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Japanese Robot Wedding


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I wonder what their babies will look like.

No one actually got married to the robot, the robot conducted the ceremony (in place of a priest or whatever)It wouldn't surprises me if someone in japan did get married to a robot though, I'm pretty sure there's someone who got married to an anime character (or tried to atleast)
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It wouldn't surprises me if someone in japan did get married to a robot though, I'm pretty sure there's someone who got married to an anime character (or tried to atleast)

There was a guy who married a video game character.If I ever get married (I don't plan to) I hope to do something like this. The wife probably wouldn't agree, and that's why I don't plan to get married.
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Lol Japanese scientist and engineers have already developed extremely realistic androids that from a distance look schockingly human, they look around, make facial expressions, gestures etc, all they need now is an A.I or Virtual/Simulated A.I. and combine it and improve upon the honda's robot design.

note, how much you wanna bet someone will try to fuck one as soon as they're made available.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhVu2hxm07E&feature=related
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Only in Japan stuff like this happens? you know why?My friend and I discussed about how Japan has a bunch of cool/smart/wacky stuff that North America will never have. We came to a conclusion that Japan has all these things because they don't think it through. They just do it, which brings us to the cool/smart/wacky things they have.

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Only in Japan stuff like this happens? you know why?My friend and I discussed about how Japan has a bunch of cool/smart/wacky stuff that North America will never have. We came to a conclusion that Japan has all these things because they don't think it through. They just do it, which brings us to the cool/smart/wacky things they have.

Interesting point, I've never thought about it that way but it makes sense. I know quite a few japanese and Chinese (who are the other country that you often here weird stuff about) and a lot of them DEFINITELY don't think things through.The other thing is they don't really have much of a government body that has to approve stuff like most More Economically Developed Countries have. A lot of the stuff they do would never happen in America, England or Australia because it would just be to dangerous (or expensive) for it to be allowed.
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