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New Clan History


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Great read so far. I'll note inaccuraces as I see them.

    [*]Blue/Jamie never led at the same time, and it was not a particularly active time in TRR history (it wasn't bad, but it wasn't when we had record pulls at all like t says). I believe Blue resigned, and promoted Jamie to leader from Council (this and the resignation was unexpected since Blue had just been promoted himself). I'm not sure how long she was in charge, but it wasn't that long (she could probably tell you more). A 3 weeks to a couple of months at the most, but yeah, I'm fuzzy there so that's just a guess.

    [*]Jamie and I were never Leaders at the same time (well, depending on what you consider the Founder rank). As far as the Nelson incident goes I think that I wanted Nelson banned (again) and Jamie disagreed. All I remember is that there were some seriously pissed members. I think we eventually agreed that either Nelson wasn't allowed on Jamie's account or Jamie's account didn't get Mod powers (in addition to some reduced punishment for Nelson that amounted to a temp ban).

    [*]I don't know if the Caspen thing is accurate since he may have already quit before Illini's incident, I'll have to look into it.

    [*]Caspen was actually really liked by a lot of the members. He was one of the Council members that didn't really contribute a lot in terms of implemented ideas, war leadership, etc. But he was the type to ALWAYS be active and talking to the people in the clan chat, just like BGS in his day.

    [*]Raian didn't found SBF (though I think he joined? Not sure), I think it was primarily Morkid, or at least the two of them. But yeah, fuzzy there too.

    [*]The summer where we had "30-40" active topics was 50-70. :)

    [*]Your Jeremy paragraph makes it sound like we tolerated his pornography solicitation, whereas we (or at least I) didn't even know about it until the one kid that quit told me about it. After a few hours of investigation I learned of the rest and he was fired after he melted down over it in a private IRC discussion. This was after he had recieved warnings about posting porn in IRC prior to the more serious thing. Yeah, other people occasionally posted it as well but Jeremy was the constant (Allan was the other but he wasn't really in the clan or anything besides managing our hosting, so he couldn't be punished). I didn't feel it was a double standard as he was supposed to be a role model as a Council member.

Looking forward to the rest. After you do the tLoL thing (which I personally feel kept TRR more active/alive than anything), I think we should go back and add some more on other members.

One thing I'd like to point out is this:

But that's before my time, and it may surprise some of you but for most of my tenure here I pretty much felt like a newbie.

I really think that's just a truism in clanning. I was in Heavy Blade for like 3 years, and I NEVER felt like I was a tenured member there either. Unless you're a founding member there are always going to be memories that are brought up that make you feel like a newb, I guess. This topic is probably doing that for most people.

This really makes me feel old.

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A few side notes can be added about ole' greenie come back maybe. How can you forget shelly and crazycow lol. Once again I bring up old elite_120 who went insane came back normal. Then it happened again! When allan first came to #rebelz for proposing boards. What other drama, I have to read through my old Irc logs.

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A few side notes can be added about ole' greenie come back maybe. How can you forget shelly and crazycow lol. Once again I bring up old elite_120 who went insane came back normal. Then it happened again! When allan first came to #rebelz for proposing boards. What other drama, I have to read through my old Irc logs.

Yes CRAZY AND REINA T sould be added
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This is pretty much everything I care about TRR.Yeah that League of Evil thing was stupid. It was fun for like a week, then Drags made up some kind of group against ours then stupid arguing took place, then I lost interest.Also, I was unaware Techy hated me. I never really knew him so I assume I'm just a douche. The whole Blexun Aliath Techy and Shamp friendship was a facade anyway.

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Me/Blue were leaders at the same time, but Blue wasn't around during the time period. It was kinda a joke between Illz and I , hey let's promote Jamie..ok and then it was done I believe. I'm not sure how long I stuck around. As for BH that was a pretty fail movement that I went along with Allans idea and ended up looking stupid.
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Even after Paul has written 4k words and devoted two days to this thread, we're still going to have 7 months before June of 2009 missing that I'll have to do, and then ~6-7 months from Novemberish 2011 to May 2012 that hopefully Fergal can come back for. It would also be cool to get his tLoL input.

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Even after Paul has written 4k words and devoted two days to this thread, we're still going to have 7 months before June of 2009 missing that I'll have to do, and then ~6-7 months from Novemberish 2011 to May 2012 that hopefully Fergal can come back for. It would also be cool to get his tLoL input.

Didn't Nob, you and green write a clan history that covered the earlier crap?
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I always read every response to every topic on the forums, no matter the member. Well, except David's. For him, I play a game where I drink every time he sounds like he is trying to be high and might with his leader title.And yeah, I thought it was called The Council, but wasn't 100% sure. I also remembered some failed 3rd one that somebody who was apart of The Council started but never got off the ground.

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I always read every response to every topic on the forums, no matter the member. Well, except David's. For him, I play a game where I drink every time he sounds like he is trying to be high and might with his leader title.

And yeah, I thought it was called The Council, but wasn't 100% sure. I also remembered some failed 3rd one that somebody who was apart of The Council started but never got off the ground.

I am ashamed to say that third one was started by me xD you can see the evidence in the logo it was me xD

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Even after Paul has written 4k words and devoted two days to this thread, we're still going to have 7 months before June of 2009 missing that I'll have to do, and then ~6-7 months from Novemberish 2011 to May 2012 that hopefully Fergal can come back for. It would also be cool to get his tLoL input.

Eh, I wish people would get it right, ha. LoL* There was never a "t".Anyway, Nov 2011 - May 2012 is when I returned and left, right? Hmm, I could help quite a bit with that, but hopefully you're not expecting me to write it out, because my memory only goes back so far when it comes to internet shit usually.Anyway, was a nice read to add onto the old history, hopefully there's much more to come, pretty interesting tbh.Oh and, I could write something about LoL if you want me to, that seems pretty fresh in memory. Only problem is writing it from a TRR view - since I was in LoL and not TRR, it may be a bit irrelevant if I go on about LoL too much. Willing to help either way though.
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