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Long Overdue


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Hello to whomever may be reading this.  I have decided to formally announce my leaving of TRR.  I must admit that I have purposely been inactive over the past month or so, as I became agitated for my quiet demotion from Diplomat.  Time has eroded these raw feelings, and so I figured I should honor the clan I loved so much with a departure message.  As I have said before, RuneScape has always been an off and on activity to me.  I have come back every time.  Now I even have a clan to come back to, when I feel up to it.  I very much enjoyed interacting with all of you and making some friends.  As a last act, I am giving all of my ibEconomy money the person I respect the most- Mono.  Farewell and good gaming!<br /><br />-Blakelington

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I don't know why you didn't just say you wanted to stay as a Diplomat; if people don't come around for weeks they're generally moved until they come back just so we know who's "ready and active" so to speak. You weren't ever demoted, you were easily one of the best Diplomats we ever had. I was extremely disappointed that you hadn't been around recently since you were one of our best members, even when not active on RS. I hope you change your mind and return to us actively. :)

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If you got mad without first investigating why you were bumped from Diplomat, then in all honestly, the fault is on you. I hate to see members leave and judging by the replies to your message, a great member. If you love this community and can accept that it was an honest mistake, just a general bump down because of your inactivity, I believe we would all like to see you back :)

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