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Everything posted by Labush

  1. I only have a PC(ye, poor motherf*er)I play HoN, rs, FM2011, CS. But mostly hon and rs..
  2. I would like 1-2k raw lobbies please!
  3. Search on youtube Honcast! It shows some of the most epic plays of the week and also streams tournaments around the world. Here is a small sample. Keep in mind that HoN has over 100 heroes, most from Dota, and some designed by them. They add a new hero every 4 weeks(they used to do ti every other week, but the community wanted it to change).Other advantages to HoN? Ingame teamspeak, possibility to reconnect to a game incase you disconnect, 3 1minute pause(can be longer if you can convince the other team to not unpause).If you decide to get this game, add me `Scully. I advise you to play some public no stats games first, to get hold of heroes first. Just add me and i'll explain everything you need to know. If you want, i can make you a list with the Dota heroes that are on HoN.
  4. Brad, their*. Yes Fergal, download HoN. More skilled players than LoL and Dota2 combined.
  5. There are many things I like in HoN and dislike in LoL.Things I like in HoN:1) Ignoring people. If a player flames, /ignore [player name] and boom. Ignored for the rest of the life.2) Graphic. The graphics are mature and very realistic.3) Finding matches is very easy. It takes about 1-2mins to put you inside a match with players at your level.4) Balanced heroes.Things I don't like in LoL.1) Graphic. So childish.2) Unbalanced heroes.3) It takes ages to go inside a match... 1-2mins to choose a hero, the loading sequence and the waiting for the first round of creeps, about 4-5 mins.4) Hiding in bushes makes you invisible? Seriously?5) 1 Passive, 4 spells (per hero) and 2 spells bonus? Dafuq do you think I am, an octopus?6) Flaming players that cant be ignored.That'll be it for now xD. Will think more later
  6. Fish mask from SoF! They dropped so much... used to be 7mil
  7. Thank you guys! Tbh, I dont deserve this.. got the event coord job at the end of August and left for a week afterwards. Looking forward to the October event..still need 3-4 more people at least!
  8. Queue in line for autographs! You can see my biceps as I swing my amazing vine whip at that bastard!
  9. Labush

    Clan Citadel

    I have the avatar. I've logged out for 30 mins and going back on now.
  10. Updated first post. Would be nice if we can get more people to participate I will post later this week how the race will take place.
  11. October Exp Race Target: Get as much exp as you can! Sign up for a group of skill in which you would like to compete. Every weekend I will update the list and at the end of the month, we will crown TRRs' Mad Man xp Maniac Title. Here are the groups: Group 1: Smithing Farming Cooking Thieving Woodcutting Group 2: Mining Fletching Firemaking Herblore Hunter Group 3: Agility Runecrafting Crafting Dungeoneering Construction Total Xp Group In this group, your total xp will be recorded Rules [*]You may only sign in 1 group. [*]Each participant will have to pay an entrance fee of 100k [*]You MUST attend at least 1 clan event [*]First 2 of each group will advance in the next round in which they will compete in Total Xp [*]Winner and runner-up will receive the money received as entry fee + donations(?) [*]You may NOT use the clan avatar, however, being on the same world is allowed. [*]You may use your exp given by Jagex. Signing up: Name: Group: Other remarks: Groups so far: Group 1: [*]Labush [*]Deathirst [*]01mateo21 [*]sh1ftoid Group 2: [*]Brad_x [*]eVirus_Neo [*]Dy3nasty666 Group 3: [*]Henray [*]Tynisa [*]Noob Sauce FINAL STANDINGS [*]Sh1ftoid - 15.962.784 [*]Henray - 11.725.145 [*]Labush - 3.161.387 [*]eVirus_Neo - 2.308.761 [*]Bruce lee - 759.357 [*]Tynisa - 573.842 [*]Deathirst - 276.239 [*]Brad_x - 160.280 [*]01mateo21 - 147.903 [*]dy3nesty666 - ??? still cant find your stats Congrats to sh1ftoid! Well done my friend! Contact me for your prize! Congrats to everyone! I would like to point out Neo: he started out at a very low lvl and managed to get 2.3mil xp. I tried my best to update the scores, by uni is giving me a bad time..
  12. Will you sell items for a small discount to clan members?
  13. Impossibru to kill him with my cb...
  14. Nice one there! Congrats!
  15. Good luck! Call me when you go to gwd!
  16. How many you want, anytime you can xD Just add me.. Labush.
  17. Very nice of you I wont mind accepting some sharks/swordies
  18. Thank you! I'll do my best to not let this clan down.Now...Since i only have 2 neurons(used 1 for the first year of univ, and the other to write my amazing app) I'm going to leave this Tuesday for 1 week so I won't be able to host anything.I would like some input from you guys, but i will open a topic about it where I will introduce myself properly and tell you what I have in mind.
  19. Changed profile pic. Shit just got serious

    1. Blake


      Ladies, contain your orgasms.

    2. CarnivalofSoulz
  20. Thank God that those are all the screenshots...RIGHT??
  21. how about we add the timezone in the app form? That way we can see where he's from.. from there on its only a matter of making a chart with the number of members/timezone
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