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Everything posted by Huygens

  1. we're hipsters, rofl I used to be in this other clan called SOA, where the average age was like 30-35, nothing wrong with that tbh
  2. Huygens


    Lol reminds me of a pic I posted on Facebook:
  3. You can show the stuff on your 'items lost on death' screen nice wealth btw, got all that money through rcing?
  4. Huygens


    Pics or it didnt happen o.0 jk lol
  5. Dam I hate BA! Had somebody else get me a torso lol
  6. No elections in 2012 here
  7. Ive heard great stories about the Diablo series, never tried them tho, hm maybe I should download Diablo 2
  8. Huygens


    Nice! Finally an intro worth reading instead of hi im [name] and I hope you guys will like me :)Welcome to the clan !
  9. I get why it should refer to RS or TRR, but it could refer to Rebelz'Rebelz gaming forum' with TRR as a sub.
  10. I was going to get it, but then I took an arrow to the knee, uhh my gaming computer crashed, I dont know if my laptop can handle it, I might get my computer fixed when I've got the money for it (this summer).There isnt a release date yet right?
  11. A Dutch guy called Hans Teeuwen, you can find an english show of him on youtube as well ;)Rowan Atskinson is pretty epic as well
  12. Because, most people want to get all of their skills up at some point , an other reason could be that you're able to upgrade you whip, Im sure future updates will come to make it more interesting again
  13. Really couldnt are less about a domain, voted nonetheless:)
  14. Looks good, Ferg , its just that slayer is more fun
  15. Not training with slayer is a waste, you will eventually end up having 99 combat stats and low slayer, so when you start training slayer you will not gain combat lvls because you're already 99 + slayer is a grind, but not as much as bandits/sw, and you make some profit.
  16. have to be RS p2p member to actually be on highscores tho.
  17. Huygens


    Good luck with your surgery, easy operation dont worry about it :DWelcome too btw!
  18. Instead of having this argument that obviously leads to nowhere, why don't we actually come up with a plan and do something? I would very like the leaders to make a decision and a plan, so we know what to do.Instead of speculating about what could help TRR, we should actually start trying it about...now.Dont get me wrong, no flame..
  19. Srsly Jagex, make some better updates......sigh
  20. Means Fergal wont be around here after Christmas
  21. It did? Hard to imagine people not in the clan would be very active on the forums, or are you talking about ingame?
  22. Sweet, he is not a whore !
  23. I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow to the knee. BITCH PLEASE, Bronze kneecap for the win.
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