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What is with these <15 war turn-outs?


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I don't understand why we're pulling <15 to EVERY WAR. I mean, c'mon, we haven't had pulls this bad since the first 2 months of TRR's existence. For the 2+ year period after that, up until recently, it was always a great disappointment if we pulled any less than 30, and even that wasn't a great turnout! I guess what I'm asking is... What's different now? Yes, I know and understand that it's the school year and people are busy, but in previous years we could always manage mid to high 20's easily even during school. I don't see any reason we can't be - at worst - at our previously average turnout of 28-35. I honestly believe that the clan is better now than it ever was as far as infrastructure is concerned, yet I don't see us reaching that glorious record of 45 anytime soon... Or ever, at this rate.What's your take?

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I think we need to do the usual advertising campaign that we also used to do those years. In game/IRC/Forums over and over where it becomes annoying.Also for every war that we win I'll personally host a drop party every time after wards but only for those who show up.What I personally noticed just when I was around I can't speak for all the time but no one really put much of an effort into spreading the word.Ex. Changing the FC topic and then still bringing it up constantly.

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We didn't even pull 15? What the fuck is up guys? I had an irl commitment already, but I didn't even expect to be in the top 15 even if I had gone. I like Henry's idea, it will definently get more people coming. I also think we need some sort of punishment if people don't use the forums. I use the mobile version so I can't see the countdown clock, but I still know when all wars are planned for. Step it up guys, seriously.

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I don't understand it, we have more active members than this. Maybe we need to put the wars earlier, like before?And yeah, we need to start advertising the war more, I'm still seeing people sitting in CC on the wrong world when the war is on. And then coming with the wrong shit (like dung with it is off).

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There's little chance that Im able to attend any war, since I do other stuff than RS in the weekends. If I play in the weekends its like for 15 minutes, so then ill just do a farm lap.If you want more people attending, I suggest focussing on recruiting people that join clans for warring, rather than community.<3

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Tbh we need to step up the ingame recruiting and do a period of 3 activity check events over a 2 weeks period to actually see who is active? We also need to practice warring a lot more, so we could recruit at clan wars? I know that's how I found my first clan :DMaybe we should also do trial members when they apply and they have to attend 3 events/wars to become a full member??

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This has, as far as I know, always been mainly a community clan.This means that a large portion of the members are NOT the ones that would love to attend events every other day.A lot of the members mainly join because they are looking for a friendly community to chat with while they are gaming, any events they do is just occasional fun.I agree that it would be nice if events are well visited, however I very much disagree on making people attend events during a trial period.This clan has in the past always advertised saying nothing here is obligatory except a nice personality.Either you keep this attitude or you become a different clan.As for me, I would not last long in a clan where you are obliged to attend events which is why I found and joined TRR years ago anyway.

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Communities not only talk with one another, they hang out with one another. Events aren't even asking that much. Show up. Show respect for your clan. Don't sit in the CC in a different world when the rest of the clan is in another, doing an event. It is understandable if real life situations come up, not RuneScape situations. Alching, dungeoning, woodcutting can wait, show some spirit.

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Communities not only talk with one another, they hang out with one another. Events aren't even asking that much. Show up. Show respect for your clan. Don't sit in the CC in a different world when the rest of the clan is in another, doing an event. It is understandable if real life situations come up, not RuneScape situations. Alching, dungeoning, woodcutting can wait, show some spirit.

I disagree, I never really play at times there are events, its just too late for me, I get out of bed 6 days a week at 5:00am-5:30am (my timezone), theres no way I stay up to later than 11 pm except on saturdays, does that mean I dont respect the clan?
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This has, as far as I know, always been mainly a community clan.This means that a large portion of the members are NOT the ones that would love to attend events every other day.A lot of the members mainly join because they are looking for a friendly community to chat with while they are gaming, any events they do is just occasional fun.

Then these people should fall into the community member category in my opinion.

I disagree, I never really play at times there are events, its just too late for me, I get out of bed 6 days a week at 5:00am-5:30am (my timezone), theres no way I stay up to later than 11 pm except on saturdays, does that mean I dont respect the clan?

No because your attempting to make the events, how ever maybe you shouldve put your problem across to an EC, to have some more friendly times for you?
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I disagree, I never really play at times there are events, its just too late for me, I get out of bed 6 days a week at 5:00am-5:30am (my timezone), theres no way I stay up to later than 11 pm except on saturdays, does that mean I dont respect the clan?

I think he meant that people who ARE online at the time of the event, don't bother to come.
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