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Surprising/Interesting Facts About Yourself


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Post facts about yourself that are either surprising or interesting.


Anyways, here are my first few...

    [*]I am not actually an alpaca, Jack Sparrow, or Zaboomafoo. [*]Attended two proms. Our school's homecoming queen was my date to the first. For the second, I convinced two girls to be my date on the same night. Took weeks of cunning to play it right so they'd both agree to it (obviously neither girl liked the idea at all). They both hate me now, but it was totally worth it. Proudest moment of my sad life. [*]I run a 4:35 mile and 16:45 5k. [*]I'm actually fairly retarded but mask it with good grammar. mfw people ask me questions about anything. [*]I make almost $15k a year off of this site and still ask you for donations. yfw.

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[*]Attended two proms. Our school's homecoming queen was my date to the first. For the second, I convinced two girls to be my date on the same night. Took weeks of cunning to play it right so they'd both agree to it (obviously neither girl liked the idea at all). They both hate me now, but it was totally worth. Proudest moment of my sad life.


Pics or it didn't happen



->I have the ugliest facial hair ever.

->I speak German better than English.

->Hate girl on girl porn

->I'm 1.82m and weigh about 85 kgs and still manage to have a decent sixpack, imagine that.

->I prefer beer over liquor

->Been with the same girl for nearly 5 years

->Black ops 2 is the first campaign I actually finish before playing multiplayer since cod4

->I actually like wine

->I'm Dutch and I don't do drugs :-)

->I'm on antibiotics at the moment, still allowed to drink a bit though.

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Disappointed no one flipped about this. It was a joke; all others are true.

Too obvious. Ads give next to nothing money, and we are not really flashed with it, not guests either. Pluss we don't have that insane traffic on the site. Anyways, I could add that I have a very rare genetical disease and take drugs for thousands of dollars. But you already knew that.
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I was nearly going to post yesterday but then i realised I didn't have anything interesting to say that I haven't already said at some point.


Something happened today though. I'll post a link to it here once the video gets posted, I don't want to talk about it now just in case I'm not meant to. 

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Hmm, not much interesting about me...


  • [*]Well, I guarantee you I eat more than anyone here, just like how I eat more than anyone in my school - YET, I weigh less than like 55kg. [*]I don't always spend every hour of my day in front of a computer or PS3, I train Gaelic Football, TaeKwonDo and Boxing. [*]I'm Irish and not actually ginger, contrary to what down through the years Dan, Ozzeh, Lorena and BGS/Jeremy insisted on. [*]I fail with foreign languages, including Irish - although I don't think I should call that foreign... [*]I know too much about computers and programming for my own good, programming my own 3d game engine at 14 (was when I last did anything to it, 15 now). Lol. [*]Not unheard of in Ireland, but if you saw how I dressed, you Americans would probably pass me as a drug dealer. ;)

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[*]I am a sloth

[*]favorite scene of star wars was hoth

[*]as you can see in my profile picture i am very accomplished

[*]i am cherished 

[*]currently a college student

[*]i'm not prudent


[*]speak english better than any other language. 

[*]don't know another language for that matter

[*]attended THREE, that is right THREE proms between my Junior and Senior year. 

[*]Attempted to make it a poem but failed

[*]I am a sloth

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[*]I once paid 13 dollars for a firework and was disappointed

[*]I'm really good at Fruit Ninja

[*]My current roommate is a female, but I tell everybody it's a male to hide the fact I'm not getting laid

[*]I cook like an angel

[*]American's Next Top Model is one of my favorite shows

[*]So is The Voice

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Something happened today though. I'll post a link to it here once the video gets posted, I don't want to talk about it now just in case I'm not meant to. 

Here's what I was talking about. I was in this weeks AHWU (achievement hunter weekly update) twice (first time with everyone else in the panel and then I say something in it later).


I don't think I've posted what I look like here so feel free to try and guess which one is me :D

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that was quick


Laughing my ass off right now. First guess for the win.


Might have unknowingly cheated, though, since I've seen your Twitter profile. Not sure if you've ever had a real life picture there or not.


You were definitely the star of that video.

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Laughing my ass off right now. First guess for the win.


Might have unknowingly cheated, though, since I've seen your Twitter profile. Not sure if you've ever had a real life picture there or not.


You were definitely the star of that video.

I don't think I have a photo of my face on twitter, maybe a similar thing with my facebook though since I've commented on the elder souls page.


and lol.

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Who wants to hear a story of my childhood?


It was Kindergarden. During recess there was only 1 swing on the swing set. Therefore, if someone else was on it, you stood in front of the swing, counted 10 swings, and then they had to get off.


One day, a girl named Morgan was swinging on the set. I decided I wanted to swing, so I stood in front of the set and counted 10 swings. She wouldn't get off. I asked politely, but she ignored me.


So, I did the most logical thing my 5 year old mind could think of at the time. I grabbed a hula hoop, and when she swung back, I wrapped it around her neck and pulled.


Left a scar on her neck.

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Who wants to hear a story of my childhood?


It was Kindergarden. During recess there was only 1 swing on the swing set. Therefore, if someone else was on it, you stood in front of the swing, counted 10 swings, and then they had to get off.


One day, a girl named Morgan was swinging on the set. I decided I wanted to swing, so I stood in front of the set and counted 10 swings. She wouldn't get off. I asked politely, but she ignored me.


So, I did the most logical thing my 5 year old mind could think of at the time. I grabbed a hula hoop, and when she swung back, I wrapped it around her neck and pulled.


Left a scar on her neck.



One day, a girl named Morgan was swinging on the set. I decided I wanted to swing, so I stood in front of the set and counted 10 swings. She wouldn't get off. I asked politely, but she ignored me.


So, I did the most logical thing my 5 year old mind could think of at the time. I grabbed a hula hoop, and when she swung back, I wrapped it around her neck and pulled.



One day, a girl named Morgan was swinging on the set. I decided I wanted to swing, so I stood in front of the set and counted 10 swings. She wouldn't get off. I asked politely, but she ignored me.


One day, a girl


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