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Status Replies posted by Nathan

  1. Peaches!! Hospital bound ;3

  2. I've decided I'm no longer going to run Citadel Gatherings, I've run it 4 times and no one has turned up so theres better ways my time could be spent. If the event team or anyone else wants to create a similar event they are more than welcome to.

  3. I've decided I'm no longer going to run Citadel Gatherings, I've run it 4 times and no one has turned up so theres better ways my time could be spent. If the event team or anyone else wants to create a similar event they are more than welcome to.

  4. It's mah bday bitches!!! Arenanet obvoisly knew this when they scheduled a new stresstest for tonight. Answering all the messages on Facebook right now, hard work using the right smileys and words...

  5. First day of high school tomorrow. I'm nervous. In other news, my second article is online! I worked my butt off for the past hour on finishing touches, so I wiil be ticked off if I don't get comments.

  6. I've decided I'm no longer going to run Citadel Gatherings, I've run it 4 times and no one has turned up so theres better ways my time could be spent. If the event team or anyone else wants to create a similar event they are more than welcome to.

  7. If anyone needs to teleport to the watch tower 2k times and dont have the runes or level to do it let me know. Im going to have over 2000 tely tabs to get rid of

  8. Thanks for the donation! It really helps me out a lot, and I appreciate it. :)

  9. scary how fast life moves

  10. Its sad how many people don't even read LFC messages before posting their advertisement template, I keep seeing them posted in topics where the person is actually trying to recruit people to join their clan but posted in the wrong spot, and then theres the ones who have things in their message like "Hello there [insert name here]" and don't bother to change those bits to the persons name *sigh*

  11. We need a name of TRR members who are also a part of the Skyrim group. So I came up with this. Coalition League (Inner Tamriel) Of Rebels In Skyrim. Thoughts?

  12. I finally saw the Amazing Spiderman, it was pretty good, seemed to stick to the comics as much as possible. Going to see Batman in a few days. Really need to read some of my dads old comics. I also recovered my very first RS account :)

  13. I finally saw the Amazing Spiderman, it was pretty good, seemed to stick to the comics as much as possible. Going to see Batman in a few days. Really need to read some of my dads old comics. I also recovered my very first RS account :)

  14. I finally saw the Amazing Spiderman, it was pretty good, seemed to stick to the comics as much as possible. Going to see Batman in a few days. Really need to read some of my dads old comics. I also recovered my very first RS account :)

  15. Just hit 800 members.

  16. Just saw the Dark Knight Rises. My. God. Perfection. Bane was just as badass as he is in the comics. I'm very pleased, very very pleased. Incoming blog entry

  17. If you havent noticed, i've been absent a lot recently. Currently having some life issues, but i'm trying my best to find time for the site.

  18. 2 recruits in one day! I feel good about myself now :D

  19. Woot 99 FISHING :D

  20. The game crashed, I seem to have died without a grave...Kept more than 3 items (and not in any order of value) and had a heap of seeds and nests in my inventory. items in my bank were also switched with other items or completely removed. Really frustrated, dont feel like playing (hopefully they fix it up but I doubt it)

  21. I'm trying to get the Platinum in AC II. Those feathers will sure be a joy. Thankfully, my family's new tablet should make the job easier.

  22. oh herro knee surgery

  23. Wisdom teeth removed. About to begin day 3 of nothing but jello and pudding. The frightening thing is that eating is so lame now I'm never even hungry.

  24. Long time no see. :o

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