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The Dark Knight Rises - Catwoman and Predictions


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Much to my dismay I learned awhile back that Catwoman was going to be making an appearance in Nolan's final Batman movie. Does this mean it's going to be cheap/lame? I'm scared.


    [*]They're REALLY hitting on the "The Legend Ends" slogan. Hard. I predict Bruce dies.

    [*]Rachel not really dead in The Dark Knight? This isn't based on anything besides me not remember seeing her body in it, just the coin that Harvey gave her. Jokers gonna joke.

    [*]Catwoman makes everything lamer.

Weird trailer with odd focus on football.

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That better be Bane. Bane is the only villain to not only defeat batman but to cripple and turn him into a paraplegic and force his retirement. Batman gives up and passes his costume to a more violent and ruthless person. The new Bat beats one criminal to a critical state and then leaves him to die.Bane is awesome ha.

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I was hoping for a return of Mr. Freeze.The dinosaur line gets me every time.

This pretty much made my day.Where did the whole Rachel being alive thing come from? I watched the movie just the other day and I'm pretty sure she blew up, unless some 3rd party came into play or she is half Nokia phone.As for the movie, I guess I have fate in Nolan. I just hope the actors playing Bane and Catwoman do to their role what Heath Ledger did to the joker.
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I wasn't a huge Christian Bale fan in the last two movies. Yeah, he was decent and better than any recent batman (George Clooney), but he was carried by other parts of the movie too. Heath Ledger was great and they don't have a prayer of replicating that again, especially in a role like Catwoman.It took them an entire 2.5 hour movie to make the idea behind dressing up in a batsuit and calling yourself batman realistic. Catwoman is a more ridiculous concept and won't have the luxury of an entire movie dedicated to background story.

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I wasn't a huge Christian Bale fan in the last two movies. Yeah, he was decent and better than any recent batman (George Clooney), but he was carried by other parts of the movie too. Heath Ledger was great and they don't have a prayer of replicating that again, especially in a role like Catwoman.It took them an entire 2.5 hour movie to make the idea behind dressing up in a batsuit and calling yourself batman realistic. Catwoman is a more ridiculous concept and won't have the luxury of an entire movie dedicated to background story.

All they need to do is put some hot half naked chick in a cat costume and I won't complain.Remember you can always mute the sound.
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