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Which Skill is the best for money?


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Woodcutting for various reasons. Firstly, woodcutting is a starter skill. This means the materials you obtain from it are one of the first ingredients for making various other items with other skills. This means that the wood you cut will almost instantly sell, and their prices are pretty set. Also, once high enough, you are able to cut the famous magic tree which offers 1k a log, 28k an inventory, you can't beat that. Also, the higher you get in woodcutting, the better your ability to become higher in fletching and firemaking, fletching being another way to make good money.

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A lot of the skills in RuneScape can have the opportunity to make a ton of money. It just all depends on if you buy or make the ingredients along the way.

Skilling is awful money. You don't make anything. Yeah, you can buy all the ingredients, make everything from scratch, and come up with what LOOKS like a profit. However, that doesn't mean anything since while you were spending hundreds of hours on that making like 40k/h, could have been making more money, faster, the entire time with combat. You can't just account for what you're making doing a skill, you have to figure in what you're losing by not doing something else at the same time.Runecrafting is the only decent non-combat oriented money- maker.
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Air Altar - Right below Falador, next to the Clan Camp.Water Altar - Lumbridge swamp (south-east of Draynor).Earth Altar - Below the Monastry (north-west of Barbarian village a.k.a. Gunnars Ground).Fire Altar - Just north-west of the entrance to the Duel Arena.Mind Altar - Edge of the wilderness north of Falador (at the west side of Ice Mountain).

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Ok thanks for the info. And for all of you that have different opinions I want some proof give me some numbers :) good luck

Oh sorry I didn't read this post. Numbers for combat?Before Wild came back I was sitting at about 400m bank from slaying and bh world pking.7-8 months later of some pking I've currently at nearly 5b total bank.Combat pays.
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PKing is 90% good stats for your combat, 6% good equipment for your play style/stats 4% switches, and f2p pking is kinda a joke and just for fun, cause you cannot k0 the guy in full rune before he teles away, and if you do it's so rare and worth a max of 200k, if anything make a pure killer and get all those rune scimmy/rune 2h rewards...

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