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You should travel back to the middle ages and tell that to the Catholic Church.

People often do things in the name of Christendom of which Christ would most likely disapprove.

Bill Maher said it best: "They're not followers of Christ... They're just fans."

Derp. Yeah, the Crusades. The Catholic Church wasn't the brightest in the middle ages. But I'm not talking about the middle ages, I'm talking about now. And that still doesn't change the fact that Catholicism is directly related to Judaism...

I've been Catholic all my life, and I'm proud to say so.

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God said not to worship idols or images. Doesn't being a catholic include worshipping a picture of jesus/god or standing before a statue of him and praying to him?

Um...no..And if you knew the bible at all, you'd see it says: "false idols." which means don't worship any other gods besides God himself. So if you wanted to kneel in front of a statue of Jesus and pray to God, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.
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Oh, but why do people worship/ pray to saints anyway? I dont recall the bible or Jehovah mentioning that his followers should pray to other saints or talk to these saints in their prayers.But prayers are personal and I have no intention to delve anymore into personal matters such as prayers. People can pray about whatever they want and whenever they want.

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