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2011 GotY


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I know it's a bit late to ask this, but I'm interested in knowing what everyone's favorite game of 2011 was. This is in Skyrim General Discussion because I have a good idea what the most common answer is going to be.For me, however, the best game was the Ico and Shadow of the Colossus HD Collection. I wasn't much of a gamer during their original releases, and playing them now moved me emotionally. It helps that it's a two in one package.Anyone else wish to share their 2011 Game of the Year and why it has that title?EDIT: Let's make it the top 3. For me, that would be:1. Ico and Shadow of the Colossus HD Collection2. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim3. Dragon Age II (No haters, please)

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Skyrim. Easy answer to be honest, just trumps everything else that came out this year.However, I would like to add that both Portal 2 and Arkham City are fantastic games that are also amazing. Just not Skyrim amazing. Honestly, I think Skyrim is going to do what Ocarina of Time did to me as a child.

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