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Everything posted by gotab0ner4xmas

  1. be thankful hes not a diablo fan..
  2. dont let them damper your spirits huy. keep on doin what yer doin
  3. monopoly is just as bad as life...
  4. My mama said that there'd be days like this/ And now I'm pissed so watch for my angry fists

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gotab0ner4xmas
    3. Blake


      I didn't know what you said was a song. I just made it up.

      Link me.

    4. gotab0ner4xmas
  5. lol. yea. i know people swho started getting into guns cause of that..
  6. well... kinda creepy, chips, but fortunately they wouldnt smell! why not sell them tho? or shit, burn em!
  7. lol. . That's like having to fight a lion every time you to want to have sex or make a sandwich. i liked that line. but yea, people are retarded for buying into that kinda shit. i know people that do =s besides, if it ever did. im too badass to end up anywhere other than on top
  8. holy shit. thats a whle lot of history... and impressive that yall can remember that much
  9. how are bullshit threads bad karma? :Snext question to all: what are YOU doing to fix it?
  10. lol huy, liked the vid... when i get the remains of my old cell, ill have to uploda a few vids of me and my friends shooting... we dont fail tho...
  11. i understand about being active on the site... so, i figure, ill start a bullshit thread. like..legit.. bullshit.to start off, ill ask you whos pissing you off the most currently! family and 'other-halves' ddont count!
  12. lol, blex, add me.and tc... anything and everything i can get away with =p 'sides.. "im too blessed to be stressed".. hakuna matata!
  13. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? hunter_esc55 Your RuneScape account's... Total Level:1668 F2P/P2P: Combat:106?/111 Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? KoH [Kingdom of Hades] err... 07-09 or something like that, then idr, but maybe i went straight to HoTW with the remnants of KoH Where did you hear about TRR? pc world 53; 30 may. clan vexillum set by Tcee What were your first impressions of us? talking to Tcee at pc, seemed legit,. straight forward.. now participating in the clan chat.. kids seem laid back, easy to get along with and just... fun Why do you wish to join our clan? all my friends from back in the day either quit or removed me as friend...
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