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What was your favourite childhood cartoons?


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I just want to know what type of cartoons you guys watched growing up and liked probably the same stuff as everyone but just wondering...



[*]Dragonball Z



[*]Yu-Gi-Oh (was ok I guess)



[*]Hey Arnold


[*]Beast Wars

are just some that I can remember

Edited by Anarchy
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I watched wayyy too much tv as a kid.. Most of shows I now watch on Boomerang<3



[*]Captain Planet

[*]Tiny Toons



[*]Flintstones kids


[*]Pirates of Dark Water


[*]Sailor Moon

Hated DBZ -.- all the boys at school where obsessed, it was annoying xD

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Looney Toons (Bugs Bunny, etc.) are still easily the best. I didn't get to watch as many as I'd like.Watched...Loved Digimon to death when I was quite young.Dragonball/Dragon Ball Z (originally hated the show but got addicted to it when I was at my grandparents house and it was the only thing on).I remember watching Beyblade a bit.Didn't...Yu-Gi-Oh came on when I was in 4th/5th grade, right after the 3rd grade pokemon (and in my case digimon) fad. At that point I realized it was just another bullshit thing that would die in a few months, and it did.I never really got into any Nickelodian shows, when I look back on it I guess I was a hipster. At one point Spongebob was all anyone talked about for a good 2-3 years and it annoyed me. CTN for the win.

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Did anyone here watch Kappa Mikey? That was a quality show.Avatar: The Last Airbender was also pretty good. It was one of the few animes my dad didn't hate.I LOVED Beyblades when I was younger. I'm glad to see my younger brother as a fan of the reincarnation, Metal Fusion.I watched Yu-Gi-Oh a bit, but I never really followed the plot.By the way, when it comes to the card game, Yu-Gi-Oh>Pokemon. Just saying.

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Hey Arnold was really good.I was big into the Yu-Gi-Oh for the island and the city seasons.I remember coming from school everyday and watching Toonami. Not sure what was on that.Pokemon was a given.Courage the Cowardly Dog.Ka Blam.Oh Yeah Cartoons.More than that. Just named the most prominent ones.

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Courage is awesome!! But the show was super creepy xD Had to wait til I was older to watch

Meh, I didn't really like Courage that much. I'm more of a fan of shows with a lot of lore and a deep universe, and this show's universe is shallower than a baby pool, truth be told, with only three recurring characters and no episode continuation. Not that I'm insulting it, it just wasn't my type of show.
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Johnny Bravo was fucking hilarious. Forgot about that show. And "Hey Arthur"? Are you talking about Hey Arnold, a good show, or Arthur, a PBS show who's protagonist was a douche.

How is this aardvark a douche?

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You can see it in his stride...

I actually once had a dream where I knew Arthur, and he was a complete jerk to me and ruined my life in the dream. Yeah, that dream ruined the show forever for me.

I'm sorry but Hey Arthur taught me a lot of values in life... and the them tunes ace!!
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I'm sorry but Hey Arthur taught me a lot of values in life... and the them tunes ace!!

Don't get me wrong, it was a decent show and had some funny moments. I never had anything against the show. It's just that after that dream, I never looked at Arthur the same way again.
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Even as a kid I thought the show was lame. Idk, just thought it was kind of boring to watch.I only remember liking the one where Authur punches his sister and one where his sister cusses like throughout the whole episode. Calls her mom a bitch or something.

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I only remember liking the one where Authur punches his sister and one where his sister cusses like throughout the whole episode. Calls her mom a bitch or something.

I liked the new year's episode with the wrestling match.On New Year's Eve, there is a wrestling match between an old man and a baby. The baby is stronger, but the old man fights dirty. If the baby loses, he has to live with the groundhog, and it's six more weeks of Winter.
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Meh, I didn't really like Courage that much. I'm more of a fan of shows with a lot of lore and a deep universe, and this show's universe is shallower than a baby pool, truth be told, with only three recurring characters and no episode continuation.

At 8-10, I didn't really care about lore and deep universe rather than being entertained. Even now I would probably still watch and enjoy it, but that is because I'm not a buzzkill.
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