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Fergal's Clan History.


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As requested by David, here is what I have written from my experience of TRR and LoL. Enjoy, possibly more to come, I'll see. Posting it here because he told me to, instead of in Paul's topic. Posted Image


The RuneScape Rebelz – May 2010 to March 2012

By Fergal

I first joined TRR sometime in May 2010, think it was the 23rd or something. Anyway, at that time I was very new to RuneScape, such a noob, only like level 20-30, so I wasn’t very familiar with how clans worked in RuneScape, so it was by pure luck that I found TRR on one of those sites you can vote for a clan to be #1, runescape100.com or something along those lines. So I said I’d give it a shot, I must say, it was really a lot of fun back then – it had much more members than nowadays, extremely active, you get the idea. I think my first ever war with TRR was against the “Forsaken Legendsâ€, always seemed to be warring TRR around that time anyway.

Two months had passed since joining and I got my first MotM award, I was really shocked to be honest, but eh, I guess it shows how much dedication to TRR and RS I had at that time, much more than I could ever have today, no matter how much I tried. The summer of 2010 in TRR was great, there was a few events every day, high attendance, and a great atmosphere, what more could you ask for in a clan?

At first, I was a Diplomat/Recruiter, did a fairly decent job, then I also become an Event Coordinator, made my fair share of events, then I eventually worked my way up to Moderator, Council and finally High Council. It took some 6 months before I made it to H.C., but I had fun, met some great friends along the way – IRC was the highlight of the clan though.

After the summer was over, things began to change for the worse, nothing big, but to me, TRR wasn’t the same – the atmosphere was no longer as great, activity decreased and the clan chat was full of annoying kids who thought they were great because they sat in the CC, mainly causing trouble and not even showing their faces in the IRC or on the forums. A lot of drama was found in the clan up to October, even bgs1977 got “demoted forever†for begging for nudes or something. That’s when I decided to step down from High Council and leave – problem something I regret doing right now in some ways, but I did anyway. I made my leaving post and ended up being begged to stay by some people and even had two topics dedicated to me by Liono and StarTrip56, good times.

BGS was gone from TRR, so was I, so he had this idea about making a new clan, I went with his idea and we did it, the clan was called “Legacy of Legendsâ€. The clan was slow enough starting, hell, even Lorena had joined in as a third founder before it started, she was the one who came up the name, I liked it. She didn't last long in the clan though, shortly after joining she was banned for causing nothing but trouble and that was the end of her, well, she did pop up a few times, mainly to cause more trouble, don't know why we ever let her in our IRC after we banned her in the first place. So anyway, the only IRC channel I could find for the clan was "#TLoL" which is probably why everyone calls the clan tLoL as opposed to LoL. Shortly after, I set up some free forums with ZetaBoards - although I had little to no experience with running forums, I did fine, then again, I devoted a lot of time into those forums. Very early on in the clan, Lorena managed to get a TRR Council member known as Judobreaker to join LoL, this was before she left/was banned. Judobreaker promised us proper forums and a proper domain, which never happened, he sorta disappeared, but did make us a cool recruiting advertisment before that, he was a cool guy. Before we knew it, people were actually joining, another person worth mentioning was Aliath, a TRR veteran I believe - stayed with us for ages as Council, really helped out. Gradually we were tearing away members from TRR, some actually were of value to them, Ozzeh, Jackwootten, and StarTrip56 for example, the list could go on forever, seriously, I will admit that LoL was made up of TRR members mainly, the only reason it lasted so long.

After I originally left TRR, I never really stopped hanging around their clan forums, IRC and CC, which some people didn't like, because I was accused of stealing members etc. All this lead to me being banned, which was fair because I did steal some minor things like HTML codes and ideas off their forums, but who could blame me, all I wanted was to have a successful clan. I never directly "stole" any members, more like people from TRR just joined when they heard about LoL because I hung around so much. All of this caused a lot of clan drama between LoL and TRR - constant flame wars etc. Whoa, there was a lot of flame wars - even BGS saved numerous logs of fights between clan leaders of LoL and TRR, although I'll have to admit, it was more exciting than anything, certainly wasn't boring. Something around then Ozzeh did get banned too, he said it was something to do with him complimenting TRR as a clan, but saying LoL was better, although I guess he was sitting in their channel trolling a lot.

Once a few months had elapsed since LoL was founded, we began to settle down, moving away from TRR and our clan had more recruits coming in that weren't TRR. Our admin, PR0J3CT_B0RN, set up numerous forums for us, and I have to hand it to the guy, rich or not, he spent a LOT of money in the clan and didn't get much in return - vB boards, IPB etc. Aliath's good friend, Techy, who was also an old TRR member, helped a lot too, especially with graphics and such, funny guy - best intro ever written to a clan had to be made by him. Posted Image Some of our notable non-TRR LoL members were the Team_Sweden guys, mainly Marcus, Wizzy and Bellman, they mainly just hung around LoL, but were a great boost at wars because the most of them were 138s and were in "Brutality", which was a top-10 warring clan in P2P especially. They also hosted a few drop-parties, which made us poor RuneScapers, rich. One of my favourite memories of LoL was our only every P2P war, which had turnouts of only me and the Swedish guys, it was pure ownage. We were all in TeamSpeak, so we had fun, they even made the war into a game of protecting me because I was low-leveled, hell, I got a free barrows set out of it so I'm not complaining! I remember having quite a few other dedicated members, Brabo, Mythic_killz, Davis, 7oxic kyle96, Huygens, MusicalMan00, Lia - just some people worth mentioning, had some good memories with them. Of course, there was bount to be some clan drama besides TRR, this is when Liam_00_7 joined - was nice at first, contributed a lot, but then he started to troll everyone for some reason and ended up threatening to DDoS our forums, never went through with it, but this went on for ages, kept us on edge.

Can't particularly remember when but Allan, the TRR administrator did disappear for ages, leaving TRR with no forums and little activity. He was in a serious car accident I think, that's what I remember anyway. Traggy was no where to be seen either, it was like a clan with no leaders. Delly, one of TRR's really old members did his best to revive TRR though, accessing his account in the REALLY old TRR forums, these were before the clan even moved to IPB forums, so years old. Pretty sure that's about when Blue_speed started turning up again too. Everyone tried to revive it, but didn't have much luck. This was ages after everything between LoL and TRR settled down, but everything began to start up again as TRR members joined LoL when TRR was considerably "dead", Pinoy is one I remember, but must, including Pinoy left again because Traaginen turned up again and set up new forums, something like that. I can't say that TRR was any way as active as before, but they did have a solid number of members to start up again. During this time, people like Kaiden and Terravilla with in leadership of TRR with Traggy as well. It could have been someone else, but I'm pretty sure it was Kaiden that acted as a mole from TRR, leaking information from the TRR council forums to LoL - main thing I remember was this "Things to do." topic made by MstrMonopoly to get TRR back on the road - nothing that concerned me really, basically just a few notes to get active topics, events team etc, but I did notice one point, "Poach some members back from tLoL". All of this mole shit started more drama, it was like going back to when LoL first started - even #TLoL was banned from #Rebelz because of it.

Somewhere down the line, MstrMonopoly's brother apparently deleted all member accounts on our forums as a birthday present, of course, his brother didn't realise that TRR was no longer so hostile with LoL at that time and goodbye forums. How he did it? He logged into Ozzeh's account because Ozzeh was a third leader at that time (BGS was too mentally unstable to run a clan) - it was only a wild guess that it was Mstr who did it because the IP address matched New York, where he is from. Mstr denied it, but once he had found out what happened, he told us, at least we knew he didn't mean for it to happen. Lucky he found out too, Bellman was prepared to DDoS TRR's website and destroy their IRC and Clan Chat or something, apparently he had some hacking friends I believe. But, that was around the time PR0J3CT_B0RN returned, which was an amazing coincidence, saved the clan for a while by providing us with vBulletin forums.

Eventually, everything began to cool down and things were back to normal, however, everyone knew it, both LoL and TRR were dying as much as eachother, seriously lacking numbers. I spent ages working on LoL's forums, but even Traggy complained about it too, vBulletin's ACP is impossible to use, too much options that are required to be set. Making a new forums took like half an hour. PR0J3CT wasn't particularly active during this time, but when he did last pop up, he had IP. Board forums set up for us - he was a legend in all fairness, I mean, who pays that much money for a clan he's barely even active in, this included skins and IP apps etc. But because we were so inactive around September, we decided to call quits and shut down LoL - we had a good run, but there was no point trying so hard, school was here, MW3 and BF3 were due to come out, we couldn't keep going. And besides, PR0J3CT was living in Hawaii but was moving to Texas or somewhere, think it was where he was from anyway, so we never really heard from him and the IPB forums never actually were set up so we were going to have no forums sooner or later when the bill came and we had no one who would pay. This lead to everyone going back to TRR mostly which made TRR stronger, perhaps why it is still here today, but hardly.

After shutting down LoL, I scouted for a new clan, but because I wasn’t some 110+ warring freak, I came crawling back to TRR. This was in late September of 2011. Strangely enough I was welcomed back on a generally good note, was expecting to hear non-stop crap about why I’m coming back if I left and apparently activity recruited from TRR. To be fair, most of the veterans were long gone and TRR was a lot less active than it’s previous days when I was there, but then again, all clans died a lot during that time, because RuneScape itself was dying.

When I came back, I really only planned on returning as a regular clan member who casually played RuneScape while chatting in the IRC and CC; however, knowing me, I had to as active as I could on the forums and stuff, ended up getting promoted several times, really surprised me when I got to Council because I didn’t plan on even attempting to get so high in the ranks when I applied. After a while, TRR was really lacking a Clan Leader, so Traggy decided he’d promote me, made no real difference besides appearance, all I could do now was mess around a little in the Admin CP but I still did pretty much the same work.

The real thing I began to notice was that TRR had changed it’s ways slightly, recruiting from other clans to gain more traffic on the forums as opposed to clan – it had specific forums for outsiders to post on, a bit like a miniature scale of Zybez/RS Community. The only reason we did this was to make the clan look more active, but it didn’t really work since no one was too keen on actually registering. Anyway, just before Christmas, Traaginen got this crazy idea of setting up this gaming community called “Elder Soulsâ€, it was mainly based around “The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim†but any other games were free to be discussed. For a new gaming community, it had fairly decent activity, but the same couldn’t be said about TRR itself, we questioned whether or not to keep TRR open, but we did on the condition that we merged TRR with Elder Souls, because running two forums cost too much, and it made us look more active anyway.

You know, I have never seen so little drama in TRR, seriously, pretty much nothing. Until one day Crazycow73, TRR veteran, burst out at me after inactivity because I tried too hard, was a lickarse or something, lol. The only reason I was around so much is because I didn't want TRR to die off, I was only trying to keep the show running, but I didn't give a crap about him, his attempts to troll me didn't work, I was actually laughing in real life that he was so pissed off. After this I saw little of him, pretty much like he ragequit, he got deranked from High Council to Media Architect (a rank for people who are good with photoshop/recording).

During this time, we had some cool and helpful members, Anarchy, Jamie, Huygens – just to name a few but there were a lot to be fair. We struggled on for months until I called quits and stepped down, nothing to do with activity as such, but to be honest, I didn’t have any time to make sure TRR didn’t end up dead in the ground, not only that, but I was seriously lacking interest in RuneScape, just didn’t like the game anymore, bored me. So in late March, I left, obviously with a less dramatic goodbye because I still hung around for months to come, not activity, but did show my face. After leaving, I noticed TRR was being really quite well with Jamie, Anarchy and Traggy mainly in leadership, better job than I did.
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All this lead to me being banned, which was fair because I did steal some minor things like HTML codes and ideas off their forums,

I had forgotten about that! >:(

but who could blame me, all I wanted was to have a successful clan.

Posted Image

Great read. I remember Paul and I trying really hard to get Star Trip back, he was our #1 priority. I was shocked when Jack joined LoL and probably would have made a good effort to re-recruit him, but I think I remember he went inactive shortly after that so there wasn't much point. Paul still has to cover the Ozzeh thing in his history.

To this day I believe tLoL (I will always call it that as a subtle dig) kept TRR alive, and vice versa, if anything. Not muchof the leadership really played RuneScape, so the drama kept everyone interested in it. By the time LoL had more or less died TRR had just barely enough momentum to keep going without anything like that propelling it. I think of it like the AL-TRR relationship. We loved to hate them more than just hated them; after all, there was no reason for us to keep warring them. But the whole ordeal that always unfolded was hilarious and made everything much more interesting.

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Oh and don't forget you banned Ozzeh when he said something like this in IRC: "TRR is a really awesome clan, but LoL > TRR" - I remember that perfectly, don't deny it. ;)I also need to add in when TRR died for a short while and then came back to life, during LoL time - I also haven't forgotten about that "Things to do." topic that Paul made - "Poach some members back from tLoL". Ha.

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she did pop up a few times, mainly to cause more trouble, don't know why we ever let her in our IRC after we banned her in the first place.

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Guess I'll write something to avoid David's harsh judgement. Very nicely written. I have to agree with David though when he said that hating a rival clan is way more fun than the actual amount of hate we have against them.

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Oh and don't forget you banned Ozzeh when he said something like this in IRC: "TRR is a really awesome clan, but LoL > TRR" - I remember that perfectly, don't deny it. ;)I also need to add in when TRR died for a short while and then came back to life, during LoL time - I also haven't forgotten about that "Things to do." topic that Paul made - "Poach some members back from tLoL". Ha.

Yeah, but that's because Ozzeh did nothing but troll our IRC at that time. He was already in LoL and he would always sit in #Rebelz and make comments like that that were irrelevant to what was being talked about.I would be interested in hearing more about the "death" of TRR for a week or so when Allan packed up and the revival from LoL's perspective. I remember coming in one day and learning of it all and it seemed like BGS, at least, was celebrating victory.I actually forgot about the whole mole thing, that's something that you and Paul will have to touch upon for sure. That "poach" comment was made sarcastically since we thought you guys were doing that to us, though I guess it was true in the sense of Star Trip. Not really anyone else, that I remember, though.

another person worth mentioning was Aliath, a TRR veteran I believe - stayed with us for ages as Council, really helped out.

I'd just like to point out that although he was a "veteran" in the sense that he had been in TRR a good while (all his short stops combined), he would always join for 4ish weeks and then leave to make his own clan//help a new branch-off. He did that a good 4-5 times (literally: GoG, Epitaph, SBF, LoL off the top of my head, and there were a couple others). So at that point I don't even remember if he was really in TRR or just stopped by the IRC one day and noticed your new clan.
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Good additions, I know I found the bit about 3/4 of the way through, not sure if there's more besides that. I find it funny that there were all these DDoS threats, none of those kids probably knew what they were hacking about. You're not going to DDoS Zetaboards. :laugh:

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Good additions, I know I found the bit about 3/4 of the way through, not sure if there's more besides that. I find it funny that there were all these DDoS threats, none of those kids probably knew what they were hacking about. You're not going to DDoS Zetaboards. :laugh:

Yeah, that's the main bit I guess. There's bits everywhere, 3 paragraphs around the whole Allan thing when TRR shut down for like a week, a bit about Crazycow and I threw in a few sentences around the whole thing, lol.But yeah, I knew he wasn't going to be able, he was just trying to convince us that his new clan were pro hackers, which I'm sure they were but yeah, ZetaBoards. Lol. Told him that, he said they even hacked RS Dynasty (top RS clan, think it closed but idk). Lol.
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he was a legend in all fairness, I mean, who pays that much money for a clan he's barely even active in, this included skins and IP apps etc.

Obviously, tLoL's forums was a drug front, making your admin a lot more money than what was being put into it.
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Added in some more, but I just threw bits in everywhere so to find them you'd probably need to re-read, lmfao. If I remember anymore I'll add, but I'm not sure. =P

lol you actually added me in there huh, I just like reminding you how much i <3 trolling you fergy, you should get active in trr again even if its just forums. We mish you, also i have blackmail powah over you. If you want though I can create more of someone else in clan, just hmu with a link of their pic.
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You left in FEB MARCH i mean.... :D lmfao get it right Fergie :D btw I need to read this...looks interesting :D

I remember actually I stumbled across Trr by one of Ferie's ads for clan, so technically he recruited me, even though he was banned or something right as i joined, i remember he was in fc for about first two days then boom gone.
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I still manage to play BF3 and play RSon another note how's the history coming along?

But you have an interest in RS. I meant posting actively here on forums for a game I have no interest in doesn't make a whole pile of sense. And I have an extreme addiction when it comes to CoD/BF.If you are referring to my history - done I guess. Don't know what else to write about, lol.
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Finally some answers! I remember the flame wars and I didn't know ehat was going on. I also remember that I tried to become #2 poster(since #1 was impossible), and I think I made it aswell. But then Techy gave changed his postcount to like 2000 or something, and Huygens keot posting so much, and after I went on vacation or something Huygens was ahead of me. Atleast I think it was him. I remember when pro born thought he was gonna die, then he found out it wasn that serious. He had been reading on the internet... Also, I think he made lots of money from washing windows on skyscrapers or something. Phew, too long post.

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I remember when pro born thought he was gonna die, then he found out it wasn that serious. He had been reading on the internet... Also, I think he made lots of money from washing windows on skyscrapers or something. Phew, too long post.

Yeah, he does that to get his $$. But I vaguely remember something about him thinking he was going to die, hmm.
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  • 1 year later...

A great read indeed. Brings so many feels back. Haha do remember that day when I logged on to find myself being messaged by a TRR member. I do gotta say, I miss those active times of the clans. If I could turn back the hands of time I would. If school never got in the way I would of still been around. Thanks Fergz for mentioning me haha xD


Great to see everyone is still keeping in touch :)

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