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RC award, please<3Also, can it be placed next to the other skill awards?-Edited by TC:But...b-but... It looks so unorganized now @.@I'll pay!

Edited by Tcee
DONE. I'M DOING MOD STUFF! Also, no. Unless you want me to deaward you then add all of them back, which is too much work for me.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh boy.Since it looks like Anarchy is doing most of these I'll just tell you now that I'm sorry.AttackStrengthRangeMagicConstitutionCookingDungeoneeringHerblorePrayerSlayerTotal Level 2000+Level Milestone 60+Clan VeteranModeratorCouncilHigh CouncilDrags award for war excellenceMember of the monthMember of the yearAnd of course my favorite:Henry Memorial Award Of Trolling.Thanks ^.^

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  • 3 weeks later...

There should be awards for former EC and that stuff, so new members don't get confused.

The description of the award is clear, also it would be a hassle to always to change the award every time there is a demotion and promotion. Lastly beside every posters' name and avatar it shows their rank.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Level Milestone 30100 PostsDonated $15I was going to wait till I got to 40 milestone to save some trouble but I thought you might notice I had 100 posts and award me in advance (like when i reached 50) so I thought I may aswell.)Thanks in advance :D

Edited by Anarchy
[Awarded by Anarchy]
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