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Site is Back (Hopefully)


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I'm sorry about all the issues you guys have been getting. To make a long story short, I discovered a minor bug that is potentially the result of the software itself. I contacted IPS, our software provider, and they started digging around a bit to figure it out. Anyways, the "Internal Server Errors" started around then, which made it difficult to find the source of what was causing them since there was so much going on. I believe it ended up just being a cache issue, which I corrected. If that was the case we should be set.So here's to hoping we got it. :)EDIT: I lied. Sigh...EDIT 2: I've set the skin to the default version, which appears to not have the issue (as much). It may be very... white... But it does appear to work for the most part.

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I should be able to set it back to the old skin as soon as I hear back from IPS with a fix. Unfortunately they don't seem to respond to ticket requests over the weekend, so eh.I have noticed this skin has the issue as well, although it's much less prevalent.

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Everything is completely back now. I never did learn the exact source of the issue, so if you get the errors again... Please report it.

I can't seem to access bloggs... I can get to the page, but not read any of the bloggs or comments.Edit: Posting works fine now, but earlier it just said saving, and I had to refresh to see the post.
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