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Rebelz Timez v1.0


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Table of Contents

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Clan News [*]RS News [*]Events [*]Quotes [*]Fun Facts [*]Spotlight [*]Creativity [*]Credits

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Attention to all TRR members! Welcome to the first edition of the Rebelz Timez! For the most part this will be a monthly newsletter, although I will try to make exceptions to publish this bi-weekly when important things come up. The point of this is to let you all know what’s going on and get everyone more involved in our community.

**Remember it’s important to check in and work in the Citadel each week**

Citadel Updates

**Also, check the updated Clan & Forums Rules**

Clan & Forum Rules

**Lasty, go here to request all your RS awards**


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RuneScape’s aglow this week as we introduce bonfires: a simple way to train your Firemaking skill, and perhaps make a few new friends while you’re at it.

You can now add to any fire that you or another player has created, using logs from your inventory. Not only does this mean that you no longer need to leave long lines of fires outside the bank, but you’ll benefit in a range of other ways that are sure to leave you feeling toasty warm.

Quicker and Easier Firemaking: Once you’ve begun the ‘add to’ action, you’ll continue to add logs to that fire automatically until the fire burns out or your inventory of logs runs empty. You can use any logs that you can normally light, and it doesn’t matter what sort of logs were used to start the fire. Fires made with higher level logs do last longer, though, so see if you can find a fire made with high-level logs. Fires are now coloured differently, depending on the log type used, and a right-click examine will tell you which is which, so it’s easy to tell them apart.

Gather Round for an XP Boost: Adding logs to a fire that others are already adding to earns a percentage bonus to Firemaking XP for all involved. This increases per person contributing, up to a maximum of 4% for 5 or more players. Not only is it better XP for everyone to gather round the same fire, but quicker and easier Firemaking means that it’s a great way to relax and chat with your fellow firemakers.

Attain a Hearty Glow: Contribute at least 5 logs to one fire in succession, and you’ll earn a temporary boost to your maximum life points; up to 10%, depending on your Firemaking level. This lasts longer depending on the type of logs you contributed; up to 60 minutes for magic or blisterwood logs. The effect stacks with other life point boosts, such as those from Saradomin brews.

Roasting on an Open Fire: Any cooking performed on player-made fires – either someone else’s or your own – will earn a 10% bonus to Cooking XP earned.

Free Fire Spirits: While adding logs to a bonfire, you may occasionally see a fire spirit emerge. They’ll be grateful to be freed from the constraints of log-based living, so click on these spirits when you see them to earn a reward, such as coins, runes, noted ore or a gnomish firelighter.

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(Weekly Events)

Monday - BonFires

Wednesday - Penguin Hunting & Dungeoneering

Fri- Boss Night

(Upcoming Events)

Sunday May 13th - KBD
Tues May 15th - Stealing Creations
Thursday May 17th - Renevants Trip
Friday May 18th - Bandos God Wars

**Anyone that has any special events requests let any of the Event Coordinators or myself know.**

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“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.â€
― Albert Einstein

“I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.â€
― Oscar Wilde

“An archaeologist is the best husband a woman can have. The older she gets the more interested he is in her.â€
-Agatha Christie

“Baseball is a game where a curve is an optical illusion, a screwball can be a pitch or a person, stealing is legal and you can spit anywhere you like except in the umpire's eye or on the ball.â€
-James Patrick Murray

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Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie.

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Longest officially recognized place name is Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu, has 85 letters. It's the name for a hill, 305 metres (1,000 ft) high, close to Porangahau, New Zealand.

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The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV were Fred and Wilma Flintstone.

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Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the US TreasuryIf an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle.

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Over 2500 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right handed people.

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During your lifetime, you'll eat about 60,000 pounds of food, that's the weight of about 6 elephants.

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A toothpick is the object most often choked on by Americans!

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Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes.

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In medieval Italy, if a man was caught kissing a woman in public, he had to marry her whether he liked it or not.

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Greetings fellow TRR members! This is a brand-new section of the Newsletter aimed at bringing members of the community together by learning about a specific member every other week.
The special member we are interviewing this week is JubileeJones.

TC: What's your name?
Jub: -Jubilee. It's what my friends call me, and it makes a nice handle Posted Image

TC: Jubilee, You are going to be our first member featured in the Interview section of the newsletter, how does this make you feel?
Jub: -Nervous, and maybe a little hungry.

TC: What inspired you start playing Runescape?
Jub: -Honestly? It was middle school; I caught a glimpse of it over someone's shoulder, and a game you could play in the computer lab that had actual GRAPHICS? I was sold.

TC: Why did you choose TRR?
Jub: -Because it seemed like a laid-back clan with a good sense of community, but without too many rules and obligations.

TC: What do you like to do in RS mostly?
Jub: -Raise skills evenly or train slayer. I'm kinda OCD about not letting anything get too far ahead of the pack if I can help it >_>

TC: What is the most random item in your bank at this moment?
Jub: -Hmmmm. There's a lot of contenders for this one; I'm gonna have to go with "18 pairs of ice gloves". Yeah, no idea what I was thinking on that one either.

TC: When you're not playing RS, what do you like to do? Mind you, we do have youngins around, so keep it PG. ;]
Jub: -I read a lot. Most of it is pretty generic scifi/fantasy, though Posted Image

TC: If you were given 50 grand to spend on a vacation, and you had to spend every penny possible, where would you go and what would you buy?
Jub: -Japan. Go crazy in Shibuya, come home with a katana, a DDR machine, and every game I could find.

TC: Would you rather own a talking skunk or a dancing ferret?
Jub: -That depends; is the skunk well-trained? Or well-mannered, come to think of it? I mean, just cause it talks doesn't mean you'll like what it has to say. A dancing ferret is a much safer bet, if that's all the info I get! Posted Image

TC: Worst fear?
Jub: -Spiders, probably. Man I hate those guys :/

TC: Anything else you would like to say to the members of TRR?
Jub: -I don't expect too many to read this Posted Image and if you are. . . GET BACK TO THE CITADEL, PEONS! Posted Image

TC: Thank you again for your input and participation!

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"Athenia: The Empire Games"

By: Apollyon

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Our story takes place in the empire of Athenia, It is a vast country ruled by a noble emperor. Its borders cover a tenth of all the lands of the world. The riches of the country come from the coal mines of its mountains and ports providing commerce from overseas. The people are content with their lives and live peacefully under the rule of their emperor Blexun. Alas the times of peace would not last as the noble Blexun suffers from a chronic illness that manifests it self in the form of hallucinations and dementia. In one such hallucination he believed himself to be a bird and jumped off of his veranda. He survived but just barely, in his weakened state he feared he could not do well to rule his country and gathered his many children. He instated that all his children must travel the world and find themselves a warrior they believed to be the strongest and return within a year, and the one to bring the strongest warrior shall inherit his throne. On that day his many children spread into the world like a plague in-search of the strongest warrior they could find. Some were just while others cruel and full of ill-intent.

Now we follow the journey of one of those children with her trusted companion, a young high elf, natural to the bow and adept at spell-craft. The elf is rather thin and meek looking and seems to have blood of dwarfs also running in his veins as he is only 4 feet tall. The princess herself is witty and kind, but brash and seems more suited to have been born a boy. She is of average height has short dark hair, she wears leather armour as she sold her golden armour to blend in easier and pass off as a commoner. She is by any standard quite easy on the eyes and can be very attractive, however her demeanor and dress fools most people if not paying attention into assume her to be a young lad. Elf "Princess, any idea of who you wish to be your champion?". Princess "I've told you before Yak, call me by name, and not yet, however I need someone capable and cunning, oh and not afraid of a little blood" Yak "Fine princess Jamie, might I suggest we head towards the Plateau of Gannar? There are many schools of combat there, and I'm sure that one of them can be of use to you." Jamie "Let's then, I trust your judgement Yak. Also call me princess again and I will slice your tongue out"

Back at the Royal Palace in the dimly lit bed chambers of emperor Blexun, a shadowy ethereal figure emerges from a dark corner. Shadow Figure "Blexun, tell me why not just appoint your eldest son as your heir and live out the remainder of your time in peace? Instead of dragging out your remaining life and having your children compete against each other in this petty game." Blexun "You know very well why, this was an idea you gave me." Shadow figure "Yes, yes, I know, through this competition you may see the judgement skills of your children, see who is willing to do what, and see how far they take it. The one to win must be able to form alliances and turn around and crush those who oppose him. Their choice of champion will also show what kind of company they are willing to keep, blah blah blah." Blexun "I thank you for this opportunity, however I fear I may pass away sooner with you around." Shadow figure "As you wish Blexun, you who trade the remainder of your life to remain sane and live to see the end of your little game to me, I will leave you be, for now." With a crooked smile on his face the Shadow figure vanishes back into the darkness. Grimacing Blexun goes into a fit of coughs, A guard rushes to his side from the corridors. "Sire are you alright? Do you need your medication sire? I heard you talking to yourself again." Blexun "No, just tell my servant to bring me some water." Guard "Right away sire." Outside the castle, the shadowy figure emerges from the darkness again and gazes at the crescent moon. Shadow figure"Now I wonder if this little game will end before the war begins?"


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Jamie - Editor
TC - Co Editor, Interviewer
Constancio - Provided the lovely banners
Apollyon - Author to an amazing story
Jubliee - Participating in the Spotlight

Thank you all hope helped out, hopefully more people will want to join in and help out next time, please comment with your suggestions for improvement. Thank you All
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I'm a bit hurt you didn't include me like what was originally planned. I wrote a hell of an "April Fools Pranks of the Internet" article.Great newsletter though. Noticed a couple of mistakes so make sure to re-read it multiple times.

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Very Very good idea to do this. Weekly or Monthly either way it will be a great asset to the community to keep up to date on the previous week and also provide an insight into the week ahead.What I would suggest is Jump Links. In the "Table of Contents" make all them links to the corresponding article since with all the great content that could be added weekly to the newsletter the posts may get a bit large!Other then that I really like this!!

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Well, originally you had never replied back with your work that you said you were gonna do so I was like, hell, let me ask Apolly. But if you wanna get in on the next one with something, more than glad 2 have you.

I actually had one typed up, but I was waiting for you to reply asking for it.

Very Very good idea to do this. Weekly or Monthly either way it will be a great asset to the community to keep up to date on the previous week and also provide an insight into the week ahead.

What I would suggest is Jump Links. In the "Table of Contents" make all them links to the corresponding article since with all the great content that could be added weekly to the newsletter the posts may get a bit large!

I've always been a fan of the bi-Monthy. Two weeks is a long enough time to get shit together. That is also a long enough time for Runescape to update with new crap to talk about.
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I actually had one typed up, but I was waiting for you to reply asking for it.

I've always been a fan of the bi-Monthy. Two weeks is a long enough time to get shit together. That is also a long enough time for Runescape to update with new crap to talk about.

Well, originally you had never replied back with your work that you said you were gonna do so I was like, hell, let me ask Apolly. But if you wanna get in on the next one with something, more than glad 2 have you.

Take the initiative next times. Waiting on each other to make the first move.
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I'm super excited to see the finished product. This is my first time being part of a TRR project, I am truly honored. Big, big thank yous to Jamie for taking charge of this fun project and everyone who put this in motion, adding their talents, and finally getting it published. There might be a couple errors, but for this being the first issue of the newsletter, its pretty awesome and we can only get better! :]Enjoy!

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TC: What is the most random item in your bank at this moment?

Jub: -Hmmmm. There's a lot of contenders for this one; I'm gonna have to go with "18 pairs of ice gloves". Yeah, no idea what I was thinking on that one either.

I think mine is 500k Needles :o
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I really liked the quotes!

But I think there's an error with this one, under fun facts (also, should it not be Funfacts in one word?);

Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the US TreasuryIf an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle.

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