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Blake's Handy Man Service


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So lately I've been playing on my friends account to raise his levels and stuff, and decided I'd try doing this. Basically, I'll do the tedious things on RS that you hate doing. For example I fished for a whole day just so I could cook them and give MuslcePirate the burnt ones. Things I could do for you include:woodcuttingcookingfishingminingrunecrafting (tiaras too, if you supply me)smeltingand tanningKeep in mind that I'm only F2P, so sorry if this applies to you and you need P2P help. PM me if you have any questions/comments or estimates. If there's no one interested that's fine, just thought I should let you guys know that I'm happy to help.

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Blake, could you make/buy me a lot of iron platebodies? I need them for an ingredient in summoning pouches... about 1500 will do. The cheapest way to do this would be to buy 100 at a time from the GE (damn buying limits). I'll pay you a healthy interest on whatever you paid.

I've started. But it's going quite slow, if you ask me :( Edited by Blakelington
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