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Status Updates posted by Nathan

  1. My second article is up, it would be awesome if you could all check it out and share your thoughts on it.

    1. Jake


      I'll view it when I get home from school.

    2. Nathan
  2. So I don't know who saw my Gaming News article, I was planning to do them weekly but I've missed this week because I've been to busy, so I'll catch up with it next week, I'm considering doing it fortnightly instead as that will mean I'll be able to put more content in at once and it will account for weeks where not much is happening.

    1. Nathan


      I was also planning to do a whole heap of recruitment stuff today but the internet has just been to slow for me today.

    2. Jake


      Sounds like a plan. At least it's more consistent than my articles. Mine are just done when they're done.

    3. David


      You can submit it a day or two late if you have delays, that's still better than skipping it until the next week.

  3. Hey guys, sorry for not being as active as I should be the last few days, I hoped I would be over it by now but I've still got a couple of assignements due in the next few days. After that I'll be working out a Recruitment event so hopefully that will make up for it :)

    1. CarnivalofSoulz


      Awesome! good luck in your endeavors

  4. Awesome Day, Promoted to Council and posted my first article, check it out if you haven't already.

    1. Jake


      You mean Content Team? We don't even have a council, unless you count Blex and Traag.

    2. Nathan


      No, I was also promoted to Council of TRR, lol

  5. So Hows my background looking at the moment, I know the right side looks stupid (in my resolution anyway) and so does the bottom part of the image where it starts to tile. I'm kind of thinking of just making one huge image with lots of characters, but the file size would be huge.

    1. David


      Looks pretty good. There's something on both sides even at max resolution all the way down to minimum, so it's already better than 99% of things people choose.

    2. Nathan
  6. So I've noticed a few things I need to fix with my profile background but I'd like some input from you guys before I actually do that. Also I strongly encourage anyone who is able too donate to become a premium member to support the site and access cool new features like this.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nathan


      Yeah, I'm going to have to work on trying to get it to fit, not quite sure how I'll do that to get it to work in different sized screens but I guess I'll figure it out. So I'll probably work on that tomorrow or the day after. At least it looks good when you can see it :)

    3. Nathan


      Just wondering do you know what size would be best?

    4. David


      1366x768 is probably the most common. 1912x1080 is the max. You can do the top 768 pixels and then place the images horizontally all the way across and then everyone can see it.

  7. As a clan diplomat I'd like to welcome you to the clan. I noticed you heard about us from the Clan wiki so the effort I put into that wasn't for nothing :D. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to ask me or any other member of staff. I hope you enjoy being a Rebel :)

  8. Just created a new background for my profile, its not done yet I wanted to see how it actually looked as the background and see what you guys think of it before I put too much work into it. So let me know what you think of it :D

  9. I hate trying to find Scientific Journals...There always far more complicated than they need to and rarely actually say what your looking for, especially since I'm still at a basic level of science.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nathan


      Yeah its for uni, I've got to find 3 scientific journals to support the claims I make in my Ecology Prac Report. So far I've found 2 that I can use, and they aren't that great, theres only really one sentence in each of them that was actually relevant to what I'm doing. Because its such basic stuff the proper scientific journals just assume anyone reading it is familiar with it so they don't go into detail on those things.

    3. Jake


      I know how you feel. I hate when that happens.

    4. Blake


      Similar thing with English where I had to come up with a social theory based on some real world examples and use scientific journals to back it up.

      Usually, the best course of action is to bs it, draw your own conclusions from your source, and just quote random sentences that connect it all together.

  10. I've decided I'm no longer going to run Citadel Gatherings, I've run it 4 times and no one has turned up so theres better ways my time could be spent. If the event team or anyone else wants to create a similar event they are more than welcome to.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tynisa


      I suppose i didn't really ask a question per se, i made a statement you didn't technically reply to, would be better wording. Technically you half made a reply to my statement about the point of doing it, but left no response the the rest of my statement "In reality, then clan is never going to use it anyway"

      Anyway .. yeah, no hard feelings my friend, just my opinion.

    3. Nathan


      Okay, I get ya now.

      The thing is the citadel can be really useful, its great for a bit of skilling training, though in order to make full use of that you need to upgrade it, the thing with the clan avatars could make it even more useful. And there are definitely people who do like using the citadel and there would be even more if it was upgraded more.

    4. Tynisa


      Sort of see your point, i just .. well, it never got used when i was around, and it doesnt seem like there is more activity than before, so i guess its just me being pessimistic.

      Honestly, i'd come back and play more if people actually attended events - there are WAY too many people in this clan who dont use IRC/Forums, and on top of that dont attend events. - Its part of the reason i stopped playing myself.

  11. Sorry to anyone that did turn up to the Citadel Gathering this morning, I remember being about to roll myself out of bed to go to it and then woke up 2 hours later, -.-

  12. If anyone needs to teleport to the watch tower 2k times and dont have the runes or level to do it let me know. Im going to have over 2000 tely tabs to get rid of

    1. Nathan


      Also citadel gathering in just over 12 hours. SO GO!!! please :D

  13. I hate to say this but, I've decided that I'm going to do the Citadel Gathering for 3 more weeks, if it hasn't improved by then I'll stop doing it. Its a lot of effort to put in for nothing and it gives you 6 opportunities to help out.

    1. Labush
    2. Tynisa


      You might as well quit now.

      I'm not helpful.

  14. We need more diplomats! APPLY PEOPLE!!! :D

  15. It would be really awesome if any of you could make it to the EST citadel gathering tomorrow. (today depending on timezone i guess)

  16. Wow, I slept in till my last class was meant to start, oh well more time for recruiting :D

  17. Its sad how many people don't even read LFC messages before posting their advertisement template, I keep seeing them posted in topics where the person is actually trying to recruit people to join their clan but posted in the wrong spot, and then theres the ones who have things in their message like "Hello there [insert name here]" and don't bother to change those bits to the persons name *sigh*

    1. Tcee


      They duno how to be pro like us? :3

    2. Nathan


      lol, it seems they don't.

    3. Blake


      The worse I've seen was somebody who attempted to copy and paste the guys forum name, but must of accidentally copied his member title and avatar too. And he never changed it which made it hilarious.

  18. I finally saw the Amazing Spiderman, it was pretty good, seemed to stick to the comics as much as possible. Going to see Batman in a few days. Really need to read some of my dads old comics. I also recovered my very first RS account :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nathan


      Yeah, although I never really liked those that much. I found it a lot more canonical to the comics which I love and Gwen was a way more interesting character than MJ ever was, atleast in the movies. The bits I was unsure of I can kind of understand as its their attempt at modernizing it a bit. As they put it the role of "nerds" has changed a lot since Spiderman first started so Peter's "nerdiness" is sort of different (almost hipster). Also I found Toby McGuire's spide...

    3. Nathan


      Also I found Toby McGuire's spiderman far to serious, whereas although there's still that side to him this one is more of the classic fun-loving, smart-ass spidey that I really enjoy.

    4. Nathan


      Yeah, about the backstory, I saw that they're actually plan on doing at least a Trilogy and all of them are going to put quite a bit of emphasis on spidey's origins which could be cool.

  19. 2 recruits in one day! I feel good about myself now :D

  20. The game crashed, I seem to have died without a grave...Kept more than 3 items (and not in any order of value) and had a heap of seeds and nests in my inventory. items in my bank were also switched with other items or completely removed. Really frustrated, dont feel like playing (hopefully they fix it up but I doubt it)

    1. Nathan


      And then they locked my account for submitting a message to Tech support...at least they did something...

    2. gotab0ner4xmas
  21. My internet has been shaped so I doubt I'll log onto rs today. If I do, won't be for long. Fortunately gets reset tomorrow so won't be down for too long.

  22. I got P2P Now :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anarchy
    3. Blake


      play with me

    4. Nathan


      Sure, but I'm still trying to get used to everything so im going to be a complete noob for a while.

  23. I basically need to upgrade to members before I can do anything on Runescape :/

  24. Back in the Clan :D Now I just need to get used to RS again.

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