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Clan citadels

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This day will be remembered forever, this was one of the best updates ever for P2P players in all RS.

So the basics for the first days of the citadel is cutt 12k of roots, that you found in a tree north-west inside the city. Every week to update the city walls and the building we have to cut the roots, each week the number of rrots keep getting bigger and each player can only cut 1k weekly.

We have an active player that already have cutted 1k of roots, xdan (swaffle ingame) so we had some more guys active.

We have for now 4 parts of the citadel:

The 1st tier tree

The battlefield

The center

The conference big room ( were you can get your clan ring from the clan master)

These things have all to be updated and new spots have to be filled with stuff, so we ask all of the guys that are P2P to get to the clan in-game and go to the clan camp and get in the citadel to start cutting roots to our citadel evolutiong.

This update brings some rewards for the game, you can get your ''Clan ring'' and if have worked in the week you are for any skill inside the citadel you will change your ring a skill ring and wen you train that skill in any runescape you will get extra XP, I think it's 1,5 or 2,5 more experience than normal.

We had two great people, Heated Deus and Blexun working in our battlefield. It consists in a battlefield that we can mould as we whant, these guys did a gerat job and moulded it for like a minigame. It's fun to play but it still not finished, it's realy nice indeed.

There are some good time memories. I'll post some pics for you to see the citadel :D

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This is the final pic the menu in the map option, it's great because inside ur clan citadel you can teleport to various places inside it without any items or effort :) You just click in the T and ur done.

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Well The pics are a little too big, but that way you will see realy well this new stuff.

I hope you all enjoy play with this new update. :D

More topics and more guides about this soon.

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I'm at about 700 logs myself. we need 12k to access tier 2, and along with each tier, we can expand with

more skill plots, such as mining ores, making food, and summoning minions.

Some of the really nice options require over 40k in raw materials, just to make a single object; and that's not even counting the default requirments for upkeep and upgrades. So, when we say we need every available member to come help, we really, really need everybody to come help. In order to upgrade to higher tiers, we need a certain number of people to come to the citadel every week and work on the upkeep; or the whole thing starts to degrade. It really only takes about 20 minutes a day, but of course more than that is very much appreciated.

And on top of all that, the citadel really is a great place to chill. Muscle's pictures don't quite do it justice because they aren't in high detail, but this place really does look beautiful. Here's what it looks like run at max settings:

Entrance portal:

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Outside the citadel wall, with the clan announcement board:

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Courtyard just inside the walls:

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In-between the courtyard and the castle wall:

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It's a long way down:

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Well thank you Terra, great pics indeed.In my PC I can't play in high detail because I lag too much but I took the best pics I could.Well for what I see there are some guys that daily are able to help.....I would like realy much to help wenever I whant, but this 1st week of citadels Is my last week as P2P and after that only 4 weeks later in september I get P2P, so I, that realy like to help, are less one to the guys who could help.SO WE REALY REALY URGE ALL OF YOU GUYS TO HELP AS MUCH AS YOU CAN, becausew e realy need help every week to treat weel this place or i twill '' desapear'', every week the resources we need keep getting bigger so you all hav teo help for the better of the clan and our home in-game.The guys that have power, try to recruit good players and make them use the foruns. :DGood job you all and have a nice week

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I have to say from what I can see of the citadels before crashing the graphics look amazing. However I built a new computer and for some reason in the same spots in Runescape I keep getting white screens (just outside Falador on the way to the clan area, just after the first "loading please wait" when I enter our clan citadel.) I haven't found any other areas where I get a white screen but the most troublesome is the white screen crash I get when visiting our clan citadel :)

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I have to say from what I can see of the citadels before crashing the graphics look amazing. However I built a new computer and for some reason in the same spots in Runescape I keep getting white screens (just outside Falador on the way to the clan area, just after the first "loading please wait" when I enter our clan citadel.) I haven't found any other areas where I get a white screen but the most troublesome is the white screen crash I get when visiting our clan citadel :)

http://services.runescape.com/m=forum/forums.ws?25,26,150,63032446,goto,1Seems to be happening to a large number of people if that's a similar issue.
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