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Status Replies posted by Nathan

  1. Just got back from being filmed by a documentary crew, It was pretty cool.

  2. Gotta go to my freinds funeral tonight... wish me strength

  3. Would people mind checking out my new article? The lack of views saddens me a bit.

  4. My second article is up, it would be awesome if you could all check it out and share your thoughts on it.

  5. Went to midnight release for borderlands 2, so freaking worth it

  6. Went to midnight release for borderlands 2, so freaking worth it

  7. I honestly find feminists to be worse than the Wesboro Baptist Church.

    1. Nathan


      I agree, they're not bad when they aren't over the top and "in your face" about it, and like Snuggles said. Extremists always make groups look bad and I would go further to say they often act against their own group (eg muslims, and some feminists now protest against things that were started by past feminists) Long comment is long.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  8. been a rough week. start my job Tuesday though. wish me luck

  9. So I don't know who saw my Gaming News article, I was planning to do them weekly but I've missed this week because I've been to busy, so I'll catch up with it next week, I'm considering doing it fortnightly instead as that will mean I'll be able to put more content in at once and it will account for weeks where not much is happening.

  10. Awesome Day, Promoted to Council and posted my first article, check it out if you haven't already.

  11. been a good day... talking to a guy that might to into a relationship.. just gna take time first to get over the last prick.. and still secretly hopin he comes back.. but im not depressed anymore so we good

  12. been a good day... talking to a guy that might to into a relationship.. just gna take time first to get over the last prick.. and still secretly hopin he comes back.. but im not depressed anymore so we good

    1. Nathan


      Lots of famous people are suspected to have/had it (Einstein, Da Vinci, Bill Gates, just to name a few)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. been a good day... talking to a guy that might to into a relationship.. just gna take time first to get over the last prick.. and still secretly hopin he comes back.. but im not depressed anymore so we good

    1. Nathan


      ^^Waaaaaaaaait...your an Aspie too? We are everywhere.

      Also good luck with things CarnivalofSoulz

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  14. So Hows my background looking at the moment, I know the right side looks stupid (in my resolution anyway) and so does the bottom part of the image where it starts to tile. I'm kind of thinking of just making one huge image with lots of characters, but the file size would be huge.

  15. So I've noticed a few things I need to fix with my profile background but I'd like some input from you guys before I actually do that. Also I strongly encourage anyone who is able too donate to become a premium member to support the site and access cool new features like this.

  16. So I've noticed a few things I need to fix with my profile background but I'd like some input from you guys before I actually do that. Also I strongly encourage anyone who is able too donate to become a premium member to support the site and access cool new features like this.

  17. gahh its annoying rs ignoring my technical messages i cannot get in runescape at all how am i supposed to change it to open dl or dx or what ever if i cant log in at least it just loads then stops

  18. gahh its annoying rs ignoring my technical messages i cannot get in runescape at all how am i supposed to change it to open dl or dx or what ever if i cant log in at least it just loads then stops

  19. *Looks at Premium Forums last post info* What the heck is going on in there?

  20. I hate trying to find Scientific Journals...There always far more complicated than they need to and rarely actually say what your looking for, especially since I'm still at a basic level of science.

  21. well my boyfreind... wait wait... fiancee... broke up with me last night... i have no idea wtf ima do... besides lose my fucking mind

    1. Nathan


      That sucks, but then its probably better that it happened now than later. I hope things pick up and you can move on and enjoy your life :/

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  22. Awkward moment when you see that you're the only member currently online...besides Google and Bing, of course.

  23. What could be in that premium member forum? The tension is killing me!

  24. cnt find rs forum

  25. Parker Alexander Shepherd born 8/15/2012, 11:03am, 6lbs, 15.6oz. Full head of hair, chubby cheeks.. Absolutely perfect. We're both healthy n happy, thanks for all the well wishes<3 :]

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