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Status Updates posted by David

  1. Not a single comment on my recent image discoveries. :(

  2. HTTPS/SSL site-wide for those of you who like seeing green locks in the address bar.

    1. DovahkiinDemon


      And there was much rejoicing

  3. I apologize if anyone has been trying to access anything here for the last 12 hours. Server update failed. :(

  4. Had to roll the site back two days.

  5. Just dropped $230 on a second monitor I definitely didn't need. Hope I don't end up with buyer's remorse.

    1. Fergal


      Once you go multi-monitor, you don't go back... What monitor/specs?

    2. David


      Second U2412M. Of course it doesn't match my old one whatsoever and has this terrible yellow tint... Currently in the middle of days of red tape for Dell's warranty.

  6. Skyrim questions have really had a resurgence for some reason.

    1. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Oh, don't you know? I was under the impression that everyone knew.

  7. Massive interesting/funny additions to the Skyrim gallery in all categories.

  8. Global Moderator and Content Team positions available (see announcement in any forum).

  9. Browsing anonymously, eh?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. David



    3. Francis


      Hey, so how's the Beta?

    4. David


      Only managed to do the character creation screen and then unlock the tutorial prison door before I quit. :(

      Just wasn't really in the mood for a tutorial at the time and then got sidetracked the rest of the weekend.

  10. New font should make things a bit more readable.

    1. Musclemagic


      You should be a teacher.

  11. Preemptive response: I have no idea what happened.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Francis


      Some older threads have been corrupted. Is that what you meant?

    3. David


      Uh-oh. No, it wasn't. Can you PM me links?

    4. Francis
  12. Preemptive response: I have no idea what happened.

  13. Lycanthropy and Vampirism skills and morphs added to the database!

  14. Finished adding morphs; every category should be almost completely filled.

  15. Updated racial skills and added morphs for Sorcerer (others on the way).

    1. Musclemagic


      You are the best! Just saying.

  16. And the first miraculous issue with the new server has appeared! Posts on mobile don't appear on desktop and vice versa.

    1. Musclemagic


      David, you were firing blanks; the community was concerned for your fortitude. I wondered what was up!

  17. Skill page has been updated.

  18. Chat will be back at ~5:15 EST.

  19. I have 16GBs of RAM and still can't edit the text-only version of the skills page without crippling lag.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Musclemagic


      That sucks, because you're going to have to do a LOT of editing. ='(!

    3. David



      All huge text files give me problems and I can't figure out why.

    4. Fergal


      How big is it? Might want to get a text editor that is optimized for very large files.

  20. Guilds have been updated.

  21. Finally fixed the mobile home page.

  22. Top 30,000 in Canada. It's aboot time.

  23. ElderSouls.com - one of the top 50,000 sites in Canada.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. David


      The background that's up now is about as perfect as you can get for an Elder Scrolls site, but I personally think background images are tacky in general. When the site goes through its next major update (within the next few months hopefully), I'm planning on a new theme anyway.

    3. Musclemagic


      This background's too perfect. When I'm looking at it in public people say SKYRIM!! and conversation immediately begins. Please don't fudgeroni it.

    4. Fergal


      A feature to switch between backgrounds would be awesome if that can be implemented, leaving this as default. Just would be nice to see a fresh image now and then. (Although yes, I agree that they are tacky - probably draws attention though, so yeah)

  24. The front page polls have returned. Have you voted today?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. David


      It's a bit off-topic for the front page, but you can share the link in a status update.

    3. Blake


      I choose not to vote because the ElderSouls Electoral College chooses who it wants anyway. We have no say.

    4. Eric the Bard
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