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Everything posted by Huygens

  1. Who inspires you in life? What did he/she do to inspire you?Is it your dad, the lawyer?Your grandma, cured from cancer?Your mother for always being there for others?To me, my mother is really inspiring, whenever I had some kind of trouble, she was there. Always...She nearly died giving birth to my sister (rip), and after that my brother and I were born. She has been taking anti-depressive pills ever since, yet she's always been there for others. Never putting herself in the first place. This is what I think is inspiring. If there is a heaven, she'll go there, surely..As a famous person, I really respect Alistair Overeem, he achieved so much through hard work. You should add him on facebook (fan page) and check his IRL episodes he makes every now and then.
  2. I'm not sure if you're new to RS or not, so Ill just explain the basicsWhen talking in public you can just type your message and press enterWhen talking in friends chat you must put a '/' in front of your messageWhen taling in clan chat you must put '//' in front of your messageWithout the ' obviously.You can also just click on 'clan chat' in the boxes on the bottom of your screen and talk without using '//'Make sure you have clan chat on (think you can see this by right clicking 'clan chat', not sure) I don't think you need a rank to talk in the cc, so that cant be it.Hopefully this was helpful, or else someone else will know the answer
  3. Im not dead, brah ;p im just not ingame ;p
  4. I would have applied for council, if I weren't this inactive at the moment and if we could miss some recruiting.
  5. Past time? I have none...Nah jk, I like doing Kyokushinkai Karate, jogging, weight lifting, browsing 9gag, watching movies and series, go out to the club, go to a restaurant, and so on...basic stuff rly.
  6. Hey guys,I thought I could play a lot after christmas, sadly, I've had so much to do for school, so I've barely been on/barely been recruiting.Next week are my exams, takes 1 full week, after that I got one full week of internship (not sure if thats the right word). After that, my 'regular' school life gets back. So expect some more activity from me starting in the beginning of February. Lets get back to our old TRR state ! I'll do my very best to get more activity in the clan; recruit like a mofo, RSOF as well as fansites (even though Ferg got them covered quite well), Ill try to be in the cc as much as often and I'll try to make as much topics on the forums as possible. I've seen the clan dieing again lately, dont want it to happen ;)Huygens <3
  7. RPGS all the way , love making my own choices and see how it affects the game.
  8. Welcome back. enjoy your stay
  9. I might join this , im at school atm so dont have much time to decide ;p
  10. Not sure if you're talking about the ice troll at the grey beards, at the first encounter I died. 2nd encounter I sneaked close enough to shoot some sneak arrows in him for extra damage, then my follower started attacking him so he was distracted (unfortunately one of my arrows appearently hit her), then I started running all the way back to one of the adventurers on the mountain, they will help you. So just keep fus ro dah'ing your way back to the mountain.
  11. ^Such an update would be fucking amazing,but would that also include new quests and stuff? or just kewl places to travel?
  12. ^Disagreed,black ops has TERRIBLE maps and a TERRIBLE spawn system! I fucking hate getting ass raped in my own base.
  13. ^ Which wastes 30 hours of gameplay probably..
  14. You know that wildy was there before bounty hunter right?
  15. I question myself what the cause of the inactivity on RS is, cant keep blaming Skyrim for it..
  16. Ive always been melee, since its quite the easiest to train, cheapest to train, cheapest to use.On skyrim ranging is the only thing I do lol.
  17. Hey man! Nice to meet you:)
  18. Jesus, half of them arent even in the clan anymore =/Hm such a shame blue isnt on the list, Ill guess ill vote for someone else then
  19. Oh lol I see, august o.0
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