for a good 5 minutes.

  3. I'm at a loss at this point. We're going several days, if not a week, between having new people register. It's not even that they're not posting after joining anymore - people simply aren't registering. It's odd. Traffic has slowed as much as is to be expected with school and everything, but jeebus. I log out and look at the site from the perspective of a guest and it doesn't seem bad; I'd even say it's significantly better than our rival sites (I'm looking at you, inexplicably successful skyrimforums.org).Maybe I'm just a homer? Are the ads too intrusive? Help me out with advice guys.
  4. You're wrong man. I really don't know what else to say. They certainly don't have more civil rights and almost every report I've ever seen claims the exact opposite in wage analysis.The Romney "equal pay" thing was not Romney being "against equal pay for women." It was about the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (2009), which determines when people can sue their employers if they think they're being discriminated against with wages. Romney clarified that he supports pay equity.
  5. All of the reviews say something about it being inconsistent, which could really mean anything.I just saw some commercial with all of the revolutionary war stuff in a montage with the song "Coming Home" by Diddy playing over it... Made no sense.
  6. Well, I'll just preface this by saying 8.5's are fantastic scores. They're mediocre by AC standards, though. Especially since this game was hyped to be such a huge leap from the others.85/100 Metacritic score. 8.5's from both IGN and Gamespot.Does it dampen the hype a bit?
  7. After an extensive and lengthy appeals process Captain Falcon has ruled in favor of the defendent in Blake v. David. He has been unbanned and has returned to his family.

    1. Blake


      I can only pray they don't get me in civil court.

  8. There hasn't been any RuneScape related discussion that wasn't posted by Captain Falcon (a bot) in weeks. It's going on 2 months with only 1 application. No leadership or member activity to speak of.Seriously, unless someone is going to step up in this thread and take things into their own hands I plan on just closing the application forum.
  9. It's getting close... What are your predictions?I think Obama will be re-elected. Don't really care either way.
  10. Yeah, that happens sometimes. Fortunately you can do any of the following to join during the First Lessons quest... To "show" you're the dovahkiin you just need to shout at her. I don't think any dialogue is necessary.Oh, and when you're casting "fear" or any of the following spells which she can give you.... [*]Firebolt [*]Conjuring a Flame Atronach [*]Magelight You must cast the spell at the circular impression/seal on the floor behind her. Casting it on her probably won't work.
  11. Bad news for Star Wars games. Still no BF3 in sight.
  12. I wondered how long it would be before 4chan directly made its way here. Not a huge fan of the joke just because there's like a bazillion images of it already. Unless this is the original, in which case +1.
  13. Had they done this prior to them making the prequel trilogy, it probably would have been seen as an awful thing. Post Jar Jar Binks this is probably a good move.
  14. The new drop-down for the Skyrim category is kind of a big deal. Not going to lie.

    1. Blake


      Don't know about the rest of you, but bricks were shat.

    2. Jake


      What is the dropdown? How do I see it?

  15. What made it into the game other than the ranged kill-cams, house building, and mounted combat? If they already had them created I don't know why the other good ones, such as the water texture, didn't make it.
  16. Does it ask for an address? Make sure the URL is right, might have to play with the ending "/" a little bit. Also, our forums are at eldersouls.com/index, not eldersouls.com
  17. Just reinstall the legit version. Computers come with an OS install disc. Otherwise you might still be able to go through the online download process and see if it will let you.
  18. It's a by-product of a natural process. Considering the Earth is like 4.6 billion years old and there's only enough to have lasted us like 100 years, it's created very slowly.
  19. Todd Howard is a pretty cool guy, but I've always found how much shit he takes from fans hilarious.
  20. Lol'd. Nice thread. I panicked when I saw the buttons because I thought you figured out my secret. Then I saw it was just an image and just laughed. I remember offering you the details on them but you never replied to that PM/comment/status/whatever.Also, the chat will be returning soon.
  21. If you're looking for an app for this website, the developer of the software we use - IPS - has made their application free for the short term. It was previously $1.99 and had quite a bit of negative feedback at that price, so here we are. Something those of you with iOS might want to try. I've never used it so you can report back here with how it works.
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