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I'm Addison!


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It's very nice to meet you all ^_^I'm looking forward to a good couple of months with you all on Runescape..Maybe even a year+ if I'm really interested in this clan/Runescape :PI've been on Runescape before and joined here, but then went on an unexpected hiatus due to computer problems.. but now, I'm glad to be back! Runescape is one of my favorite games and I can never really "quit" this game because I'll always come back to it... even when I get my new computer soon, I'll still be here to play... especially since I can try out Runescape HD and it's highest graphics :3 But right now, I'm running it on medium haha.I'm a 23 year old guy, and I'll turn 24 in just a couple of days... October 3rd, wednesday!And on October 15th, I'm taking an online free class for Computer Science just for fun and to learn some new things about computers... whether I fail it or not (Will know if I did April 2013) I'll still have fun.I don't know when.. but sometimes in the future...I'm planning on opening up my own gaming/internet cyber cafe. It's gonna be one hell of a business, let's hope so!I don't know what else to type in here so...Looking forward to meeting you all! ^_^My IGN is the same as the forum name, iAddisonI also have a LoL that I've just started on so... I'm a newb xP My Summoner's name is iAddison

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Thanks everyone everyone ^_^Just got back from working from 6AM-3PM but then hang out until 7PM.. I'm soooooo tired from drinking! x3Glad to hear there's decent activity! I'll definitely be around the forums, chat with you all and make friends :PThanks Tcee ^___^ 4 more days, ZOMG! x3

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Well I don't know if this clan is going to want me anymore or not...Because I've been playing different games as well!So I won't be on Runescape as much as I thought I'd be...But of course I'll still be around here and play Runescape when I'm bored every now and then!

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