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The Most Annoying Animal, (or creature such as frostbite)


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Wolves are probably the most annoying, just because they have a tendency to attack you when you're riding around on a horse... Of course, as of now you have to dismount to fight back. One swing and they're dead, and back on the road you go... Overall result is just an annoying waste of time.As far as fighting, I hate Chaurus'. They can really work you over at lower levels, and they don't drop anything.

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Ha, great post. Another good topic for an article.I've actually yet to run into a Spriggan or Hagraven in Skyrim. Never remember seeing a land dreugh either.

U've never run into a spriggan, theyre like geez, lord have mercy, the noise they make drives me INSANE!!If u want to see one go to bloated mans groato, there are a bunch there if u go there before that stupid mission...
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I've actually yet to run into a Spriggan or Hagraven in Skyrim. Never remember seeing a land dreugh either.

How have you not ran into a Hagraven? And Land Dreugh are obviously Oblivion. They scare the crap out of me everytime. That an the spider Deadras with big boobies. I love big boobies.
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I probably have, but I have a tendency to just "gun-down" anything that stands in my way without considering what the hell, exactly, it is that I'm killing.

And yeah, I meant that I don't remember any Land Dreughs in Oblivion. That's probably just because it's been years though.

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never played oblivion, but the spider desdra are in a book in skyrim and i looked up the spider deadras bc i thought u could summon them, u cant in skyrim... it sucksI want to be a good conjurer buut i cant find any good spells and rarely have enough money to buy it

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My Top 5 Is:

5. Frostbite spiders, because they wreck low levels

4. anything dwarven, because I've done enough 1-81 Oghma runs to hate them with a passion

3. Wolves, because they are EVERYWHERE, like absolutely everywhere and they are stupid, like moon moon

2. Falmer, practically beasts, somewhat zombie-esque and they wield weapons. they bother and scare me on occasion

1. Chaurus and Chaurus Reapers, because they are large giant armored creatures that spit and are very very aggressive. I hate them with a passion and will sometimes kill hordes of them for fun.

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