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Jagex being nice?


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I've done countless clues, spent hours at the rev cave and plundered the barrows chest many a time. All are based upon luck. I've never gotten anything over 300k from any of them. But today changed that. Finished my elite clue from last night, it took me 2 hours. Got an Arma Page 1 and other shit, totaling to 550k. I thought it was pretty bad, but went back to my task and got a hard clue thereafter. Finished in half an hour and got... Zammy Page 4!!!! 5.6m in the bank. Went back, killed the last of my Steel Dragons, and on the last one I hit the rare drop table. 10 palm seeds for 1m.TL;DR: Made 7m from killing 40 steel dragons.Then I did a hard clue that I got as a drop from the first hellhound of my next task, 62k. Jagex can go back to fucking themselves -_-

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The palm seeds weren't a clue, just a drop from a dragon.

My mistake, but still nice. Oh man, that reminds me, I got that EXACT rare drop of 10 palm seeds from fire giants. Went afk for a few mins - somehow managed to die and lost that drop. Fml? The sad thing is, I was literally seconds away from picking it up when my grave disappeared.
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Please clearly highlight and/or separate your TL;DR if you plan on using it. Otherwise you are just making me read something long and stupid, only to upset me that I could of taken a shortcut all along.But srsly br0, c0ngratz @ teh l00t.

TL;DR has been more clearly separated as per your wishes sir.Got another clue on the second hellhound. 51k -_-
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I never understood the whole 'luck ' aspect of the game. Hard work should be rewarded...

Oh, hard work is rewarded. You grind skills, like herblore and prayer and such, and you are immediately rewarded. You take the rewards from your hardwork and use them for rewards that are based on luck. Of course luck plays a large role in Runescape, but hard work, or rather pointless grinding, is the means to which you start making money.
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